J101 Enable SD Card
J101 Enable SD Card
The method is flashing NVIDIA JetPack OS to the SD card on J101 Carrier Board which is operated on the reComputer J1010. So Flash JetPack OS into reComputer J1010 first is required.
Driver Configuration
At the beginning, we need to power on the reComputer and go to the desktop like below:

Step 1 . Clone the repo
Right click and open the Terminal, and then execute the command below to download the relevant code:
git clone https://github.com/Seeed-Studio/seeed-linux-dtoverlays.git
Step 2. Compile jetson-sdmmc-overlay
Access to the workspace location:
cd seeed-linux-dtoverlays
For J101 Carrier board , We need to change the "compatible" value in this file "overlays\jetsonnano\jetson-sdmmc-overlay.dts".
sed -i '17s#JETSON_COMPATIBLE#\"nvidia,p3449-0000-b00+p3448-0002-b00\"\, \"nvidia\,jetson-nano\"\, \"nvidia\,tegra210\"#' overlays/jetsonnano/jetson-sdmmc-overlay.dts
And then we compile the file we changed to make sure they are correctly modified.
make overlays/jetsonnano/jetson-sdmmc-overlay.dtbo
Step 3. Make sure the sd card can be recognized
Insert the SD card to the J101 Carrier board.
sudo cp overlays/jetsonnano/jetson-sdmmc-overlay.dtbo /boot/
cd /boot/
sudo /opt/nvidia/jetson-io/config-by-hardware.py -l
After executing these command above, we should get the output similar (It may not be exactly the same. Depends on the peripheral and the drivers already installed) to the following and we know the SD card have been regognized:
Header 1 [default]: Jetson 40pin Header
Available hardware modules:
1. Adafruit SPH0645LM4H
2. Adafruit UDA1334A
3. FE-PI Audio V1 and Z V2
4. MCP251x CAN Controller
5. ReSpeaker 4 Mic Array
6. ReSpeaker 4 Mic Linear Array
7. reComputer sdmmc
Header 2: Jetson Nano CSI Connector
Available hardware modules:
1. Camera IMX219 Dual
2. Camera IMX477 Dual
3. Camera IMX477-A and IMX219-B
Header 3: Jetson M.2 Key E Slot
No hardware configurations found!
Step 4. Name our device and Finish driver installation
sudo /opt/nvidia/jetson-io/config-by-hardware.py -n "reComputer sdmmc"

!!!Note You may need to reboot to run jtop after completing the installation for the first time.
Change SD card I/O speed
We provide SD card function on reComputer J101 carrier board, which supports CLK Frequency 48MHz. The CLK here is designed to achieve certificates (such as CE/FCC). If you want to increase CLK by yourself, you can use the instruction below.
Step 1. Clone this repository and modify the the code below.
git clone https://github.com/Seeed-Studio/seeed-linux-dtoverlays
Step 2. Modify and Compile max-clk-limit value
cd seeed-linux-dtoverlays
sed -i '10s#48000000#208000000#' overlays/jetsonnano/jetson-sdmmc-overlay.dts
make overlays/jetsonnano/jetson-sdmmc-overlay.dtbo
sudo cp overlays/jetsonnano/jetson-sdmmc-overlay.dtbo /boot/
sudo /opt/nvidia/jetson-io/config-by-hardware.py -n "reComputer sdmmc"Step 3. Reboot
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