SenseCAP Indicator - ChatGPT - DALL·E Application Development
This guide will provide you with information on how to organize the OpenAI Demo for quick addition, deletion, and modification of programs according to the provided BSP (Board Support Package).
- One SenseCAP Indicator
- The ESP-IDF toolchain installed on your computer
If you want to learn how to change the user interface (UI), you can refer to the guide: How to Create your own UI
If you haven't installed the IDF toolchain yet, you can follow the instructions in the guide: How_To_Flash_The_Default_Firmware
Get Started
The main code related to the OpenAI startup flowchart is shown below:

The SenseCAP Indicator x ChatGPT x DALL·E Application is developed based on the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture. The project's workflow indicates its reliance on the MVC architecture.
In this architecture, the components are structured as follows:
- View: The View handles various event-triggered signals and utilizes LVGL (Light and Versatile Graphics Library) for driving the display.
To quickly build the user interface (UI), you can use SquareLine Studio, which is also employed in our project. Recommend using SquareLine Studio version 1.3.0 to ensure a smooth and seamless experience while following this guide..
- Model: The Model contains the
file, which includes theindicator_openai_init()
function. When executed at the Model entry, this function sends requests to OpenAI, receives responses, and parses them for display on the screen through the View.
Here are the key functions and workflow of the Model (once the API Key is saved):
ChatGPT flowchart

DALL·E flowchart

Example Code
To utilize the OpenAI service, we need to implement functions that can send requests to OpenAI, receive responses, and parse the JSON response. The following code snippet illustrates the necessary code structure:
- ChatGPT Code
- DALL·E Code
/* HTTPS Request & get Response */
static int chat_request(struct view_data_openai_request *p_req,
struct view_data_openai_response *p_resp);
/* Json Prase */
static int __chat_json_prase(const char *p_str, char *p_answer, char *p_err);
The chat_request(...)
function in indicator_openai.c
is responsible for sending requests to the OpenAI API, receiving responses, and parsing the JSON response. It generates an HTTP request encapsulating user-supplied data and communicates with the server using mbedtls_send_then_recv(...)
To add a prompt to your application, you can modify the data_buf
variable in the chat_request(...)
function as follows:
Adding Prompt:
data_len += sprintf(data_buf + data_len, "Your are SenseCAP Indicator, developed by Seeed Studio, has been launched on April 20th, 2023.");
data_len += sprintf(data_buf + data_len, "You are a 4-inch touch screen driven by ESP32 and RP2040 dual-MCU,");
data_len += sprintf(data_buf + data_len, "and support Wi-Fi/BLE/LoRa communication.");
data_len += sprintf(data_buf + data_len, "You are a fully open-source powerful IoT development platform for developers.");
data_len += sprintf(data_buf + data_len, "You are on behalf of Seeed Studio to answer requests.");
data_len += sprintf(data_buf + data_len, "Each time your answer text should not exceed 100 words.");
data_len += sprintf(data_buf + data_len, "My first sentence is [");
data_len += sprintf(data_buf + data_len, "%s", p_req->question); // user input
data_len += sprintf(data_buf + data_len, "]");
data_len += sprintf(data_buf + data_len, "\"}]}");
In this function, mbedtls_send_then_recv
is called to do the request and get method.
/* HTTPS Request & get Response */
static int image_request(struct view_data_openai_request *p_req,
struct view_data_openai_response *p_resp);
/* Json Prase */
static int __image_json_prase(const char *p_str, char *p_url, char *p_err);
/* prase URL to download */
static void url_prase(char *p_url, char *p_host, char *p_path);
Principle: When a request is successful, it returns a URL address. By downloading and decoding the image from this URL link, it can be displayed.
Same as ChatGPT Code
, in the initial request, we will utilize a prompt to obtain the image URL. After acquiring the URL, we will attempt to download the image to the local buffer using the obtained URL.
ChatGPT & DALL·E Code
For the detailed and latest code, please refer to SenseCAP Indicator OpenAI.
#include "indicator_openai.h"
#include "cJSON.h"
#include "esp_http_client.h"
#include "esp_tls.h"
#include "freertos/semphr.h"
#include "lwip/dns.h"
#include "lwip/err.h"
#include "lwip/netdb.h"
#include "lwip/sockets.h"
#include "lwip/sys.h"
#include "esp_crt_bundle.h"
#include "mbedtls/ctr_drbg.h"
#include "mbedtls/entropy.h"
#include "mbedtls/error.h"
#include "mbedtls/esp_debug.h"
#include "mbedtls/net_sockets.h"
#include "mbedtls/platform.h"
#include "mbedtls/ssl.h"
#include "nvs.h"
struct indicator_openai
static const char *TAG = "openai";
static struct view_data_openai_request request;
static struct view_data_openai_response response;
static SemaphoreHandle_t __g_gpt_com_sem;
static SemaphoreHandle_t __g_dalle_com_sem;
static bool net_flag = false;
static int request_st_update(int progress, const char* msg)
struct view_data_openai_request_st st;
st.progress = progress;
strcpy(st.state, msg);
esp_event_post_to(view_event_handle, VIEW_EVENT_BASE, VIEW_EVENT_OPENAI_REQUEST_ST, &st, sizeof(st), portMAX_DELAY);
static int mbedtls_send_then_recv(char *p_server, char *p_port, char *p_tx,
size_t tx_len, char *p_rx, size_t rx_len,
int delay_ms, void(*p_read_cb)(uint8_t *p_data, int len))
int ret, flags, len;
char buf[512];
mbedtls_entropy_context entropy;
mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context ctr_drbg;
mbedtls_ssl_context ssl;
mbedtls_x509_crt cacert;
mbedtls_ssl_config conf;
mbedtls_net_context server_fd;
memset(&entropy,0, sizeof(entropy) );
memset(&ctr_drbg,0, sizeof(ctr_drbg) );
memset(&ssl,0, sizeof(ssl) );
memset(&cacert,0, sizeof(cacert) );
memset(&conf,0, sizeof(conf) );
memset(&server_fd,0, sizeof(server_fd) );
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Seeding the random number generator");
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Initializing the entropy source...");
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Initializing the ctr_drbg...");
if ((ret = mbedtls_ctr_drbg_seed(&ctr_drbg, mbedtls_entropy_func, &entropy,
NULL, 0)) != 0)
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "mbedtls_ctr_drbg_seed returned %d", ret);
return -1;
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Attaching the certificate bundle...");
ret = esp_crt_bundle_attach(&conf);
if (ret < 0)
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "esp_crt_bundle_attach returned -0x%x\n\n", -ret);
return -1;
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Setting hostname for TLS session...");
if ((ret = mbedtls_ssl_set_hostname(&ssl, p_server)) != 0)
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "mbedtls_ssl_set_hostname returned -0x%x", -ret);
return -1;
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Setting up the SSL/TLS structure...");
if ((ret = mbedtls_ssl_config_defaults(&conf, MBEDTLS_SSL_IS_CLIENT,
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "mbedtls_ssl_config_defaults returned %d", ret);
goto exit;
mbedtls_ssl_conf_authmode(&conf, MBEDTLS_SSL_VERIFY_OPTIONAL);
mbedtls_ssl_conf_ca_chain(&conf, &cacert, NULL);
mbedtls_ssl_conf_rng(&conf, mbedtls_ctr_drbg_random, &ctr_drbg);
mbedtls_esp_enable_debug_log(&conf, CONFIG_MBEDTLS_DEBUG_LEVEL);
mbedtls_ssl_conf_min_version(&conf, MBEDTLS_SSL_MAJOR_VERSION_3,
mbedtls_ssl_conf_max_version(&conf, MBEDTLS_SSL_MAJOR_VERSION_3,
if ((ret = mbedtls_ssl_setup(&ssl, &conf)) != 0)
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "mbedtls_ssl_setup returned -0x%x\n\n", -ret);
goto exit;
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Connecting to %s:%s...", p_server, p_port);
if ((ret = mbedtls_net_connect(&server_fd, p_server, p_port,
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "mbedtls_net_connect returned -%x", -ret);
goto exit;
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Connected.");
mbedtls_ssl_set_bio(&ssl, &server_fd, mbedtls_net_send, mbedtls_net_recv,
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Performing the SSL/TLS handshake...");
while ((ret = mbedtls_ssl_handshake(&ssl)) != 0)
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned -0x%x", -ret);
goto exit;
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Verifying peer X.509 certificate...");
if ((flags = mbedtls_ssl_get_verify_result(&ssl)) != 0)
/* In real life, we probably want to close connection if ret != 0 */
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Failed to verify peer certificate!");
bzero(buf, sizeof(buf));
mbedtls_x509_crt_verify_info(buf, sizeof(buf), " ! ", flags);
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "verification info: %s", buf);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Certificate verified.");
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Cipher suite is %s", mbedtls_ssl_get_ciphersuite(&ssl));
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Writing HTTP request\r\n%s", p_tx);
size_t written_bytes = 0;
ret = mbedtls_ssl_write(&ssl, (const unsigned char *)p_tx + written_bytes,
tx_len - written_bytes);
if (ret >= 0)
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "%d bytes written", ret);
written_bytes += ret;
else if (ret != MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE &&
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "mbedtls_ssl_write returned -0x%x", -ret);
goto exit;
} while (written_bytes < tx_len);
if (delay_ms > 0)
vTaskDelay(delay_ms / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); // wait
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Reading HTTP response..."); // HERE!!!
size_t recv_len = 0;
ret = mbedtls_ssl_read(&ssl, (unsigned char *)(p_rx + recv_len), rx_len - recv_len);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "mbedtls_ssl_read returned %d", ret);
ret = 0;
if (ret < 0)
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "mbedtls_ssl_read returned -0x%x", -ret);
if (ret == 0)
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "connection closed");
len = ret;
// if( recv_len < 512 ) {
// for (int i = 0; (i < len); i++)
// {
// putchar(p_rx[i + recv_len]);
// }
// }
if( p_read_cb != NULL ) {
p_read_cb(NULL, len);
recv_len += len;
} while (1);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "recv total: %d bytes ", recv_len);
if (ret != 0)
mbedtls_strerror(ret, buf, 100);
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Last error was: -0x%x - %s", -ret, buf);
return -1;
return recv_len;
#define WEB_SERVER ""
#define WEB_PORT "443"
static char *p_recv_buf;
static size_t recv_buf_max_len;
static char openai_api_key[52];
static bool have_key = false;
static int __chat_json_prase(const char *p_str, char *p_answer, char *p_err)
int ret = 0;
cJSON *root = NULL;
cJSON *cjson_item = NULL;
cJSON *cjson_item1 = NULL;
cJSON *cjson_item2 = NULL;
root = cJSON_Parse(p_str);
if (root == NULL)
strcpy(p_err, "Parse json fail");
return -1;
// {
// "error": {
// "message": "",
// "type": "invalid_request_error",
// "param": null,
// "code": "invalid_api_key"
// }
// }
cjson_item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "error");
if (cjson_item != NULL)
cjson_item1 = cJSON_GetObjectItem(cjson_item, "message");
if (cjson_item1 != NULL && cjson_item1->valuestring != NULL && strlen(cjson_item1->valuestring) > 0)
strncpy(p_err, cjson_item1->valuestring, 63);
} else {
cjson_item1 = cJSON_GetObjectItem(cjson_item, "code");
if (cjson_item1 != NULL && cjson_item1->valuestring != NULL)
strncpy(p_err, cjson_item1->valuestring, 63);
return -1;
cjson_item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "choices");
if (cjson_item != NULL)
cjson_item1 = cJSON_GetObjectItem(cJSON_GetArrayItem(cjson_item, 0), "message");
if (cjson_item1 != NULL)
cjson_item2 = cJSON_GetObjectItem(cjson_item1, "content");
if (cjson_item2 != NULL && cjson_item2->valuestring != NULL)
strcpy(p_answer, cjson_item2->valuestring);
return 0;
strcpy(p_err, "Not find answer");
return -1;
static int chat_request(struct view_data_openai_request *p_req,
struct view_data_openai_response *p_resp)
char request_buf[2048];
char data_buf[1536];
int data_len = 0;
int ret = 0;
int len = 0;
memset(request_buf, 0, sizeof(request_buf));
memset(data_buf, 0, sizeof(data_buf));
data_len = sprintf(data_buf,
"{\"model\":\"gpt-3.5-turbo\",\"temperature\":0.7, \"messages\":[{\"role\":"
data_len += sprintf(data_buf + data_len, "Your are SenseCAP Indicator, developed by Seeed Studio, has been launched on April 20th, 2023.");
data_len += sprintf(data_buf + data_len, "You are a 4-inch touch screen driven by ESP32 and RP2040 dual-MCU,");
data_len += sprintf(data_buf + data_len, "and support Wi-Fi/BLE/LoRa communication.");
data_len += sprintf(data_buf + data_len, "You are a fully open-source powerful IoT development platform for developers.");
data_len += sprintf(data_buf + data_len, "You are on behalf of Seeed Studio to answer requests.");
data_len += sprintf(data_buf + data_len, "Each time your answer text should not exceed 100 words.");
data_len += sprintf(data_buf + data_len, "My first sentence is [");
data_len += sprintf(data_buf + data_len, "%s", p_req->question);
data_len += sprintf(data_buf + data_len, "]");
data_len += sprintf(data_buf + data_len, "\"}]}");
len += sprintf(request_buf + len, "POST /v1/chat/completions HTTP/1.0\r\n");
len += sprintf(request_buf + len, "Host: %s\r\n", WEB_SERVER);
len += sprintf(request_buf + len, "Connection: Close\r\n");
len += sprintf(request_buf + len, "Content-Type: application/json\r\n");
len += sprintf(request_buf + len, "Content-Length: %d\r\n", data_len);
len += sprintf(request_buf + len, "Authorization: Bearer %s\r\n",
len += sprintf(request_buf + len, "\r\n");
len += sprintf(request_buf + len, "%s", data_buf);
memset(p_recv_buf, 0, recv_buf_max_len);
ret = mbedtls_send_then_recv(WEB_SERVER, WEB_PORT, request_buf, len,
p_recv_buf, recv_buf_max_len, 100, NULL);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "mbedtls ret = %d", ret);
if (ret < 0)
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "mbedtls request fail");
p_resp->ret = 0;
strcpy(p_resp->err_msg, "Connect '' fail");
return -1;
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Starting using strstr");
char *p_json = strstr(p_recv_buf, "\r\n\r\n");
if (p_json == NULL)
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Response format error");
p_resp->ret = 0;
strcpy(p_resp->err_msg, "Response format error");
return -1;
p_json += 4;
p_resp->p_answer = p_recv_buf + recv_buf_max_len / 2; // use p_recv_buf mem
ret = __chat_json_prase(p_json, p_resp->p_answer, p_resp->err_msg);
if (ret != 0)
p_resp->ret = 0;
return -1;
p_resp->ret = 1;
return 0;
static int __image_json_prase(const char *p_str, char *p_url, char *p_err)
int ret = 0;
cJSON *root = NULL;
cJSON *cjson_item = NULL;
cJSON *cjson_item1 = NULL;
cJSON *cjson_item2 = NULL;
root = cJSON_Parse(p_str);
if (root == NULL)
strcpy(p_err, "Parse json fail");
return -1;
cjson_item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "error");
if (cjson_item != NULL)
cjson_item1 = cJSON_GetObjectItem(cjson_item, "message");
if (cjson_item1 != NULL && cjson_item1->valuestring != NULL)
strcpy(p_err, cjson_item1->valuestring);
return -1;
cjson_item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "data");
if (cjson_item != NULL)
cjson_item1 = cJSON_GetObjectItem(cJSON_GetArrayItem(cjson_item, 0), "url");
if (cjson_item1 != NULL && cjson_item1->valuestring != NULL)
strcpy(p_url, cjson_item1->valuestring);
return 0;
strcpy(p_err, "Not find url");
return -1;
static void url_prase(char *p_url, char *p_host, char *p_path)
char *pos1;
char *pos2;
pos1 = strchr(p_url, '/');
pos2 = strchr(pos1 + 2, '/');
strncpy(p_host, pos1 + 2, pos2 - (pos1 + 2));
strncpy(p_path, pos2, strlen(pos2) + 1);
static image_download_progress = 40;
static void image_progress_update_cb(uint8_t *p_data, int len)
if( image_download_progress >=99) {
if( (image_download_progress%10) == 0) {
request_st_update(image_download_progress, "Download image...");
static int image_request(struct view_data_openai_request *p_req,
struct view_data_openai_response *p_resp)
char request_buf[1024];
char data_buf[1024];
int data_len = 0;
int ret = 0;
int len = 0;
memset(request_buf, 0, sizeof(request_buf));
memset(data_buf, 0, sizeof(data_buf));
if( strlen(request.question) == 0) {
strcpy(request.question, "Astronaut riding a horse in space.");
data_len =
sprintf(data_buf, "{\"prompt\":\"%s\",\"n\":1,\"size\":\"512x512\"}",
len += sprintf(request_buf + len, "POST /v1/images/generations HTTP/1.0\r\n");
len += sprintf(request_buf + len, "Host: %s\r\n", WEB_SERVER);
len += sprintf(request_buf + len, "Content-Type: application/json\r\n");
len += sprintf(request_buf + len, "Connection: Close\r\n");
len += sprintf(request_buf + len, "Content-Length: %d\r\n", data_len);
len += sprintf(request_buf + len, "Authorization: Bearer %s\r\n",
len += sprintf(request_buf + len, "\r\n");
len += sprintf(request_buf + len, "%s", data_buf);
memset(p_recv_buf, 0, recv_buf_max_len);
image_download_progress = 40;
request_st_update( image_download_progress, "Image generation...");
ret = mbedtls_send_then_recv(WEB_SERVER, WEB_PORT, request_buf, len,
p_recv_buf, recv_buf_max_len, 2000, NULL);
if (ret < 0)
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "mbedtls request fail");
p_resp->ret = 0;
strcpy(p_resp->err_msg, "Request fail");
return -1;
char *p_json = strstr(p_recv_buf, "\r\n\r\n");
if (p_json == NULL)
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Response format error");
p_resp->ret = 0;
strcpy(p_resp->err_msg, "Response format error");
return -1;
p_json += 4;
memset(data_buf, 0, sizeof(data_buf));
ret = __image_json_prase(p_json, data_buf, p_resp->err_msg);
if (ret != 0)
p_resp->ret = 0;
return -1;
// download image
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Download image from (%s)...", data_buf);
char host[64];
char path[512];
memset(host, 0, sizeof(host));
memset(path, 0, sizeof(path));
url_prase(data_buf, host, path);
len = 0;
memset(request_buf, 0, sizeof(request_buf));
len += sprintf(request_buf + len, "GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n", path);
len += sprintf(request_buf + len, "Host: %s\r\n", host);
len += sprintf(request_buf + len, "Connection: Close\r\n");
len += sprintf(request_buf + len, "\r\n");
memset(p_recv_buf, 0, recv_buf_max_len);
ret = mbedtls_send_then_recv(host, "443", request_buf, len,
p_recv_buf, recv_buf_max_len, 2000, image_progress_update_cb);
if (ret < 0)
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Download fail");
p_resp->ret = 0;
strcpy(p_resp->err_msg, "Download fail");
return -1;
// find png image len
int content_len = 0;
char *p_content_len_str = strstr(p_recv_buf, "Content-Length");
if( p_content_len_str == NULL ) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Content-Length not find");
p_resp->ret = 0;
strcpy(p_resp->err_msg, "Content-Length not find");
return -1;
sscanf(p_content_len_str, "Content-Length: %d", &content_len);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Content-Length: %d", content_len);
// find png image body
char *p_png = strstr(p_recv_buf, "\r\n\r\n");
if (p_json == NULL)
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Response format error");
p_resp->ret = 0;
strcpy(p_resp->err_msg, "Response format error");
return -1;
p_png += 4;
p_resp->p_answer = p_png;
p_resp->ret = 1;
p_resp->len = content_len;
return 0;
static void __openai_api_key_read(void)
esp_err_t ret = 0;
int len = sizeof(openai_api_key);
ret = indicator_storage_read(OPENAI_API_KEY_STORAGE, (void *)openai_api_key, &len);
if (ret == ESP_OK && len == (sizeof(openai_api_key)))
have_key = true;
esp_event_post_to(view_event_handle, VIEW_EVENT_BASE, VIEW_EVENT_OPENAI_ST, &have_key, sizeof(have_key), portMAX_DELAY);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "openai_api_key read successful");
// err or not find
have_key = false;
esp_event_post_to(view_event_handle, VIEW_EVENT_BASE, VIEW_EVENT_OPENAI_ST, &have_key, sizeof(have_key), portMAX_DELAY);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "openai_api_key not find");
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "openai_api_key read err:%d", ret);
static int __openai_init()
recv_buf_max_len = 1024 * 1024;
p_recv_buf = malloc(recv_buf_max_len); // from psram
if (p_recv_buf == NULL)
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "malloc %s bytes fail!", recv_buf_max_len);
static void __indicator_openai_task(void *p_arg)
int ret = 0;
while (1) {
if (net_flag) {
if (xSemaphoreTake(__g_gpt_com_sem, pdMS_TO_TICKS(100)) == pdTRUE) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "--> chat request: %s", request.question);
memset(&response, 0, sizeof(response));
request_st_update(99, "Request...");
ret = chat_request(&request, &response);
if (ret != 0) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "reuest fail: %d, err_msg:%s", response.ret, response.err_msg);
request_st_update(100, "Reuest fail");
} else {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "<-- response:%s", response.p_answer);
request_st_update(100, "Done");
// vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000));
esp_event_post_to(view_event_handle, VIEW_EVENT_BASE, VIEW_EVENT_CHATGPT_RESPONSE, &response, sizeof(response), portMAX_DELAY);
if (xSemaphoreTake(__g_dalle_com_sem, pdMS_TO_TICKS(100)) == pdTRUE)
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "--> dell·e request: %s", request.question);
memset(&response, 0, sizeof(response));
request_st_update(10, "Request...");
ret = image_request(&request, &response);
if (ret != 0) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "reuest fail: %d, err_msg:%s", response.ret, response.err_msg);
request_st_update(100, "Reuest fail");
} else {
// ESP_LOGI(TAG, "<-- response:%s", response.p_answer);
request_st_update(100, "Done");
esp_event_post_to(view_event_handle, VIEW_EVENT_BASE, VIEW_EVENT_DALLE_RESPONSE, &response, sizeof(response), portMAX_DELAY);
static void __view_event_handler(void *handler_args, esp_event_base_t base,
int32_t id, void *event_data)
switch (id)
struct view_data_wifi_st *p_st = (struct view_data_wifi_st *)event_data;
if (p_st->is_network)
net_flag = true;
net_flag = false;
struct view_data_openai_request *p_req = (struct view_data_openai_request *)event_data;
memcpy(&request,p_req, sizeof(request));
request_st_update(0, "ready");
struct view_data_openai_request *p_req = (struct view_data_openai_request *)event_data;
memcpy(&request,p_req, sizeof(request));
request_st_update(0, "ready");
int indicator_openai_init(void)
__g_gpt_com_sem = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
__g_dalle_com_sem = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_event_handler_instance_register_with( view_event_handle,
__view_event_handler, NULL, NULL));
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_event_handler_instance_register_with( view_event_handle,
__view_event_handler, NULL, NULL));
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_event_handler_instance_register_with( view_event_handle,
__view_event_handler, NULL, NULL));
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_event_handler_instance_register_with( view_event_handle,
__view_event_handler, NULL, NULL));
xTaskCreate(&__indicator_openai_task, "__indicator_openai_task", 1024 * 10, NULL, 10, NULL);
- SenseCAP Indicator X ChatGPT
- SenseCAP Indicator X DALL·E
- Demo SDK: The Demo SDK for the SenseCAP Indicator is available on GitHub.
- SenseCAP Indicator User Guide: The User Guide provides detailed information about the software and hardware of the SenseCAP Indicator Board. You can read it here.
- Chat completions OpenAI Guide: If you're new to Chat API, this guide will help you get you on board. You can find it here.
File: This file contains the main functions for theChatGPT
integration. You can view it here.- Getting Started Guide for ESP-IDF: This guide provides full steps to configure and use ESP-IDF to build projects. You can access it here.
Tech Support
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