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Weekly Wiki


This is Frank in Seeed Studio and welcome to the Seeed Studio weekly wiki! Each Monday, I will introduce you our latest wiki, including the ones related to our new products, the interesting projects published by Seeed Studio, and the tutorials, introductions, etc... You name it.

✨ For each week, when a collaborator contributes a project or fixes something important, we put the stars at the end of title of "Weekly Wiki" for more people be able to see their efforts👍.

Today is March 3rd, and a brand new week has begun! Check out what Seeed Studio did last week!

Latest Wiki Launched

Getting Started with reCamera Gimbal

The reCamera gimbal 2002 series is the first open-source camera control system, composed of one tiny AI camera - reCamera 2002w 8GB/64GB, and one compatible 2-Axis gimbal basement with 2 brushless motors. It is powered by an RISC-V SoC, providing 1 TOPS AI performance with video encoding at 5MP @ 30 FPS. It offers a Lego-like self-assembly package and integrates the Sensecraft AI platform and Node-RED platform for smooth graphical programming and pipeline construction, enabling rapid self-training, model conversion, and deployment of AI models such as Yolo v5/v8/11.

reComputer R1100 Getting Started

The reComputer R1100, powered by the Raspberry Pi CM4, is a versatile edge IoT gateway with AI capabilities. It features a comprehensive range of industrial interfaces, including 2x Ethernet, 2x USB, 2x RS485, 2x RS232, 2x DI, and 2x DO, along with flexible wireless connectivity options such as 4G, LoRa®, and Wi-Fi/BLE. These features make it an ideal choice for various industrial applications.

reComputer R1100 Assembly Guide

This Wiki will show you how to Assemble and Disassemble the unit to install peripherals components, as well as the option for mounting.

Configure reComputer R1100

Learn how to configure and test hardware components on the reComputer R1100 series after installing devices. This wiki covers GPIO mapping, USER LED testing, SPI communication, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth scanning, LoRa®, 4G, Zigbee over Mini-PCIe, RS485, RS232, DI/DO testing,UPS for safe shutdown and more.

Existing Wiki Updated

XIAO ESP32S3 Sense Sleep Modes

We have updated the example code for the Deep-Sleep, Light-Sleep, and Modem-Sleep modes of the XIAO ESP32S3 Sense.

reComputer R1000 Raspbian OS to eMMC

We have added an operation example for Boot from NVME.

Flash JetPack OS to A603 Carrier Board

We have added an example for using CAN Interfaces.

NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Orin 32GB H01 Kit

We have added relevant information about Developer Tools.

The Efforts of Contributor

Develop both chips with Arduino

This tutorial will guide you to develop your own custom project/firmware for the Sensecap Indicator using the simplicity and Flexibility of the Arduino Framework.

Past Weekly wiki

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