Weekly Wiki✨

This is Seraphina in Seeed Studio and welcome to the Seeed Studio weekly wiki! Each Monday, I will introduce you our latest wiki, including the ones related to our new products, the interesting projects published by Seeed Studio, and the tutorials, introductions, etc... You name it.
✨ For each week, when a collaborator contributes a project or fixes something important, we put the stars at the end of title of "Weekly Wiki" for more people be able to see their efforts👍.
Today is April 15th and a brand new week has begun! Check out what Seeed Studio did last week!
Latest Wiki Launched
Arduino Programming with Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C6
This Wiki describes how to use the XIAO ESP32C6 pins on an Arduino.
WiFi Usage with Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C6
In this tutorial, we will explore how to leverage the XIAO ESP32C6's Wi-Fi capabilities to connect to a Wi-Fi network and perform basic networking tasks.
Empowering AI with AWS IoT Core for the XIAO ESP32C6
This Wiki serves as a comprehensive guide to deploying an advanced IoT system that harnesses the power of AWS services and the XIAO ESP32C6 microcontroller to monitor and analyze environmental data. Beginning with the seamless collection of sensor data, this documentation navigates through the intricacies of transmitting and storing this information on AWS IoT Core and AWS Analytics, respectively. It delves into the utilization of AWS Sagemaker to train machine learning models on normal environmental patterns, emphasizing the system's capability to learn and adapt to its operational context for enhanced efficiency.
Furthermore, the Wiki outlines the implementation of real-time anomaly detection using the XIAO ESP32C6, a critical component that actively scans for deviations from the norm and swiftly triggers alerts. It encapsulates the end-to-end process of setting up an alerting mechanism that notifies stakeholders of abnormal conditions, ensuring prompt attention and action.

Bluetooth usage with Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C6
In this tutorial, we will focus on the basic features of the XIAO ESP32C6's Bluetooth capabilities, such as how to scan for nearby Bluetooth devices, how to establish a Bluetooth connection, and how to transmit and receive data over a Bluetooth connection.

SenseCraft-HomeAssistant User Manual
SenseCraft-HomeAssistant is a plugin for HomeAssistant. By using this plugin, users can log in with the SenseCraft Data Platform (originally SenseCAP Cloud Platform) account to access cloud devices and sensor data on the HomeAssistant platform, generating custom device reporting dashboards.
Create a Project(ESP-IDF) - SenseCAP Indicator
This tutorial focuses on creating projects using the ESP32-S3 with ESP-IDF.
Existed Wiki Updated
Grove - I2C Motor Driver (L298P)
If you encounter a situation where the PWM frequency cannot be changed and remains fixed at 24Hz, you can focus on this wiki to solve your problem.
For detailed flashing instructions, you can refer to this post

Grove Vision AI Module V2 - Bootloader Recovery Tool Manual
This part describes how to recover the bootloader of the Grove Vision AI (WE2) module. The recovery tool is a software tool that can be used to recover the bootloader of the Grove Vision AI (WE2) module in case the bootloader is corrupted, or flash a new firmware to the Grove Vision AI (WE2) module.
Add tutorial for flashing JP5.1.2 on A608
Here we will use NVIDIA L4T 35.4.1 to install Jetpack 5.1.2 on the A608 Carrier Board with Jetson Orin NX module.
The Efforts of Contributor✨
- Check on GitHub for more information.
- We will be really appreciate if you can share your ideas with us!
Past Weekly wiki
- weekly wiki on 2.27th
- weekly wiki on 3.06th
- weekly wiki on 3.13th
- weekly wiki on 3.20th
- weekly wiki on 3.27th
- weekly wiki on 4.03rd
- weekly wiki on 4.10th
- weekly wiki on 4.17th
- weekly wiki on 4.24th
- weekly wiki on 5.15th
- weekly wiki on 5.22nd
- weekly wiki on 5.29th
- weekly wiki on 6.05th
- weekly wiki on 6.12th
- weekly wiki on 6.19th
- weekly wiki on 7.03th
- weekly wiki on 7.10th
- weekly wiki on 7.17th
- weekly wiki on 7.24th
- weekly wiki on 7.31th
- weekly wiki on 8.07th
- weekly wiki on 8.21st
- weekly wiki on 8.28th
- weekly wiki on 9.11st
- weekly wiki on 9.18th
- weekly wiki on 9.25th
- weekly wiki on 10.9th
- weekly wiki on 10.16th
- weekly wiki on 10.23th
- weekly wiki on 10.30th
- weekly wiki on 11.06th
- weekly wiki on 11.13th
- weekly wiki on 11.20th
- weekly wiki on 11.27th
- weekly wiki on 12.04th
- weekly wiki on 12.11th
- weekly wiki on 12.18th
- weekly wiki on 12.25th
- weekly wiki on 2024.1.08th
- weekly wiki on 2024.1.15th
- weekly wiki on 2024.1.22nd
- weekly wiki on 2024.1.29th
- weekly wiki on 2024.2.19th
- weekly wiki on 2024.2.26th
- weekly wiki on 2024.3.04th
- weekly wiki on 2024.3.11th
- weekly wiki on 2024.3.18th
- weekly wiki on 2024.3.25th
- weekly wiki on 2024.4.01st
- weekly wiki on 2024.4.08th