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Payload Format

The Tracker data protocol provides different packets to correspond to different information, and the number of bytes of each packet may vary. The structure of the frame is shown in the image below. The frame content is sent in big-endian byte order.

Data IDData Value
1 byte50 bytes (Max)

Data ID: Function number. Data Value: Position, sensor data an d other information.

Device Status Packet -Event Mode 0x01

The Device Status Packet is uploaded when join LoRaWAN network. The Device Status packet has two packet formats in different working modes:

1) Event Mode, ID=0x01

1) Periodic Mode, ID= 0x02

Device Status Packet -Event Mode: 0x01

IDBattery levelSoftware versionHardware versionWork modePositioning strategyHeartbeat intervalUplink interval
Event mode uplink intervalTemp&light switchSOS modeEnable motion event3-axis motion thresholdMotion start interval
Enable motionless eventMotionless timeoutEnable shock event3-axis shock thresholdEnable temperature eventTemperature event uplink interval
Temperature sample intervalTemperature threshold maxTemperature threshold minTemperature warning typeEnable light eventLight event uplink interval
Light sample intervalLight threshold maxLight threshold minLight warning type

The raw payload:


ByteValueTypeRaw DataDescription
1Frame IDuint80101 is the packet ID.
2Battery leveluint853

53 is 0x53 = 83(DEC)

The battery level is 83%

3~4Software versionuint160105

0105 is 0x0105 == v1.5

The software version is v1.5

5~6Hardware versionuint160105

0105 is 0x0105 == v1.5

The hardware version is v1.5

7Work modeuint802

02 is 0x02, means the device use “Event mode”.

00: Standby mode

01: Periodic mode

02: Event mode

8Positioning strategyuint807

07 is 0x07, means the device use Bluetooth + Wi-Fi + GNSS positioning strategy.

00: Only GNSS

01: Only Wi-Fi

02: Wi-Fi+GNSS

03: GNSS + Wi-Fi

04: Only Bluetooth

05: Bluetooth + Wi-Fi

06: Bluetooth + GNSS

07: Bluetooth + Wi-Fi + GNSS

9~10Heartbeat intervaluint16001e001e is 0x001E = 30(DEC), the heartbeat interval is 30 minutes.
11~12Uplink Intervaluint1600050005 is 0x0005 = 5(DEC), the uplink interval is 5 minutes.
13~14Event mode uplink intervaluint1600050005 is 0x0005 = 5(DEC), the event mode uplink interval is 5 minutes.
15Temp&light switchuint801

01 means open the temperature and light sensor.

00: Close the temperature and light sensor.

01: Open the temperature and light sensor.

16SOS modeuint800

00 means use SOS single mode.

00: use SOS single mode.

01: use SOS continuous mode.

17Enable motion eventuint800

00 means disable Event mode.

00: disable Event mode.

01: enable Event mode.

18~193-Axis motion thresholduint16001e

001e is 0x001E=30(DEC) mg

When the acceleration exceeds 30mg, determine that the device is in motion, when it is 2 minutes below this value, determine that the device is in motionless.

20~21Motion start intervaluint1600050005 is 0x0005 = 5(DEC), when device is on motion, the interval is 5 minutes.
22Enable motionless eventuint800

00 means disable motionless event.

00: disable motionless event.

01: enable motionless event.

23~24Motionless timeoutuint1601680168 is 0x0168 = 360(DEC), when the device is stationary in a location for more than 360 minutes, a motionless timeout event is triggered.
25Enable shock eventuint801

01 means enable shock event.

00: disable shock event.

01: enable shock event.

26~273-Axis shock thresholduint16012c

012c is 0x012C=300(DEC) mg

When the acceleration exceeds 300mg, the shock event is triggered.

28Enable temperature eventuint800

00 means enable shock event.

00: disable shock event.

01: enable shock event.

29~30Temperature event uplink intervaluint1600050005 is 0x0005 = 5(DEC), when the temperature exceeds the threshold, the location and sensor data will upload every 5 minutes.
31~32Temperature sample intervaluint16001e

001e is 0x001E=30(DEC) seconds

The temperature is detected every 30 seconds. When the threshold is triggered, upload location and sensor data.

33~34Temperature threshold maxint160258

0258 is 0x0258 = 600(DEC),

Maximum threshold =600/10=60.0 ℃

35~36Temperature threshold minint160000

0000 is 0x0000 = 0(DEC),

Minimum threshold=0/10=0.0 ℃

37Temperature threshold ruleuint800

00 means when temperature ≤ min threshold, device will upload location and temperature event.

00: temp ≤ min threshold

01: temp ≥ max threshold

02: temp ≤ min threshold and temp ≥ max threshold

03: min threshold≤ temp ≤max threshold

38Enable light eventuint800

00 means disable light event.

00: disable light event.

01: enable light event.

39~40Light event uplink intervaluint1600050005 is 0x0005 = 5(DEC), when the light exceeds the threshold, the location and sensor data will upload every 5 minutes.
41~42Light sample intervaluint160001

0001is 0x0001=1(DEC) seconds

The temperature is detected every 1 seconds. When the threshold is triggered, upload location and sensor data.

43~44Light threshold maxuint160064

0064 is 0x0064 = 100(DEC) %

Maximum threshold =100%

45~46Light threshold minuint160000

0000 is 0x0000 = 0(DEC) %

Minimum threshold=0%

47Light warning typeuint800

00 means when light ≤ min threshold, device will upload location and light event.

00: light ≤ min threshold

01: light ≥ max threshold

02: light ≤ min threshold and light ≥ max threshold

03: min threshold≤ light ≤max threshold

  1. Device Status Packet -Periodic Mode 0x02

    The Device Status package is uploaded when join LoRaWAN network. The Device Status packet has two packet formats in different working modes:

1) Event Mode, ID=0x01

1) Periodic Mode, ID= 0x02

Device Status Packet -Periodic Mode: 0x02

IDbattery levelsoftware versionhardware versionwork modepositioning strategyheartbeat intervaluplink Interval
event mode uplink intervaltemp&light switchSOS mode

The raw payload:


ByteValueTypeRaw DataDescription
1Frame IDuint80202 is the packet ID.
2Battery leveluint856

56 is 0x56 = 86(DEC)

The battery level is 86%

3~4Software versionuint160105

0105 is 0x0105 == v1.5

The software version is v1.5

5~6Hardware versionuint160105

0105 is 0x0105 == v1.5

The hardware version is v1.5

7Work modeuint801

01 is 0x01, means the device use “Periodic mode”.

00: Standby mode

01: Periodic mode

02: Event mode

8Positioning strategyuint800

00 is 0x01, means the device use “GNSS only” positioning strategy.

00: Only GNSS

01: Only Wi-Fi

02: Wi-Fi+GNSS

03: GNSS + Wi-Fi

04: Only Bluetooth

05: Bluetooth + Wi-Fi

06: Bluetooth + GNSS

07: Bluetooth + Wi-Fi + GNSS

9~10Heartbeat intervaluint1602d002d0 is 0x02D0 = 720(DEC) minutes, the heartbeat interval is 720 minutes.
11~12Uplink Intervaluint16003c003c is 0x003C = 60(DEC) minutes, the uplink interval is 60 minutes.
13~14Event mode uplink intervaluint16003c003c is 0x003C = 60(DEC), the event mode uplink interval is 60 minutes.
15Temp&light switchuint800

00 means open the temperature and light sensor.

00: Close the temperature and light sensor.

01: Open the temperature and light sensor.

16SOS modeuint800

00 means use SOS single mode.

00: use SOS single mode.

01: use SOS continuous mode.

Heartbeat Packet -0x05

When no data is uploaded by the device within the heartbeat interval, a heartbeat packet will be triggered. This packet only contains battery information.

IDbattery levelwork modepositioning strategySOS mode

The raw payload:


ByteValueTypeRaw DataDescription
1Frame IDuint80505 is the packet ID.
2Battery leveluint864

64 is 0x64 = 100(DEC)

The battery level is 100%

3Work modeuint801

01 is 0x01, means the device use “Periodic mode”.

00: Standby mode

01: Periodic mode

02: Event mode

4Positioning strategyuint800

00 is 0x01, means the device use “GNSS only” positioning strategy.

00: Only GNSS

01: Only Wi-Fi

02: Wi-Fi+GNSS

03: GNSS + Wi-Fi

04: Only Bluetooth

05: Bluetooth + Wi-Fi

06: Bluetooth + GNSS

07: Bluetooth + Wi-Fi + GNSS

5SOS modeuint800

00 means use SOS single mode.

00: use SOS single mode.

01: use SOS continuous mode.

GNSS Location and Sensor Packet-0x06

ID 0x06 is used to upload GNSS location, sensor data and battery.

IDevent statusmotion segment numberUTC timelongitudelatitude
TemperatureLightbattery level

The raw payload:


ByteValueTypeRaw DataDescription
1Frame IDuint80606 is the packet ID.
2~4event statusuint24000008

000008 is 0x000008, 0x0000XX is reserved and 0x08 is the event status. This byte has 8 bits, each representing an event.

Bit1: Start moving event.

Bit2: End movement event.

Bit3: Motionless event.

Bit4: Shock event.

Bit5: Temperature event.

Bit6: Light event.

Bit7: SOS event.

Bit8: Press once event.

Convert to hexadecimal:

0x000000: no event

0x000001: Start moving event.

0x000002: End movement event.

0x000004: Motionless event.

0x000008: Shock event.

0x000010: Temperature event.

0x000020: Light event.

0x000040: SOS event.

0x000080: Press once event.

5Motion segment numberuint800

00 is 0x00 == 0.

When the motion begins, the count increases by 1. Record that this is a movement.

6~9UTC timeuint326462248d

6462248d is 0x6462248D = 1684153485(DEC) seconds.

Convert it to Beijing Time: 2023-05-15 20:24:45

10~13Longitudeint3206ca502806ca5028 is 0x06CA5028 = 113922088(DEC), the longitude= 113922088/1000000=113.922088
14~17Latitudeint3201587ec601587ec6 is 0x01587EC6 = 22576838(DEC), the Latitude = 22576838/1000000=22.576838
18~19Temperatureint1600fe00fe is 0x00FE = 254(DEC), temperature=254/10=25.4℃
20~21Lightuint1600000000 is 0x0000 = 0(DEC) minutes, the light=0=0%
22Battery leveluint857

57 is 0x57 = 87(DEC)

The battery level is 87%

  1. Wi-Fi Location and Sensor Packet-0x07

    ID 0x07 is used to upload Wi-Fi Mac addresses, sensor data and battery.
IDevent statusmotion segment numberUTC timeMAC address 1The RSSI of MAC address 1, int8
MAC address 2The RSSI of MAC address 2, int8MAC address 3The RSSI of MAC address 3, int8MAC address 4The RSSI of MAC address 4, int8
TemperatureLightbattery level

The raw payload:


ByteValueTypeRaw DataDescription
1Frame IDuint80707 is the packet ID.
2~4event statusuint24000008

000008 is 0x000008, 0x0000XX is reserved and 0x08 is the event status. This byte has 8 bits, each representing an event.

Bit1: Start moving event.

Bit2: End movement event.

Bit3: Motionless event.

Bit4: Shock event.

Bit5: Temperature event.

Bit6: Light event.

Bit7: SOS event.

Bit8: Press once event.

Convert to hexadecimal:

0x000000: no event

0x000001: Start moving event.

0x000002: End movement event.

0x000004: Motionless event.

0x000008: Shock event.

0x000010: Temperature event.

0x000020: Light event.

0x000040: SOS event.

0x000080: Press once event.

5Motion segment numberuint800

00 is 0x00 == 0.

When the motion begins, the count increases by 1. Record that this is a movement.

6~9UTC timeuint3264622472

64622472 is 0x64622472 = 1684153458 (DEC) seconds.

Convert it to Beijing Time: 2023-05-15 20:24:18

10~15MAC address 1----487397162234


the MAC address (HEX)= 48:73:97:16:22:34

16The RSSI of MAC address 1int8bb

bb is 0xBB = -69(DEC), the type is int8

the RSSI = -69

17~22MAC address 2----3ccd5798fd2e


the MAC address (HEX)= 3C:CD:57:98:FD:2E

23The RSSI of MAC address 2int8bc

bc is 0xBC = -68(DEC), the type is int8

the RSSI = -68

24~29MAC address 3----74cf002f3ad0


the MAC address (HEX)= 74:CF:00:2F:3A:D0

30The RSSI of MAC address 3int8a9

a9 is 0xA9 = -87(DEC), the type is int8

the RSSI = -87

31~36MAC address 4----ec26ca022958


the MAC address (HEX)= EC:26:CA:02:29:58

37The RSSI of MAC address 4int8b9

b9 is 0xA9 = -71(DEC), the type is int8

the RSSI = -71

38~39Temperatureint1600fe00fe is 0x00FE = 254(DEC), temperature=254/10=25.4℃
40~41Lightuint1600000000 is 0x0000 = 0(DEC) minutes, the light=0=0%
42battery leveluint857

57 is 0x57 = 87(DEC)

The battery level is 87%

Bluetooth Location and Sensor Packet-0x08

ID 0x08 is used to upload Bluetooth Beacon MAC addresses, sensor data and battery.

IDevent statusmotion segment numberUTC timeMAC address 1The RSSI of MAC address 1, int8
Byte17~22Byte23Byte24~29Byte30Byte31~32Byte33~34Byte 35
MAC address 2The RSSI of MAC address 2, int8MAC address 3The RSSI of MAC address 3, int8Temperaturelightbattery level

The raw payload:


ByteValueTypeRaw DataDescription
1Frame IDuint80808 is the packet ID.
2~4event statusuint24000008

000008 is 0x000008, 0x0000XX is reserved and 0x08 is the event status. This byte has 8 bits, each representing an event.

Bit1: Start moving event.

Bit2: End movement event.

Bit3: Motionless event.

Bit4: Shock event.

Bit5: Temperature event.

Bit6: Light event.

Bit7: SOS event.

Bit8: Press once event.

Convert to hexadecimal:

0x000000: no event

0x000001: Start moving event.

0x000002: End movement event.

0x000004: Motionless event.

0x000008: Shock event.

0x000010: Temperature event.

0x000020: Light event.

0x000040: SOS event.

0x000080: Press once event.

5Motion segment numberuint800

00 is 0x00 == 0.

When the motion begins, the count increases by 1. Record that this is a movement.

6~9UTC timeuint32646225bb

646225bb is 0x646225BB = 1684153787 (DEC) seconds.

Convert it to Beijing Time: 2023-05-15 20:29:47

10~15MAC address 1-----5162d2c1b9d3


the MAC address (HEX)=51:62:D2:C1:B9:D3

16The RSSI of MAC address 1int8c0

c0 is 0xC0 = -64(DEC), the type is int8

the RSSI = -64

17~22MAC address 2-----1b5bd2afeae5


the MAC address (HEX)= 1B:5B:D2:AF:EA:E5

23The RSSI of MAC address 2int8bc

bc is 0xBC = -68(DEC), the type is int8

the RSSI = -68

24~29MAC address 3-----d0e2d70529e8


the MAC address (HEX)= D0:E2:D7:05:29:E8

30The RSSI of MAC address 3int8c9

c9 is 0xC9 = -55(DEC), the type is int8

the RSSI = -55

31~32Temperatureint1600fa00fa is 0x00FA = 250(DEC), temperature=254/10=25.0℃
33~34Lightuint1600000000 is 0x0000 = 0(DEC) minutes, the light=0=0%
35battery leveluint857

57 is 0x57 = 87(DEC)

The battery level is 87%

GNSS Location Only Packet-0x09

When the sensor is turned off, the device does not upload the sensor measurement value. Only the location data is uploaded.

IDevent statusmotion segment numberUTC timelongitudelatitudebattery level

The raw payload:


ByteValueTypeRaw DataDescription
1Frame IDuint80909 is the packet ID.
2~4event statusuint24000000

000000 is 0x000008, 0x0000XX is reserved and 0x08 is the event status. This byte has 8 bits, each representing an event.

Bit1: Start moving event.

Bit2: End movement event.

Bit3: Motionless event.

Bit4: Shock event.

Bit5: Temperature event.

Bit6: Light event.

Bit7: SOS event.

Bit8: Press once event.

Convert to hexadecimal:

0x000000: no event

0x000001: Start moving event.

0x000002: End movement event.

0x000004: Motionless event.

0x000008: Shock event.

0x000010: Temperature event.

0x000020: Light event.

0x000040: SOS event.

0x000080: Press once event.

5Motion segment numberuint800

00 is 0x00 == 0.

When the motion begins, the count increases by 1. Record that this is a movement.

6~9UTC timeuint3264631868

64631868 is 0x64631868 = 1684215912 (DEC) seconds.

Convert it to Beijing Time: 2023-05-16 13:45:12

10~13Longitudeint3206ca506806ca5068 is 0x06CA5068 = 113922152 (DEC), the longitude= 113922152/1000000=113.922152
14~17Latitudeint3201587e4c01587e4c is 0x01587E4C = 22576716 (DEC), the Latitude = 22576716/1000000=22.576716
18Battery leveluint856

56 is 0x56 = 86(DEC)

The battery level is 86%

Wi-Fi Location Only Packet-0x0A

IDevent statusmotion segment numberUTC timeMAC address 1The RSSI of MAC address 1, int8
MAC address 2The RSSI of MAC address 2, int8MAC address 3The RSSI of MAC address 3, int8MAC address 4The RSSI of MAC address 4, int8battery level

The raw payload:


ByteValueTypeRaw DataDescription
1Frame IDuint80A0A is the packet ID.
2~4event statusuint32000008

000008 is 0x000008, 0x0000XX is reserved and 0x08 is the event status. This byte has 8 bits, each representing an event.

Bit1: Start moving event.

Bit2: End movement event.

Bit3: Motionless event.

Bit4: Shock event.

Bit5: Temperature event.

Bit6: Light event.

Bit7: SOS event.

Bit8: Press once event.

Convert to hexadecimal:

0x000000: no event

0x000001: Start moving event.

0x000002: End movement event.

0x000004: Motionless event.

0x000008: Shock event.

0x000010: Temperature event.

0x000020: Light event.

0x000040: SOS event.

0x000080: Press once event.

5Motion segment numberuint800

00 is 0x00 == 0.

When the motion begins, the count increases by 1. Record that this is a movement.

6~9UTC timeuint3264622472

64622472 is 0x64622472 = 1684153458 (DEC) seconds.

Convert it to Beijing Time: 2023-05-15 20:24:18

10~15MAC address 1-----487397162234


the MAC address (HEX)= 48:73:97:16:22:34

16The RSSI of MAC address 1int8bb

bb is 0xBB = -69(DEC), the type is int8

the RSSI = -69

17~22MAC address 2-----3ccd5798fd2e


the MAC address (HEX)= 3C:CD:57:98:FD:2E

23The RSSI of MAC address 2int8bc

bc is 0xBC = -68(DEC), the type is int8

the RSSI = -68

24~29MAC address 3-----74cf002f3ad0


the MAC address (HEX)= 74:CF:00:2F:3A:D0

30The RSSI of MAC address 3int8a9

a9 is 0xA9 = -87(DEC), the type is int8

the RSSI = -87

31~36MAC address 4-----ec26ca022958


the MAC address (HEX)= EC:26:CA:02:29:58

37The RSSI of MAC address 4, int8int8b9

b9 is 0xA9 = -71(DEC), the type is int8

the RSSI = -71

38battery leveluint857

57 is 0x57 = 87(DEC)

The battery level is 87%

Bluetooth Location Only Packet-0x0B

IDevent statusmotion segment numberUTC timeMAC address 1The RSSI of MAC address 1, int8
MAC address 2The RSSI of MAC address 2, int8MAC address 3The RSSI of MAC address 3, int8battery level

The raw payload:


ByteValueTypeRaw DataDescription
1Frame IDuint80B0B is the packet ID.
2~4event statusuint24000008

000008 is 0x000008, 0x0000XX is reserved and 0x08 is the event status. This byte has 8 bits, each representing an event.

Bit1: Start moving event.

Bit2: End movement event.

Bit3: Motionless event.

Bit4: Shock event.

Bit5: Temperature event.

Bit6: Light event.

Bit7: SOS event.

Bit8: Press once event.

Convert to hexadecimal:

0x000000: no event

0x000001: Start moving event.

0x000002: End movement event.

0x000004: Motionless event.

0x000008: Shock event.

0x000010: Temperature event.

0x000020: Light event.

0x000040: SOS event.

0x000080: Press once event.

5Motion segment numberuint800

00 is 0x00 == 0.

When the motion begins, the count increases by 1. Record that this is a movement.

6~9UTC timeuint32646225bb

646225bb is 0x646225BB = 1684153787 (DEC) seconds.

Convert it to Beijing Time: 2023-05-15 20:29:47

10~15MAC address 1-----5162d2c1b9d3


the MAC address (HEX)=51:62:D2:C1:B9:D3

16The RSSI of MAC address 1, int8int8c0

c0 is 0xC0 = -64(DEC), the type is int8

the RSSI = -64

17~22MAC address 2-----1b5bd2afeae5


the MAC address (HEX)= 1B:5B:D2:AF:EA:E5

23The RSSI of MAC address 2, int8int8bc

bc is 0xBC = -68(DEC), the type is int8

the RSSI = -68

24~29MAC address 3-----d0e2d70529e8


the MAC address (HEX)= D0:E2:D7:05:29:E8

30The RSSI of MAC address 3, int8int8c9

c9 is 0xC9 = -55(DEC), the type is int8

the RSSI = -55

31battery leveluint857

57 is 0x57 = 87(DEC)

The battery level is 87%

Error Code Packet-0x0D

ID 0x0D packet is used to upload the error code.

The raw payload:


ByteValueTypeRaw DataDescription
1Frame IDuint80D0D is the packet ID.
2~5Error codeuint3200000001

0x00000001: UTC time acquisition failed

0x00000002: Almanac too old

0x00000003: Doppler error

Positioning Status and Sensor Packet-0x11

ID 0x11 is used to upload the positioning status, sensor data and battery.

The raw payload:


ByteValueTypeRaw DataDescription
1Frame IDuint81111 is the packet ID.
2Positioning statusuint801

00: Positioning successful

01: The GNSS scan timed out and failed to obtain the location.

02: The Wi-Fi scan timed out and failed to obtain the location.

03: The Wi-Fi + GNSS scan timed out and failed to obtain the location.

04: The GNSS + Wi-Fi scan timed out and failed to obtain the location.

05: The Bluetooth scan timed out and failed to obtain the location.

06: The Bluetooth + Wi-Fi scan timed out and failed to obtain the location.

07: The Bluetooth + GNSS scan timed out and failed to obtain the location.

08: The Bluetooth + Wi-Fi + GNSS scan timed out and failed to obtain the location.

09: Location Server failed to parse the GNSS location.

0A: Location Server failed to parse the Wi-Fi location.

0B: Location Server failed to parse the Bluetooth location.

0C: Failed to parse the GNSS location due to the poor accuracy.

0D: Time synchronization failed.

0E: Failed to obtain positioning due to the old Almanac.

3~5Event statusuint24000000

000000 is 0x000000, 0x0000XX is reserved and 0x00 is the event status. This byte has 8 bits, each representing an event.

Bit1: Start moving event.

Bit2: End movement event.

Bit3: Motionless event.

Bit4: Shock event.

Bit5: Temperature event.

Bit6: Light event.

Bit7: SOS event.

Bit8: Press once event.

Convert to hexadecimal:

0x000000: no event

0x000001: Start moving event.

0x000002: End movement event.

0x000004: Motionless event.

0x000008: Shock event.

0x000010: Temperature event.

0x000020: Light event.

0x000040: SOS event.

0x000080: Press once event.

6~9UTC Timestampuint3264a763a0

64a763a0 is 0x64a763a0 = 1688691616 (DEC) seconds.

Convert it to Beijing Time: 2023-07-07 09:00:16

10~11Temperatureint1601410141 is 0x0141 = 321(DEC), temperature=321/10=32.1℃
12~13Lightuint1600000000 is 0x0000 = 0(DEC) minutes, the light=0=0%
14Battery leveluint82F

2F is 0x2F = 47(DEC)

The battery level is 47%

The tracker supports LoRaWAN to downlink some commands to adjust parameters. If the device is hibernated, the downlink command takes effect the next time the device wakes up to upload data.

Note: FPort=5

Setting the SOS Mode -0x80


SOS mode

0: single mode

1: continuous mode

8001: set SOS to single mode.

8002: set SOS to continuous mode.


Heartbeat uplink interval

0000: Keep current configuration

Unit: minutes

Periodic mode uplink interval

0000: Keep current configuration

Unit: minutes

Event mode uplink interval

0000: Keep current configuration

Unit: minutes

Example: set the periodic mode interval to 30 minutes

Command: 810000001E0000

Open the buzzer -0x82

After sending this command, a buzzer alarm tone will be turned on after the device wakes up and will continue to sound for 1 minute.


Open the buzzer.

00: close

01: open

8200: close the buzzer
8201: open the buzzer

Setting the Work Mode -0x83


Open the buzzer.

00: standby mode

01: periodic mode

02: event mode

8300: set work mode to standby mode
8301: set work mode to periodic mode
8302: set work mode to event mode

Setting the Work Mode -0x84

IDenable motion event3-Axis motion thresholdmotion start intervalenable motionless eventmotionless timeout
enable shock event3-Axis shock thresholdenable temperature eventtemperature event uplink intervaltemperature sample intervaltemperature threshold max
Temperature threshold minTemperature warning typeEnable light eventlight event uplink intervallight sample intervallight threshold max
light threshold minlight warning type

The command:


ByteValueTypeRaw DataDescription
1Frame IDuint88484 is the packet ID.
2Enable motion eventuint800

00 means disable Event mode.

00: disable Event mode.

01: enable Event mode.

3~43-Axis motion thresholduint16001e

001e is 0x001E=30(DEC) mg

When the acceleration exceeds 30mg, determine that the device is in motion, when it is 2 minutes below this value, determine that the device is in motionless.

5~6Motion start intervaluint1600050005 is 0x0005 = 5(DEC), when device is on motion, the interval is 5 minutes.
7Enable motionless eventuint800

00 means disable motionless event.

00: disable motionless event.

01: enable motionless event.

8~9Motionless timeoutuint1601680168 is 0x0168 = 360(DEC), when the device is stationary in a location for more than 360 minutes, a motionless timeout event is triggered.
10Enable shock eventuint801

01 means enable shock event.

00: disable shock event.

01: enable shock event.

11~123-Axis shock thresholduint16012c

012c is 0x012C=300(DEC) mg

When the acceleration exceeds 300mg, the shock event is triggered.

13Enable temperature eventuint800

00 means enable shock event.

00: disable shock event.

01: enable shock event.

14~15Temperature event uplink intervaluint1600050005 is 0x0005 = 5(DEC), when the temperature exceeds the threshold, the location and sensor data will upload every 5 minutes.
16~17Temperature sample intervaluint16001e

001e is 0x001E=30(DEC) seconds

The temperature is detected every 30 seconds. When the threshold is triggered, upload location and sensor data.

18~19Temperature threshold maxint160258

0258 is 0x0258 = 600(DEC),

Maximum threshold =600/10=60.0 ℃

20~21Temperature threshold minint160000

0000 is 0x0000 = 0(DEC),

Minimum threshold=0/10=0.0 ℃

22Temperature threshold ruleuint800

00 means when temperature ≤ min threshold, device will upload location and temperature event.

00: temp ≤ min threshold

01: temp ≥ max threshold

02: temp ≤ min threshold and temp ≥ max threshold

03: min threshold≤ temp ≤max threshold

23Enable light eventuint800

00 means disable light event.

00: disable light event.

01: enable light event.

24~25Light event uplink intervaluint1600050005 is 0x0005 = 5(DEC), when the light exceeds the threshold, the location and sensor data will upload every 5 minutes.
26~27Light sample intervaluint160001

0001is 0x0001=1(DEC) seconds

The temperature is detected every 1 seconds. When the threshold is triggered, upload location and sensor data.

28~29Light threshold maxuint160064

0064 is 0x0064 = 100(DEC) %

Maximum threshold =100%

30~31Light threshold minuint160000

0000 is 0x0000 = 0(DEC) %

Minimum threshold=0%

32Light warning typeuint800

00 means when light ≤ min threshold, device will upload location and light event.

00: light ≤ min threshold

01: light ≥ max threshold

02: light ≤ min threshold and light ≥ max threshold

03: min threshold≤ light ≤max threshold

Request Location -0x85

The request tracker initiates location and uploads based on the current configuration. It is usually used in standby mode.



85: request location.

Setting Positioning strategy -0x86


Positioning strategy

00: Only GNSS

01: Only Wi-Fi

02: Wi-Fi+GNSS

03: GNSS + Wi-Fi

04: Only Bluetooth

05: Bluetooth + Wi-Fi

06: Bluetooth + GNSS

07: Bluetooth + Wi-Fi + GNSS


8600: Set the positioning strategy to “Only GNSS”.

  1. Request Event Parameters -0x87



85: request event parameters.

Request Device Status Packet -0x88



88: request Device Status packet(0x01 or 0x02).

Reboot Device -0x89



89: After the command is sent, the device reboots and join the network again. Please use this command with caution.

Enable Temperature and Light Sensor -0x8C

Enable data collection and upload for the temperature and light sensor.


Open the temperature and light sensor.

00: Close the temperature and light sensor.

01: Open the temperature and light sensor.


8300: Close the temperature and light sensor.
8301: Open the temperature and light sensor.

Enable SOS Alarm -0x8D

Enable SOS continuous mode, upload positioning quickly, once every minute, stop after 30 consecutive times, accompanied by sound and light alarm.

Turn off SOS by closing the command or by double clicking the key.


Open the SOS.

00: Close.

01: Open.


8D00: Close the SOS alarm.
8D01: Open the SOS alarm.