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Watcher To Telegram Quick Start

What is Telegram

Telegram is a popular messaging app that offers a wide range of features for users and developers alike. With its open API and protocol, developers can create custom Telegram clients, bots, and integrate Telegram's services into their own applications. Telegram provides a secure and reliable platform for real-time communication, supporting various media types, group chats, and end-to-end encryption. Its cloud-based infrastructure ensures seamless synchronization across devices and allows for easy scalability. Developers can leverage Telegram's features and tools to build innovative solutions and enhance user experiences within their projects.

How to access Telegram API

Step 1. Get bot token

  1. First you need to download a Telegram APP and get into BotFather page. Send /newbot and according to tips to name your bot.

  2. After that, click the link in page 2 to jump to your bot(page 3) and then send something to you bot. Remenber to send something, otherwise you can't get your chatid.

  3. Another important thing is to save your token where I make masaic in page 2. We will use it later.

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Step 2. Get bot chatId

According to previous step, BotFather will give you some feedback when you created your bot. You will find Token in the feedback and the format would be like: 123456789:AoUJnnpoFlkkdfJbCXlo.... And then use your Token to access this link to get your ChatId.

#access this link using your Token{Token}/getUpdates


You will find your ChatId following the image below. The ChatId would be like: 7283028524. Save your Token and ChatId, we will use them later.

Configure Telegram module in Node-RED

Step 3. Install Telegram module

Following the image below to install Telegram module. If you haven't install Node-RED yet,please refer here.

Search telegram and install the third one.

Step 4. Connect and configure modules

Drag those modules to workspace and connect them together. If you don't know how to configure OpenStream, you can still refer this link.

Now we are going to configure function module. Double click it and paste the following code into it.

msg.image_url = msg.payload.value[0].image_url;
msg.content = msg.payload.value[0].content;
msg.chatId = "7098248409"; // change to your Telegram Chat ID

// set payload to send photo
var photoPayload = {
chatId: msg.chatId,
type: "photo",
content: msg.image_url

// set payload to send message
var messagePayload = {
chatId: msg.chatId,
type: "message",
content: msg.content

// send photo
node.send({ payload: photoPayload });

// send message
node.send({ payload: messagePayload });

After that, next we are going to configure sender module, following the below image.

Paste you bot name, Token, ChatId here.

Another sender's configuration is similar, just following the below image.

Send infomation to Telegram

Step 5. Run a task in Watcher

First of all, you need to run a task in Watcher following the video below. If you want to know more please click here.

Step 6. Send message and photo to Telegram

When the task is triggered, you will receive message from your Watcher. Both Node-RED and Telegram App.


Congratulations on successfully connecting Watcher to Telegram! You've unlocked a world of exciting possibilities for your development journey. Get ready to explore and create innovative applications that leverage Telegram's powerful features. The future is bright, and we can't wait to see what you'll build next!

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