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Seeeduino Lotus Cortex-M0+

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Seeeduino Lotus Cortex-M0+ is an ATMEGA SAM D21 Microcontroller development board. The Atmel® | SMART™ SAM D21 is a series of low-power microcontrollers using the 32-bit ARM® Cortex®-M0+ processor with 256KB Flash and 32KB of SRAM. you can consider the Seeeduino Lotus Cortex-M0+ as a combination of Seeeduino and Base Shield.

Seeeduino Lotus Cortex-M0+ has 14 digital input/outputs (10 of which support PWM) and 6 analog input/outputs, 3 Serial Communication Interface, a micro USB connector, a JST2.0 Li-Po connector, an ICSP header, 12 Grove connectors, a reset button.

Seeeduino Lotus Cortex-M0+ is an upgraded version of Seeeduino Lotus V1.1, it replaces a more powerful chip, optimizes the circuit layout, and the power supply is more stable. Because this chip supports direct USB level output, there is no need to use a serial port to USB chip, like CP2102N. Therefore, one more hardware serial port is available to the user.

Seeeduino Lotus has 14 digital input/outputs (6 of which can output PWM) and 7 analog input/outputs, a micro USB connection, an ICSP header, 12 Grove connections, a reset button.

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RevisionDescriptionsReleaseHow to buy
v1.0Initial public release (beta)Jul 22, 2014enter image description here
v1.1Replace CH340 with CP2102N to enable the compatibilty with MACDec 22,2016enter image description here
Seeeduino Lotus Cortex-M0+Change the Atmega328 microcontroller chip into SAM D21 / Optimized circuit design, power supply is more stableOctober.29, 2018enter image description here

Upgrade Instructions

Compared with Seeeduino Lotus V1.1, the Seeeduino Lotus Cortex-M0+ mainly upgrades in hardware. Please check the figure below.

ItemSeeeduino Lotus V1.1Seeeduino Lotus Cortex-M0+
MCUAtmega328SAM D21
Li-po battery supportNOTYES
Figure 1. Comparison chart

Application Ideas

  • DIY
  • IoT and Smart Home
  • Robot
  • Education


  • Fully compatible with Arduino UNO
  • ARM® Cortex®-M0+ 32bit 48MHz microcontroller(SAMD21)
  • 12 on-board Grove connectors
  • 14 Digital I/O Pins (10 PWM outputs)
  • 6 Analog Inputs
  • Support Power Path Management
  • Support micro-usb or Li-Po battery powered
  • 2A maximum charging current
  • Suitable for low power design


MicrocontrollerSAM D21
Power InputMicro-USB / JST2.0
Operating VoltageUSB:5V / Lipo:3.5V~4.2V
Digital I/O Pins14
PWM Channels10
Analog Input Channels6
DC Current per I/O Pin40 mA
IO Input Voltage3.3V
Flash Memory256KB
Maximum CPU frequency48 MHz


Figure 2. Pinout, you can ckick the image to view the original file

Hardware Overview

The images below show an overview of Seeeduino Lotus hardware features. The pin-out and alternate functions of various pins of Seeeduino Lotus are shown in the pin-out diagram. This could be used as a quick reference.

Figure 3. Hardware Overview
  • Grove Digital
    There are 6 grove digital connectors, let's take D3 for instance:

    GND: System GND
    VCC: Output 3.3V VCC
    D3: Connect to digital pin 3
    D2: Connect to digital pin 2

You can find the silkscreen on the back of the board.

Figure 4. Grove Digital Connectors
  • Grove Analog
    There are three analog Grove connectors, the input voltage range from 0~3.3V. If you need more than 3 analog input, you can use the analog pin in the header zone.
Figure 5. Grove Analog Connectors
  • Grove UART
    We provide 3 hardware UART Port, one Grove UART, TX-RX pins in the header, and Multiplexed function pin SCK SDO in the SWD port. However the Multiplexed pin is not supported by the firmware now. So actually, only two hardware UART are available now. Serial corresponds to Grove UART, and Serial1 corresponds to RX-TX in the header zone.
Figure 6. Grove Hardware UART
  • Female Header
    The Seeeduino Lotus Cortex-M0+ female header is fully compatible with Arduino UNO. It is worth mentioning that, in the DIGITAL part, all pins with a ~ in front support PWM output. Which means D3,D4,D5,D6,D8,D9,D10,D11,D12,D13, ten in total.
Figure 7. Female Header
  • Li-Po Header
    You can use both USB and Li-Po battery supply for Seeeduino Lotus Cortex-M0+. Also, you can use this board to charge your Li-Po battery. When you power the board with USB and plug the Li-Po battery at the same time, the Li-Po battery will be charged, and the CHR LED will flash. After the battery is fully charged, the CHR LED will stop flashing.
Figure 8. JST2.0 Li-Po Header

Getting Started


First of all, you need to:

  • Get a Micro-USB cable You need a Micro-USB cable first; the data cable of an Android Phone will do fine. If you can't find one, you can buy one here.

  • Connect the board Connect the Arduino board to your computer using the USB cable. The green power LED (labelled PWR) should go on.


  • Step 1. You need to Install an Arduino Software.

enter image description here

Launch the Arduino application

Double-click the Arduino application (arduino.exe) you have previously downloaded.

If the Arduino Software loads in a different language, you can change it in the preferences dialog. See the [Arduino Software (IDE) page]( for details.
  • Step 2. Open the Blink example
    Open the LED blink example sketch: File > Examples >01.Basics > Blink.
Figure 9. Blink Path
Figure 10. The key word is Lotus M0
  • Step 4. Select your board and port
    You'll need to select the entry in the Tools > Board menu that corresponds to your Arduino. Selecting a Seeeduino Zero.
Figure 11. Choose the right board

Select the serial device of the Arduino board from the Tools | Serial Port menu. This is likely to be COM3 or higher (COM1 and COM2 are usually reserved for hardware serial ports). To find out, you can disconnect your Arduino board and re-open the menu; the entry that disappears should be the Arduino board. Reconnect the board and select that serial port.

Figure 12. Choose the right port
  • Step 5.Upload the program
    Now, simply click the "Upload" button in the environment. Wait a few seconds and if the upload is successful, the message "Done uploading." will appear in the status bar.
Figure 13. Upload the code

A few seconds after the upload finishes, you should see the pin 13 (L) LED on the board start to blink (in orange). If it does, congratulations! You've gotten Arduino up-and-running. If you have problems, please see the troubleshooting suggestions.

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