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Single Channel LoRaWAN Gateway - SenseCAP Indicator

SenseCAP Indicator D1ProSenseCAP Indicator D1L

This project demonstrates how to implement a single channel LoRaWAN gateway (LoRaHub) using SenseCAP Indicator which use XIAO ESP32S3 as host MCU and SX1262 LoRa radio and build up a LoRaWAN application on The Things Network(TTN). Upgrading the firmware offers a practical solution for those interested in delving into LoRa technology and establishing connections to LNS(lora network server).

For single channel gateways(called One-Channel Hub), which are low-cost tools that enable users to begin exploring the LoRa realm. These gateways can receive LoRa packets on a specific spreading factor and channel and facilitate the exchange of these packets with the network. Due to their affordability, many users have embarked on building their own single-channel gateways to experiment with LoRa.

This is the github project: SenseCAP Indicator LoRaHub Demonstration.

Flash Firmware

The firmware is prepared for installation. Simply download the latest version from bin library.


We also provide a merged version of firmware in GitHub. The following instruction is based on the separated version for easier understanding for the beginner. If you want to directly burn the merged version, set the flashing address to 0x0.

If you don't use the complete ESP-IDF environment, it is also possible to flash the provided binary files using the esptool utility.

Click to download the firmware:

Customize and build firmware

If you want to reset the configuration, the following instruction can help you build the firmware by yourself under ESP-IDF environment.

Setup environment

This project is based on the Espressif ESP-IDF development, check this guide to setup the environment.


mkdir -p ~/esp
cd ~/esp
git clone -b v5.2.1 --recursive

Set up Tools

cd esp-idf/

Installation of One Channel Hub

Step 1: Clone the hub to local repository. And navigate to the project path.

git clone

cd ~/this_project_directory/

Step 2: Install required driver

  • Get the radio drivers:
cd ~/this_project_directory/components/radio_drivers
  • SX126x driver(sx1261, sx1262, sx1268):
git clone -b v2.3.2 sx126x_driver
  • llcc68 driver:
git clone -b v2.3.2 llcc68_driver
  • lr11xx driver(lr1121):
git clone -b v2.4.1 lr11xx_driver

Build Firmware

Step 1: Enter the lorahub directory.

cd ~/this_project_directory/lorahub

Prepare your Linux/MAC terminal for building with ESP-IDF from the command line. This step can be skipped on Windows as the installed 'ESP-IDF x.x CMD' tool will prepare the environment automatically.

. ~/esp/esp-idf/

Configure the ESP32 target to build for. set-target esp32s3

Customize the build if necessary: menuconfig

Build the project: all

Flash with esp-idf

Identify the serial device associated to the One-Channel Hub to be flashed. For linux and mac, can check the serial port by

ls /dev/cu*

then flash using, replace the port -p port flash

If a permission error is returned, check that the current user is part of the dialout group. If not, do the following, reboot the linux machine and try again:

sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USERNAME

On a Windows setup, let's suppose that the device is mounted as COM14, the above command would be like: -p COM14 flash

Launch the monitor console to see logs (optional). -p port monitor

Flash with esptool

If not using the complete ESP-IDF environment, it is also possible to flash the provided binary files using the esptool utility.

// Merged version --chip esp32s3 -p port -b 460800 --before=default_reset --after=hard_reset write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size 8MB 0x0 Indicator_Lorahub_v1.0.0.bin
// Seperated version --chip esp32s3 -p port -b 460800 --before=default_reset --after=hard_reset write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size 8MB 0x0 bootloader.bin 0x10000 indicator_lorahub.bin 0x8000 partition-table.bin

On a Windows setup the esptool command for flashing would be:

// Merged version
py -m esptool --chip esp32s3 -p COM -b 460800 --before=default_reset --after=hard_reset write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size 8MB 0x0 Indicator_Lorahub_v1.0.0.bin
// Seperated version
py -m esptool --chip esp32s3 -p COM -b 460800 --before=default_reset --after=hard_reset write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size 8MB 0x0 bootloader.bin 0x10000 indicator_lorahub.bin 0x8000 partition-table.bin

Replace port and COM with the name of used serial port. If connection fails, see Troubleshooting.

Flash with esptool-JS

Online esptool is recommended for flashing.

Step1: Set Baud rate to 115200 and connect to correct port.

Step2: Choose bin file and fill in coresponding flash address.

  • Merged version:
Flash AddressFile
  • Seperated version:
Flash AddressFile

Indicator Configuration

Step1. Enter the Wi-Fi page to configure the network, select the appropriate SSID, and enter the password.

Step2. Configure the parameters on the LoRa Gateway page, set LNS and port as "1700", click "configure", and then click "reboot".

Connect to The Things Network(TTN)

Step1. Log in to the TTN platform and go to the console, click Gateways->Register gateway.

Step2. Enter the Gateway ID of the Indicator into the Gateway EUI.

Step3. After filling in the custom gateway name, select the corresponding Frequency plan (which must match the configuration on the Indicator), and click Register gateway. At this point, the single-channel gateway of the Indicator has been added to TTN.

Step4. After adding the Indicator single-channel gateway, click Applications to add a device. In this example, the SenseCAP T1000 Tracker is used as the node device. For detailed connection steps, refer to the Wiki: In End devices->General settings->Network layer->Advanced MAC settings, you need to set the Adaptive data rate (ADR) to Static mode, and the ADR data rate index needs to be configured according to the spreading factor set on the Indicator. For example, if the spreading factor is set to 9, the ADR data rate index should be set to 3, and similarly for other values.

Step5. As shown below, you can check the EVENT DETAILS in the Live data of the added node device to view related logs. You can see that the node device reports data through the newly added Indicator single-channel gateway.


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