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Honorary Contributors


This page showcases some of the projects done by our community of Seeeders!

At Seeed, we deeply value our community of Seeeders and eagerly look forward to co-building innovative solutions together. We sincerely appreciate your efforts and are delighted to showcase your work, sharing it with the rest of our vibrant community.

Adding more Grove modules into the Builder
Creating XIAO Components on Deisgn with AI)
Edgebox RPI 200 Getting Started with Ignition EdgereTerminal DM Getting Started with Ignition Edge

Speech Recognition with Edge Impulse on XIAO nRF52840Conditioning for SGP41 raw data with Seeeduino Nano

Develop SenseCAP Indicator both chips with ArduinoXIAO ESP32C3 connecting with Home Assistant via ESPHome(all ports supported)

SenseCAP Indicator x Matter Application DevelopmentConnect XIAO nRF52840 Sense to Home Assistant(CircuitPython)

Raspberry Pi Platform Devices GuideMicroPython Designed for XIAO ESP32S3 Sense

Collaborated Project
CircuitPython for ESP32S3MicroPython for ESP32C3

Collaborated Project
Build Your Own Weather Dashboard Using GrafanaHard Hat Detection with NVIDIA Jetson


Page Added
XIAO Series Introduction Page Added


Xiao Sense Accelerometer Examples and Low PowerGrove - Wio-e5 library for Arduino Boards