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SenseCraft Cloud Fee

SenseCaft cloud service is based on hardware devices using the LoRaWAN IoT low-power communication protocol. The LoRaWAN devices require metered prepayment to enable the data communication function. Users can prepay monthly or annually based on their product usage needs.

Price Description

Device TypeFree quota30 days90 days365 days
Air Temperature and Humidity Sensor182 days$0.99$2.97$11.88
Light Intensity Sensor182 days$0.99$2.97$11.88
Soil Moisture and Temperature Sensor182 days$0.99$2.97$11.88
CO2 Temperature and Humidity Sensor182 days$0.99$2.97$11.88
LoraWAN Datalogger182 days$0.99$2.97$11.88
Soil Moisture Temperature and EC Sensor182 days$0.99$2.97$11.88
VisionAI182 days$0.99$2.97$11.88
Eight In One Compact Weather Station182 days$0.99$2.97$11.88
PH Sensor182 days$0.99$2.97$11.88
T1000-A/B Tracker90 days$0.99$2.97$11.88

Billing starts after the device is bound to the platform. If the device is unbound or the device organization is modified during the billing cycle, billing will not be interrupted and will be charged based on the device dimension.


Service purchases only support Paypal.


SenseCraft App Subscription

Go to the Device page and select the device for which you want to purchase the service. Enter the device details and then the Settings interface. Select Communication Service to access the service purchase module.



The APP currently only supports single device purchases, for bulk service purchases, please see SenseCAP Portal Subscription.

SenseCAP Portal Subscription

Login SenseCAP Portal.

Go to Devices —> Sensor Node page, click the Bulk Purchase services button in the upper left corner of the list. Select the target device to purchase。


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