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Keyword Spotting

This project demonstrates how to perform keyword spotting using the reSpeaker Lite board and TensorFlow Lite. The ReSpeaker Lite is an audio board with an integrated XIAO ESP32S3 microcontroller, featuring a dual-channel microphone and speaker. The project utilizes the reSpeaker Lite library, which is built on top of the AudioTools framework, and integrates with TensorFlow Lite for audio classification.

Library Required


  • Captures audio from the I2S interface using the reSpeaker Lite board
  • Performs keyword spotting using a pre-trained TensorFlow Lite model
  • Classifies the captured audio into predefined categories: silence, unknown, yes, and no
  • Provides a callback function to respond to detected commands
  • Utilizes the AudioTools framework for audio processing and streaming
  • Easy-to-use AudioLogger for debugging and monitoring


Open the streams-generator-i2s.ino sketch in the Arduino IDE.

Upload the sketch to your reSpeaker Lite board.

Open the Serial Monitor to view the output and any log messages.



i2s: Creates an instance of the I2SStream class to capture audio from the I2S interface.

tfl: Creates an instance of the TfLiteAudioStream class to process the captured audio using TensorFlow Lite.

kCategoryLabels: Defines the category labels for the classification results.

copier: Creates a StreamCopy object to copy the audio data from the I2S stream to the TensorFlow Lite stream.

channels: Specifies the number of audio channels (1 for mono).

samples_per_second: Specifies the sample rate of the audio input.

respondToCommand: A callback function that is invoked when a command is detected. It receives the detected command, score, and a flag indicating if it is a new command.


  • You can modify the kCategoryLabels array to define your own set of category labels for the classification results.

  • The respondToCommand function can be customized to perform specific actions based on the detected commands.

  • The TensorFlow Lite model can be replaced with your own trained model by updating the model.h file.

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