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Connect to Helium

Device Configuration

Before connecting to Helium, you need to configure the basic parameters of your device on SenseCAP Mate APP, check Get Started for more details.

  • Set the platform to Helium, and then copy the Device EUI/APP EUI/APP Key.


ChirpStack LNS

To receive the data from a device on the Helium network it must be associated with an LNS (LoraWAN Network Server). New users typically use one of the public LNSs, many of which use ChirpStack, but it is also possible to connect one's own LNS to Helium. The following steps are taken from the on-boarding of a T1000 to the MeteoScientific public LNS but should be easy to adapt to other LNSs on Helium.

For those familiar with the general process the TL;DR; is:

  • create an device profile with the appropriate region and the codec (see source below)
  • create device with devEUI, appKey, and a app_eui variable with the AppEUI, all three values coming from the Sense Craft app

Add device profile

The first step is to add a device profile for the T1000 to your ChirpStack LNS. This tells the LNS how to decode the packets it receives from a T1000 as well as a number of other settings.

In the ChirpStack dashboard select the device profiles (green circle in the image below) and then add a device profile (red circle).


On the general tab, enter a device profile name you will recognize and select the appropriate region parameters. The LoRaWAN MAC version should be 1.0.4. The expected uplink interval can be set too, the main thing it controls is when the LNS user interface shows the device as active vs. inactive. It has no effect on the delivery of packets through the LNS.


On the Codec tab select "JavaScript functions" and enter the codec from the Seeed github repo (this is the TTN codec, which is compatible with ChirpStack V4, there is a ChirpStack V3 codec in the same repo in case you are using an old version).


Add Application and first Device

The next step is to create an application and add actual devices to it. Go to the applications section and add a new application.


Then add a device to the application and enter the devEUI as captured in the Sense Craft app earlier.


On the variables tab add a variable called app_eui with the AppEUI from the Sense Craft app as value:


Hitting submit will bring up a page asking for the AppKey, again as captured earlier using the Sense Craft app:


Watch your T1000 connect

On the LoRaWAN frames tab you will see a spinner and then packets show up as they are received/sent. Press the button your T1000 to cause it to take a measurement and send a join request to connect with the LNS. Once this happens, you should see something like this:


Once the join process has been performed the T1000 sends data. The LNS responds back with some information about the network frequencies and such, but subsequent to that there should only be uplinks with data.

The actual data as decoded by the codec can be seen on the events tab, except that initially the ChirpStack V3 codec was used for this device so an error is shown (see the red circle). Using the TTN codec works and one can see the actual data values by clicking on the +up button (green circle).


Helium Console Configuration

The Helium console is no longer open for new accounts. The description for how to connect a T1000 to the Helium Console remains here for users that already have an account. For new users, please refer to the ChirpStack LNA steps above or determine the necessary steps for your particular LNA based on the two existing examples here.

Add New Device

Log into your Helium console, then go to Devices section and click on Add device button.


Fill the required fields such as the device name, the LoRaWAN credentials, etc.
Then click the Save Device button.


Create the decoder function

The next step is to setup the function that will decode the raw bytes into a human readable form.
Head to Function tab on the panel at the left side. Then click the Add New Function button and give it a name:


Copy the following code and then save the changes.

Decoder for Helium
function Decoder (bytes, port) {
const bytesString = bytes2HexString(bytes)
const originMessage = bytesString.toLocaleUpperCase()
const fport = parseInt(port)
const decoded = {
valid: true,
err: 0,
payload: bytesString,
messages: []

if (fport === 199 || fport === 192) {
decoded.messages.push({fport: fport, payload: bytesString})
return { data: decoded }
if (fport !== 5) {
decoded.valid = false
return { data: decoded }

let measurement = messageAnalyzed(originMessage)
if (measurement.length === 0) {
decoded.valid = false
return { data: decoded }

for (let message of measurement) {
if (message.length === 0) {
let elements = []
for (let element of message) {
if (element.errorCode) {
decoded.err = element.errorCode
decoded.errMessage = element.error
} else {
if (elements.length > 0) {
// decoded.messages = measurement
return { data: decoded }

function messageAnalyzed (messageValue) {
try {
let frames = unpack(messageValue)
let measurementResultArray = []
for (let i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
let item = frames[i]
let dataId = item.dataId
let dataValue = item.dataValue
let measurementArray = deserialize(dataId, dataValue)
return measurementResultArray
} catch (e) {
return e.toString()

function unpack (messageValue) {
let frameArray = []

for (let i = 0; i < messageValue.length; i++) {
let remainMessage = messageValue
let dataId = remainMessage.substring(0, 2).toUpperCase()
let dataValue
let dataObj = {}
let packageLen
switch (dataId) {
case '01':
packageLen = 94
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '02':
packageLen = 32
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '03':
packageLen = 64
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '04':
packageLen = 20
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '05':
packageLen = 10
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '06':
packageLen = 44
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '07':
packageLen = 84
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '08':
packageLen = 70
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '09':
packageLen = 36
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '0A':
packageLen = 76
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '0B':
packageLen = 62
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '0C':
packageLen = 2
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
case '0D':
packageLen = 10
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '0E':
packageLen = getInt(remainMessage.substring(8, 10)) * 2 + 10
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, 8) + remainMessage.substring(10, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '0F':
packageLen = 34
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '10':
packageLen = 26
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '11':
packageLen = 28
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
return frameArray
if (dataValue.length < 2) {
return frameArray

function deserialize (dataId, dataValue) {
let measurementArray = []
let eventList = []
let measurement = {}
let collectTime = 0
let groupId = 0
let shardFlag = {}
let payload = ''
let result = []
let dataArr = []
switch (dataId) {
case '01':
measurementArray = getUpShortInfo(dataValue)
measurementArray.push(...getMotionSetting(dataValue.substring(30, 40)))
measurementArray.push(...getStaticSetting(dataValue.substring(40, 46)))
measurementArray.push(...getShockSetting(dataValue.substring(46, 52)))
measurementArray.push(...getTempSetting(dataValue.substring(52, 72)))
measurementArray.push(...getLightSetting(dataValue.substring(72, 92)))
case '02':
measurementArray = getUpShortInfo(dataValue)
case '03':
measurementArray.push(...getMotionSetting(dataValue.substring(0, 10)))
measurementArray.push(...getStaticSetting(dataValue.substring(10, 16)))
measurementArray.push(...getShockSetting(dataValue.substring(16, 22)))
measurementArray.push(...getTempSetting(dataValue.substring(22, 42)))
measurementArray.push(...getLightSetting(dataValue.substring(42, 62)))
case '04':
let interval = 0
let workMode = getInt(dataValue.substring(0, 2))
let heartbeatInterval = getMinsByMin(dataValue.substring(4, 8))
let periodicInterval = getMinsByMin(dataValue.substring(8, 12))
let eventInterval = getMinsByMin(dataValue.substring(12, 16))
switch (workMode) {
case 0:
interval = heartbeatInterval
case 1:
interval = periodicInterval
case 2:
interval = eventInterval
measurementArray = [
{measurementId: '3940', type: 'Work Mode', measurementValue: workMode},
{measurementId: '3942', type: 'Heartbeat Interval', measurementValue: heartbeatInterval},
{measurementId: '3943', type: 'Periodic Interval', measurementValue: periodicInterval},
{measurementId: '3944', type: 'Event Interval', measurementValue: eventInterval},
{measurementId: '3941', type: 'SOS Mode', measurementValue: getSOSMode(dataValue.substring(16, 18))},
{measurementId: '3900', type: 'Uplink Interval', measurementValue: interval}
case '05':
measurementArray = [
{measurementId: '3000', type: 'Battery', measurementValue: getBattery(dataValue.substring(0, 2))},
{measurementId: '3940', type: 'Work Mode', measurementValue: getWorkingMode(dataValue.substring(2, 4))},
{measurementId: '3965', type: 'Positioning Strategy', measurementValue: getPositioningStrategy(dataValue.substring(4, 6))},
{measurementId: '3941', type: 'SOS Mode', measurementValue: getSOSMode(dataValue.substring(6, 8))}
case '06':
collectTime = getUTCTimestamp(dataValue.substring(8, 16))
measurementArray = [
{measurementId: '4200', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Event Status', measurementValue: getEventStatus(dataValue.substring(0, 6))},
{measurementId: '4197', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Longitude', measurementValue: parseFloat(getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(16, 24), 1000000))},
{measurementId: '4198', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Latitude', measurementValue: parseFloat(getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(24, 32), 1000000))},
{measurementId: '4097', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Air Temperature', measurementValue: getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(32, 36), 10)},
{measurementId: '4199', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Light', measurementValue: getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(36, 40))},
{measurementId: '3000', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Battery', measurementValue: getBattery(dataValue.substring(40, 42))}
case '07':
eventList = getEventStatus(dataValue.substring(0, 6))
collectTime = getUTCTimestamp(dataValue.substring(8, 16))
measurementArray = [
{measurementId: '4200', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Event Status', measurementValue: getEventStatus(dataValue.substring(0, 6))},
{measurementId: '5001', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Wi-Fi Scan', measurementValue: getMacAndRssiObj(dataValue.substring(16, 72))},
{measurementId: '4097', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Air Temperature', measurementValue: getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(72, 76), 10)},
{measurementId: '4199', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Light', measurementValue: getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(76, 80))},
{measurementId: '3000', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Battery', measurementValue: getBattery(dataValue.substring(80, 82))}
case '08':
collectTime = getUTCTimestamp(dataValue.substring(8, 16))
measurementArray = [
{measurementId: '4200', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Event Status', measurementValue: getEventStatus(dataValue.substring(0, 6))},
{measurementId: '5002', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'BLE Scan', measurementValue: getMacAndRssiObj(dataValue.substring(16, 58))},
{measurementId: '4097', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Air Temperature', measurementValue: getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(58, 62), 10)},
{measurementId: '4199', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Light', measurementValue: getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(62, 66))},
{measurementId: '3000', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Battery', measurementValue: getBattery(dataValue.substring(66, 68))}
case '09':
collectTime = getUTCTimestamp(dataValue.substring(8, 16))
measurementArray = [
{measurementId: '4200', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Event Status', measurementValue: getEventStatus(dataValue.substring(0, 6))},
{measurementId: '4197', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Longitude', measurementValue: parseFloat(getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(16, 24), 1000000))},
{measurementId: '4198', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Latitude', measurementValue: parseFloat(getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(24, 32), 1000000))},
{measurementId: '3000', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Battery', measurementValue: getBattery(dataValue.substring(32, 34))}
case '0A':
collectTime = getUTCTimestamp(dataValue.substring(8, 16))
measurementArray = [
{measurementId: '4200', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Event Status', measurementValue: getEventStatus(dataValue.substring(0, 6))},
{measurementId: '5001', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Wi-Fi Scan', measurementValue: getMacAndRssiObj(dataValue.substring(16, 72))},
{measurementId: '3000', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Battery', measurementValue: getBattery(dataValue.substring(72, 74))}
case '0B':
collectTime = getUTCTimestamp(dataValue.substring(8, 16))
measurementArray = [
{measurementId: '4200', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Event Status', measurementValue: getEventStatus(dataValue.substring(0, 6))},
{measurementId: '5002', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'BLE Scan', measurementValue: getMacAndRssiObj(dataValue.substring(16, 58))},
{measurementId: '3000', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Battery', measurementValue: getBattery(dataValue.substring(58, 60))},
case '0D':
let errorCode = getInt(dataValue)
let error = ''
switch (errorCode) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
measurementArray.push({errorCode, error})
case '0E':
shardFlag = getShardFlag(dataValue.substring(0, 2))
groupId = getInt(dataValue.substring(2, 6))
payload = dataValue.substring(6)
measurement = {
measurementId: '6152',
groupId: groupId,
index: shardFlag.index,
count: shardFlag.count,
type: 'gnss-ng payload',
measurementValue: payload
case '0F':
collectTime = getUTCTimestamp(dataValue.substring(8, 16))
shardFlag = getShardFlag(dataValue.substring(26, 28))
groupId = getInt(dataValue.substring(28, 32))
measurementId: '4200',
timestamp: collectTime,
motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)),
groupId: groupId,
index: shardFlag.index,
count: shardFlag.count,
type: 'Event Status',
measurementValue: getEventStatus(dataValue.substring(0, 6))
measurementId: '4097',
timestamp: collectTime,
motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)),
groupId: groupId,
index: shardFlag.index,
count: shardFlag.count,
type: 'Air Temperature',
measurementValue: '' + getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(16, 20), 10)
measurementId: '4199',
timestamp: collectTime,
motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)),
groupId: groupId,
index: shardFlag.index,
count: shardFlag.count,
type: 'Light',
measurementValue: '' + getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(20, 24))
measurementId: '3000',
timestamp: collectTime,
motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)),
groupId: groupId,
index: shardFlag.index,
count: shardFlag.count,
type: 'Battery',
measurementValue: '' + getBattery(dataValue.substring(24, 26))
case '10':
collectTime = getUTCTimestamp(dataValue.substring(8, 16))
shardFlag = getShardFlag(dataValue.substring(18, 20))
groupId = getInt(dataValue.substring(20, 24))
measurementId: '4200',
timestamp: collectTime,
motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)),
groupId: groupId,
index: shardFlag.index,
count: shardFlag.count,
type: 'Event Status',
measurementValue: getEventStatus(dataValue.substring(0, 6))
measurementId: '3000',
timestamp: collectTime,
motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)),
groupId: groupId,
index: shardFlag.index,
count: shardFlag.count,
type: 'Battery',
measurementValue: '' + getBattery(dataValue.substring(16, 18))
case '11':
collectTime = getUTCTimestamp(dataValue.substring(8, 16))
measurementId: '3576',
timestamp: collectTime,
type: 'Positioning Status',
measurementValue: getPositingStatus(dataValue.substring(0, 2))
timestamp: collectTime,
measurementId: '4200',
type: 'Event Status',
measurementValue: getEventStatus(dataValue.substring(2, 8))
if (!isNaN(parseFloat(getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(16, 20), 10)))) {
timestamp: collectTime,
measurementId: '4097',
type: 'Air Temperature',
measurementValue: '' + getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(16, 20), 10)
if (!isNaN(parseFloat(getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(20, 24))))) {
timestamp: collectTime,
measurementId: '4199',
type: 'Light',
measurementValue: '' + getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(20, 24))
timestamp: collectTime,
measurementId: '3000',
type: 'Battery',
measurementValue: '' + getBattery(dataValue.substring(24, 26))
return measurementArray

function getMotionId (str) {
return getInt(str)

function getPositingStatus (str) {
let status = getInt(str)
switch (status) {
case 0:
return {id:status, statusName:"Positioning successful."}
case 1:
return {id:status, statusName:"The GNSS scan timed out and failed to obtain the location."}
case 2:
return {id:status, statusName:"The Wi-Fi scan timed out and failed to obtain the location."}
case 3:
return {id:status, statusName:"The Wi-Fi + GNSS scan timed out and failed to obtain the location."}
case 4:
return {id:status, statusName:"The GNSS + Wi-Fi scan timed out and failed to obtain the location."}
case 5:
return {id:status, statusName:"The Bluetooth scan timed out and failed to obtain the location."}
case 6:
return {id:status, statusName:"The Bluetooth + Wi-Fi scan timed out and failed to obtain the location."}
case 7:
return {id:status, statusName:"The Bluetooth + GNSS scan timed out and failed to obtain the location."}
case 8:
return {id:status, statusName:"The Bluetooth + Wi-Fi + GNSS scan timed out and failed to obtain the location."}
case 9:
return {id:status, statusName:"Location Server failed to parse the GNSS location."}
case 10:
return {id:status, statusName:"Location Server failed to parse the Wi-Fi location."}
case 11:
return {id:status, statusName:"Location Server failed to parse the Bluetooth location."}
case 12:
return {id:status, statusName:"Failed to parse the GNSS location due to the poor accuracy."}
case 13:
return {id:status, statusName:"Time synchronization failed."}
case 14:
return {id:status, statusName:"Failed to obtain location due to the old Almanac."}
return getInt(str)

function getUpShortInfo (messageValue) {
return [
measurementId: '3000', type: 'Battery', measurementValue: getBattery(messageValue.substring(0, 2))
}, {
measurementId: '3502', type: 'Firmware Version', measurementValue: getSoftVersion(messageValue.substring(2, 6))
}, {
measurementId: '3001', type: 'Hardware Version', measurementValue: getHardVersion(messageValue.substring(6, 10))
}, {
measurementId: '3940', type: 'Work Mode', measurementValue: getWorkingMode(messageValue.substring(10, 12))
}, {
measurementId: '3965', type: 'Positioning Strategy', measurementValue: getPositioningStrategy(messageValue.substring(12, 14))
}, {
measurementId: '3942', type: 'Heartbeat Interval', measurementValue: getMinsByMin(messageValue.substring(14, 18))
}, {
measurementId: '3943', type: 'Periodic Interval', measurementValue: getMinsByMin(messageValue.substring(18, 22))
}, {
measurementId: '3944', type: 'Event Interval', measurementValue: getMinsByMin(messageValue.substring(22, 26))
}, {
measurementId: '3945', type: 'Sensor Enable', measurementValue: getInt(messageValue.substring(26, 28))
}, {
measurementId: '3941', type: 'SOS Mode', measurementValue: getSOSMode(messageValue.substring(28, 30))

function getMotionSetting (str) {
return [
{measurementId: '3946', type: 'Motion Enable', measurementValue: getInt(str.substring(0, 2))},
{measurementId: '3947', type: 'Any Motion Threshold', measurementValue: getSensorValue(str.substring(2, 6), 1)},
{measurementId: '3948', type: 'Motion Start Interval', measurementValue: getMinsByMin(str.substring(6, 10))},

function getStaticSetting (str) {
return [
{measurementId: '3949', type: 'Static Enable', measurementValue: getInt(str.substring(0, 2))},
{measurementId: '3950', type: 'Device Static Timeout', measurementValue: getMinsByMin(str.substring(2, 6))}

function getShockSetting (str) {
return [
{measurementId: '3951', type: 'Shock Enable', measurementValue: getInt(str.substring(0, 2))},
{measurementId: '3952', type: 'Shock Threshold', measurementValue: getInt(str.substring(2, 6))}

function getTempSetting (str) {
return [
{measurementId: '3953', type: 'Temp Enable', measurementValue: getInt(str.substring(0, 2))},
{measurementId: '3954', type: 'Event Temp Interval', measurementValue: getMinsByMin(str.substring(2, 6))},
{measurementId: '3955', type: 'Event Temp Sample Interval', measurementValue: getSecondsByInt(str.substring(6, 10))},
{measurementId: '3956', type: 'Temp ThMax', measurementValue: getSensorValue(str.substring(10, 14), 10)},
{measurementId: '3957', type: 'Temp ThMin', measurementValue: getSensorValue(str.substring(14, 18), 10)},
{measurementId: '3958', type: 'Temp Warning Type', measurementValue: getInt(str.substring(18, 20))}

function getLightSetting (str) {
return [
{measurementId: '3959', type: 'Light Enable', measurementValue: getInt(str.substring(0, 2))},
{measurementId: '3960', type: 'Event Light Interval', measurementValue: getMinsByMin(str.substring(2, 6))},
{measurementId: '3961', type: 'Event Light Sample Interval', measurementValue: getSecondsByInt(str.substring(6, 10))},
{measurementId: '3962', type: 'Light ThMax', measurementValue: getSensorValue(str.substring(10, 14), 10)},
{measurementId: '3963', type: 'Light ThMin', measurementValue: getSensorValue(str.substring(14, 18), 10)},
{measurementId: '3964', type: 'Light Warning Type', measurementValue: getInt(str.substring(18, 20))}

function getShardFlag (str) {
let bitStr = getByteArray(str)
return {
count: parseInt(bitStr.substring(0, 4), 2),
index: parseInt(bitStr.substring(4), 2)

function getBattery (batteryStr) {
return loraWANV2DataFormat(batteryStr)
function getSoftVersion (softVersion) {
return `${loraWANV2DataFormat(softVersion.substring(0, 2))}.${loraWANV2DataFormat(softVersion.substring(2, 4))}`
function getHardVersion (hardVersion) {
return `${loraWANV2DataFormat(hardVersion.substring(0, 2))}.${loraWANV2DataFormat(hardVersion.substring(2, 4))}`

function getSecondsByInt (str) {
return getInt(str)

function getMinsByMin (str) {
return getInt(str)

function getSensorValue (str, dig) {
if (str === '8000') {
return null
} else {
return loraWANV2DataFormat(str, dig)

function bytes2HexString (arrBytes) {
var str = ''
for (var i = 0; i < arrBytes.length; i++) {
var tmp
var num = arrBytes[i]
if (num < 0) {
tmp = (255 + num + 1).toString(16)
} else {
tmp = num.toString(16)
if (tmp.length === 1) {
tmp = '0' + tmp
str += tmp
return str
function loraWANV2DataFormat (str, divisor = 1) {
let strReverse = bigEndianTransform(str)
let str2 = toBinary(strReverse)
if (str2.substring(0, 1) === '1') {
let arr = str2.split('')
let reverseArr = => {
if (parseInt(item) === 1) {
return 0
} else {
return 1
str2 = parseInt(reverseArr.join(''), 2) + 1
return '-' + str2 / divisor
return parseInt(str2, 2) / divisor

function bigEndianTransform (data) {
let dataArray = []
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i += 2) {
dataArray.push(data.substring(i, i + 2))
return dataArray

function toBinary (arr) {
let binaryData = => {
let data = parseInt(item, 16)
let dataLength = data.length
if (data.length !== 8) {
for (let i = 0; i < 8 - dataLength; i++) {
data = `0` + data
return data
return binaryData.toString().replace(/,/g, '')

function getSOSMode (str) {
return loraWANV2DataFormat(str)

function getMacAndRssiObj (pair) {
let pairs = []
if (pair.length % 14 === 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < pair.length; i += 14) {
let mac = getMacAddress(pair.substring(i, i + 12))
if (mac) {
let rssi = getInt8RSSI(pair.substring(i + 12, i + 14))
pairs.push({mac: mac, rssi: rssi})
} else {
return pairs

function getMacAddress (str) {
if (str.toLowerCase() === 'ffffffffffff') {
return null
let macArr = []
for (let i = 1; i < str.length; i++) {
if (i % 2 === 1) {
macArr.push(str.substring(i - 1, i + 1))
let mac = ''
for (let i = 0; i < macArr.length; i++) {
mac = mac + macArr[i]
if (i < macArr.length - 1) {
mac = mac + ':'
return mac

function getInt8RSSI (str) {
return loraWANV2DataFormat(str)

function getInt (str) {
return parseInt(str, 16)

function getEventStatus (str) {
// return getInt(str)
let bitStr = getByteArray(str)
let bitArr = []
for (let i = 0; i < bitStr.length; i++) {
bitArr[i] = bitStr.substring(i, i + 1)
bitArr = bitArr.reverse()
let event = []
for (let i = 0; i < bitArr.length; i++) {
if (bitArr[i] !== '1') {
switch (i){
case 0:
event.push({id:1, eventName:"Start moving event."})
case 1:
event.push({id:2, eventName:"End movement event."})
case 2:
event.push({id:3, eventName:"Motionless event."})
case 3:
event.push({id:4, eventName:"Shock event."})
case 4:
event.push({id:5, eventName:"Temperature event."})
case 5:
event.push({id:6, eventName:"Light event."})
case 6:
event.push({id:7, eventName:"SOS event."})
case 7:
event.push({id:8, eventName:"Press once event."})
return event

function getByteArray (str) {
let bytes = []
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i += 2) {
bytes.push(str.substring(i, i + 2))
return toBinary(bytes)

function getWorkingMode (workingMode) {
return getInt(workingMode)

function getPositioningStrategy (strategy) {
return getInt(strategy)

function getUTCTimestamp(str){
return parseInt(loraWANV2PositiveDataFormat(str)) * 1000

function loraWANV2PositiveDataFormat (str, divisor = 1) {
let strReverse = bigEndianTransform(str)
let str2 = toBinary(strReverse)
return parseInt(str2, 2) / divisor

Check the data

When the device tries to connect to the network, the breathing light will flash. If the device joins the network successfully, the breathing light will flash quickly, and there will be a light and cheerful melody.

Then you can check the data on the Helium console.



For users operating with the EU868/RU864 region:

It is not recommended to set the upload interval to less than 4 minutes.

If you set an upload interval of less than 4 minutes, you may notice a timestamp misalignment between the device's uplink and the current time.

Here's the rationale:

Given the 1% duty cycle constraint in EU868, the device must patiently wait approximately 4 minutes for each uplink transmission. Additionally, the Helium network initiates data-rate and power corrections only after accumulating 20 consecutive uplink packets marked with the ADR bit set to 1.

So if the upload interval you set is less than 4 minutes, real-time data will be temporarily stored in RAM and held until the Helium network triggers data rate and power corrections before uploading.


SenseCAP T1000 Tracker Decoder for Helium

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