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Get Started with LoRaWAN Tracker


T1000-E for LoRaWAN comes with fully open-source firmware. To enhance the user experience, we provide demo firmware pre-installed on factory-produced devices. Users can explore the demo firmware for an initial experience and also develop your own custom firmware. For details on custom development, please refer to the LoRaWAN Open Source Firmware.

T1000 Series Version Comparison


Demo Firmware Overview

Positioning Description

GNSSUpload longitude and latitude info.
(There is usually no GPS signal indoors, so it's recommended to test the device outdoors to get the location)
Wi-FiUpload the MAC address and RSSI info of the Wi-Fi AP.
BluetoothUpload the MAC address and RSSI info of the Bluetooth beacon.


Button ActionDescription
Long press for 3 secondsPower on/off
Click button 3 timesSwitch on/off Bluetooth
Double clickSwitch on/off SOS alart
Click onceUpload location/battery/sensor data


LED StatusDescription
Red LEDSolidCharging
FlashAbnormal charging
Green LEDSolid

Device in DFU mode.

Reboot the device to exit DFU mode(Press and hold the button, then release it immediately after connecting the charging cable)

On 500ms/Off 1s

Bluetooth on
BreathJoining LoRaWAN network
Quick flash for 2s and then off Joined the LoRaWAN network successfully

Sensor Function

The SenseCAP T1000 Tracker is equipped with 3 sensors: Temperature sensor, Light sensor and 3-Axis Accelerometer. You can choose enable or disable these sensors:


When the sensors are turned on, the device will consume more power.


Onboard independent temperature sensor.

here may be some temperature measurement delay here, because it is separated from the shell.

Range: -20 to 60℃; Accuracy: ± 1℃(min 0.5℃, max 1℃); Resolution: 0.1℃


The light sensor is not the actual lumen value monitored, but a percentage of the light from dark to amount. Mainly can be used for anti-demolition monitoring and some light sensitive monitoring.

Range: 0 to 100%, (0% is dark, 100% is brightest)

3-Axis AccelerometerBy setting the value of acceleration, motion event and shock event are triggered.


Battery life depends on factors such as uplink interval, sensor usage, LoRa transmission distance, and operating temperature. Predicted battery life is based on a typical working environment (25°C) and serves as a reference. Actual battery life may vary.


Upload Interval1 minute5 minutes60 minutes1 day
Battery Life(day)2.4611.7284.68184.86


Upload Interval1 minute5 minutes60 minutes1 day
Battery Life(day)2.8913.6692.59186.83

Get Started

Press the button for 3s to power on the device, a rising melody indicates that the device has been successfully powered on.

Connect via App

  • Step 1: Download SenseCraft App


Login to the SenseCraft APP.


Select Server Location as Global.


  • Step 2: Add Device

Click Add Device tab on the top right, then scan the QR code on the device label.


Configure the Device

  • Navigate to User -> Device Bluetooth Configuration page.


  • Click the button 3 times to enter the configuration mode. Device name: T1000-E xxxx(the last four digits of the MAC address).

Quick Configuration

For quick start with the SenseCAP cloud, you can select Quick Configuration.


Configure the Frequency Plan according to your region, and set up the Uplink Interval you want.


Advanced Configuration

For advanced usage, please select Advanced Configuration.


You can see the current device information, which includes the device EUI, hardware/software version, battery, etc.


Navigate to Settings to set up the parameters.


  • LoRa Setup
PlatformSenseCAP for The Things Network(by default)

A proprietary TTN server of SenseCAP. Out of the box when paired with a SenseCAP gateway.

SenseCA Outdoor Gateway
SenseCA Indoor Gateway
SenseCAP for Helium

A private Helium console of SenseCAP.

Out of the box with SenseCAP Mate App and Portal.

HeliumPublic Helium Server
The Things NetworkPublic TTN Server
Other PlatformOther LoRaWAN Network Server
Frequency PlanEU868/US915/AU915/KR920/IN865/AS923-1/AS923-2/AS923-3/AS923-4EU868 by default
Packet Policy1CEnable by default
LoRaWAN ADREnable by defaultEnable by default
Restore LoRa ConfigurationEnable by defaultEnable by default
  • General Setup
3-axis accelerometerEnable/Disable, disable by defaultUpload the data of the 3-axis accelerometer
SOS Report ModeSingle(by default)Upload data and report SOS event once.
Buzzer alarm for 3 seconds
ContinuousUpload data and report SOS event every minute, ends after 30 times.
Buzzer alarm for 30 seconds
Uplink Interval(min)1-10080min, 60min by defaultUpload data at intervals.
The higher the frequency, the higher the power consumption
Geolocation StrategyGNSS only(by default)Uses only GPS satellite systems to determine the position
Wi-Fi onlyUpload the MAC address and RSSI info of the Wi-Fi AP
Bluetooth onlyUpload the MAC address and RSSI info of the Bluetooth beacon
GNSS + Wi-FiUses GPS positioning first, if GPS fails, then uses Wi-Fi in one geolocation cycle
Bluetooth + GNSSUses Bluetooth positioning first, if Bluetooth fails, then uses GNSS in one geolocation cycle
Bluetooth + Wi-FiUses Bluetooth positioning first, if Bluetooth fails, then uses Wi-Fi in one geolocation cycle
Bluetooth + Wi-Fi + GNSSUse Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and GNSS for positioning in turn (switch to the next type of positioning after one type of positioning fails)
GNSS(GPS)GNSS Max Scan Time(s)10-120s, 30s by default
IBeacon ScanMaximum number of BLE scans3-5, 3 by default
Scan Timeout(s)3-10s, 3s by default
Group UUID(Hex)Set UUID Filter, up to 16bytes.
Forexample, if set as '01 020304', it will filter beacons with thepattern'0102 03 04 xx xx xx ...'
Wi-Fi ScanMaximum number of Wi-Fi scans3-5, 3 by default

Device Data View

SenseCAP Mate App

Check the Location on the APP.


SenseCAP Portal

The main function of the SenseCAP Portal is to manage SenseCAP devices and store data. It is built on Azure, a secure and reliable cloud service from Microsoft. Users can apply for an account and bind all devices to this account. The SenseCAP Portal provides a web portal and API. The web portal includes Dashboard, Device Management, Data Management, and Access Key Management. The API is open to users for further development.

  • Dashboard: Including Device Overview, Announcement, Scene Data, and Data Chart, etc.
  • Device Management: Manage SenseCAP devices.
  • Data Management: Manage data, including Data Table and Graph section, providing methods to search for data.
  • Subaccount System: Register subaccounts with different permissions.
  • Access Key Management: Manage Access Key (to access API service), including Key Create, Key Update, and Key Check.


Device Data View

Log in SenseCAP Portal

If you have created an account through the APP, you can log in directly.

1) Select register account, enter email information, and click "register", the registered email will be sent to the user's mailbox

2) Open the "SenseCAP…"Email, click the jump link, fill in the relevant information, and complete the registration

3) Return to the login interface and complete the login

Check SenseCAP Portal User Guide for more details.




SenseCAP API is for users to manage IoT devices and data. It includes 3 types of API methods: HTTP protocol, MQTT protocol, and Websocket protocol.

  • With HTTP API, users can manage LoRa devices, to get raw data or historical data.
  • With MQTT API, users can subscribe to the sensor's real-time measurement data through the MQTT protocol.
  • With Websocket API, users can get real-time measurement data of sensors through Websocket protocol.

Please check API User Guide for more details.



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