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reComputer R1000 with Node Red and InfluxDB


Deploying InfluxDB on an reComputer R1000 , a Raspberry Pi-powered edge controller, enables robust time-series data collection and analysis at the edge of your network. This setup is ideal for IoT applications, providing real-time insights and monitoring capabilities. By leveraging the lightweight yet powerful InfluxDB database, you can efficiently manage and analyze sensor data directly on the reComputer R1000. The following guide outlines the steps to install, configure, and use InfluxDB on your reComputer R1000 , ensuring a seamless integration into your data infrastructure.

Hardware Preparation

reComputer R1000

Software Preparation

We have prepared a Getting started Guide on Node-RED. It is recommended that you review this guide before proceeding to the wiki.

Installing InfluxDB on reComputer R1000

This guide covers the steps to install and set up InfluxDB on an reComputer R1000 edge controller.

Step 1: Update the System

First, ensure your system is up-to-date by running the following command: SSH to reComputer R1000 and

sudo apt update

Step 2: Add the InfluxDB Repository

Add the InfluxDB GPG key and repository to your system.

Add the GPG key:

curl | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/influxdb-archive-keyring.gpg >/dev/null

Add the repository to the sources list:

echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/influxdb-archive-keyring.gpg] stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/influxdb.list

Step 3: Update Package List

Update the package list to include the InfluxDB repository:

sudo apt update

Step 4: Install InfluxDB

Install InfluxDB version 1

sudo apt install influxdb

Start InfluxDB Server

Enable and start the InfluxDB service:

Step 1. Unmask the service:

sudo systemctl unmask influxdb

Step 2. Enable the service:

sudo systemctl enable influxdb

Step 3. Start the service:

sudo systemctl start influxdb

Testing InfluxDB

Access the InfluxDB CLI tool to perform basic database operations.

Step 1. Open terminal :


Step 2. Create a database:


Step 3. Use the database:

USE data

Step 4. Insert a sample data point:

INSERT room,temperature=30.1 humidity=80.2

Step 5. Query the inserted data:


Adding Authentication to InfluxDB

Step 1. Open terminal:


Step 2. Create an admin user with all privileges (replace <password> with your secure password):


Step 3. Exit the InfluxDB CLI:


Step 4. Edit the InfluxDB configuration to enable authentication:

sudo nano /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf

Under the [HTTP] section, add or modify the following lines:

    auth-enabled = true
pprof-enabled = true
pprof-auth-enabled = true
ping-auth-enabled = true

Step 5. Restart the InfluxDB service to apply the changes:

sudo systemctl restart influxdb

Step 6. Connect to InfluxDB with the admin user:

influx -username admin -password <password>

Make sure to replace <password> with the password you set for the admin user.

Sending Data to InfluxDB via Node-RED

Step 1. Open your Node-RED in your browser (typically http://<your-reComputer-R1000-ip>:1880).

Step 2. Install the node-red-contrib-influxdb using the Node-RED manage palette.

Step 3. Drag and drop an inject node, a function node, and an influxdb out node onto the flow canvas, and connect them as follows:

[Inject Node] -> [Function Node] -> [InfluxDB Out Node]

Function Node

This node formats the data to be sent to InfluxDB.

Step 1. Double-click the function node.

Step 2. Enter a name (e.g., Format Data for InfluxDB).

Step 3. Enter the following code in the function editor:

msg.payload = [
temperature: 30.1,
humidity: 80.2
return msg;

Step 4. Click "Done".

InfluxDB Out Node

This node sends the formatted data to InfluxDB.

Step 1. Double-click the influxdb out node.

Step 2. Enter the following details:

  • Name: labdata
  • Database: data (previously created)
  • Measurement: lab

Step 3. Click the pencil icon to add a new InfluxDB server configuration.

Step 4. Enter the following details:

  • Name: InfluxDB
  • Version: 1.8-flux
  • URL: http://localhost:8086
  • Username: admin
  • Password: <password> (the password you created)

Step 5. Click "Add" and then "Done".

Step 6. Click "Deploy" to save and deploy your flow.

Test the Flow

  1. Click the button on the inject node to trigger the flow manually.
  2. Check your InfluxDB database to see if the data has been successfully written by running the following commands on terminal:
influx -username admin -password <password>
USE data

Make sure to replace <password> with the password you set for the admin user.

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