Wio Terminal Sensing Tapping Motion Demo
This repo demonstrates how Wio Terminal used the built-in acclerator to sense the Single-click tapping or Double-click tapping motion!

3-Axis Accelerator Initialization
To initialize the accelerator on Wio Terminal, please visit Getting Started with IMU for more information.
Tapping Sensitivity Configurations
For sensitivity of tapping, adjust the value for THRESHOLD according to scale range of IMU:
Scale Range | 2g | 4g | 8g | 16g |
THRESHOLD | 40-80 | 20-40 | 10-20 | 5-10 |
Single click or Double click
To use the click
function, simply call it as follow, where first parameter is used to determine sensing single clicking or double clicking(1 or 2), and second parameter is for threshold value.
void setup() {
//Interrupt signal to trigger when a tap is detected!
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(GYROSCOPE_INT1), count, RISING);
is the Acclerometer Interrupt Pin 1.
Complete Code
LIS3DHTR<TwoWire> lis;
//Adjust this threshold value for sensitivity of clicking
#define THRESHOLD 40
uint8_t cnt=0;
void count() {
Serial.print("Tap Count: ");
void setup() {
if (!lis) {
lis.setOutputDataRate(LIS3DHTR_DATARATE_25HZ); //Data output rate
lis.setFullScaleRange(LIS3DHTR_RANGE_2G); //Scale range set to 2g
//1 for single click, 2 for double click
//smaller the threshold value, the more sensitive
lis.click(1, THRESHOLD);
//Interrupt signal to trigger when a tap is detected!
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(GYROSCOPE_INT1), count, RISING);
void loop() {