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ePaper Panel in Home Assistant

Hardware Overview


The XIAO ESP32C3-powered 7.5-inch E-Ink Display is a compact, energy-efficient solution for showcasing Home Assistant data. With seamless integration and crisp visuals, it's perfect for smart homes. Also compatible with Arduino for easy customization, it offers low power consumption and excellent readability in any light. Simplify your smart home setup with this versatile display.


  1. Energy-Efficient E-Ink Screen: Offers low power consumption and excellent readability, even in direct sunlight.
  2. Seamless Integration: Easy to integrate with Home Assistant and Arduino for customization.
  3. Compact Design: Compact size, ideal for smart home applications.
  4. User-Friendly Setup: Simple to configure and use, making it accessible for both beginners and advanced users.
  5. Durable and Reliable: Built with quality components for long-lasting performance.


Display7.5-inch ePaper Display
Battery3.7V 2000mAh
Operating Temperature-40°C to 85°C
Operating Voltage3.3V to 5V

Software Overview

Usage in Home Assistant

Step 1.Install ESPHome

Go to Settings -> Add-ons -> ADD-ON STORE

Search ESPHome and click on it. Click on INSTALL and START.

And then, ESPHome Builder will appear at the sidebar.

Step 2.Add a new device

Go to ESPHome and click on NEW DEVICE.

Give the device a name you like and click on NEXT.

After you create a new devcie, click EDIT.

And then, you can follow step 3 to explore different usages of this device.

Step 3.Basic usage

1. Display "Hello World!"

This is a very basic example and will show "Hello World!" on the display.

After installing ESPHome and add a new device, you can copy the code below and paste it to captive_portal part as the following image.

Click here to copy the code.

# define font to display words
- file: "gfonts://Inter@700"
id: font1
size: 24

# define SPI interface
clk_pin: GPIO7
mosi_pin: GPIO9

- platform: waveshare_epaper
cs_pin: GPIO2
dc_pin: GPIO4
busy_pin: GPIO3
reset_pin: GPIO1
model: 7.50inv2
update_interval: 30s
lambda: |-
it.print(0, 0, id(font1), "Hello World!");

Before you install the code to the device, you need to connect this device to your Raspberry Pi or HA Green(Yellow) which is running Home Assistant.

Click INSTALL to install the code to the device.

Click the options following the image to install the code to the device.

When you see the feedback like the following image, it means the code is running successfully.

2. Display shape

This example will show shape on the display.

After installing ESPHome and add a new device, you can copy the code below and paste it to captive_portal part as the following image.

Click here to copy the code.
clk_pin: GPIO8
mosi_pin: GPIO10

- platform: waveshare_epaper
model: 7.50inv2
cs_pin: GPIO3
dc_pin: GPIO5
reset_pin: GPIO2
busy_pin: GPIO4
update_interval: 5min
lambda: |-
it.rectangle(10, 10, 100, 50);
it.rectangle(150, 10, 50, 50);, 35, 25);

it.filled_rectangle(10, 80, 100, 50);
it.filled_rectangle(150, 80, 50, 50);
it.filled_circle(250, 105, 25);

When you see the feedback like the following image, it means the code is running successfully.

You can also click here to see more usages.

3. Display information in HA

This example will show the information in HA on the display.

First of all, you need to add this device to HA. Otherwise, you can't get the information from HA.

If HA don't show the device, you should run above demo first. After running above demo, you can see the device in HA.

And then, click SUBMIT and FINISH.

After installing ESPHome and add a new device, you can copy the code below and paste it to captive_portal part as the following image.

Click here to copy the code

# Define font to show info
- file: "gfonts://Inter@700"
id: myFont
size: 24

# Get info from HA, as string format
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: weather.forecast_home
id: myWeather
internal: true
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: weather.forecast_home
id: myTemperature
attribute: "temperature"
internal: true

# Get info from HA, as float format
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: weather.forecast_home
id: myPressure
attribute: "pressure"
internal: true

# Display info via SPI
clk_pin: GPIO8
mosi_pin: GPIO10

- platform: waveshare_epaper
cs_pin: GPIO3
dc_pin: GPIO5
busy_pin: GPIO4
reset_pin: GPIO2
model: 7.50inv2
update_interval: 30s
lambda: |-
//print info in log
ESP_LOGD("epaper", "weather: %s", id(myWeather).state.c_str());
ESP_LOGD("epaper", "temperature: %s", id(myTemperature).state.c_str());
ESP_LOGD("epaper", "pressure: %.1f", id(myPressure).state);
//display info in epaper screen
it.printf(100, 100, id(myFont), "%s", id(myWeather).state.c_str());
it.printf(100, 150, id(myFont), "%s", id(myTemperature).state.c_str());
it.printf(100, 200, id(myFont), "%.1f", id(myPressure).state);

Install those codes to your device.

The function of the code is to get weather, temperature and pressure from HA and display them on the display.

When you see the feedback like the following image, it means the code is running successfully.

4. Display icon

This example will show icon on the display.

First, we need to install a File Editor add-on. Search Studio Code Server and click on it. Click on INSTALL and START.

And then, create a new folder call fonts and download this file and put it into fonts folder.

Go back to your ESPHome file and copy the code below and paste it to captive_portal part as the following image.

Click here to copy the code.
- file: 'fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf' #here is the directory to save ttf file
id: font_mdi_large
size: 200 # big size icon
glyphs: &mdi-weather-glyphs
- "\U000F0595" # weather cloudy
- "\U000F0592" # weather hail
- file: 'fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf'
id: font_mdi_medium # small size icon
size: 40
glyphs: *mdi-weather-glyphs

clk_pin: GPIO8
mosi_pin: GPIO10

- platform: waveshare_epaper
cs_pin: GPIO3
dc_pin: GPIO5
busy_pin: GPIO4
reset_pin: GPIO2
model: 7.50inv2
update_interval: 30s
lambda: |-
it.printf(100, 200, id(font_mdi_medium), TextAlign::CENTER, "\U000F0595");
it.printf(400, 200, id(font_mdi_large), TextAlign::CENTER, "\U000F0592");

When you see the feedback like the following image, it means the code is running successfully.

If you want to use other icons, you can click the below button to explore more.

Select a icon you want.

Copy the code and paste it to captive_portal part as the following image.

5. Display image

This example will show image on the display.

Like the previous example, we need to install Studio Code Server and create a new folder call image to save the image.

And then put a 800x480 pixel image into image folder because the display size is 800x480 pixel.

After that, you can copy the code below and paste it to captive_portal part as the following image.

Click here to copy the code.

- file: /config/esphome/image/hand.jpg # the path where you save the image, png or jpg format
id: myImage
type: BINARY
resize: 800x480 # how big you want to show, the biggest size should be as same as epaper pixel
invert_alpha: true # invert color

clk_pin: GPIO8
mosi_pin: GPIO10

- platform: waveshare_epaper
cs_pin: GPIO3
dc_pin: GPIO5
busy_pin: GPIO4
reset_pin: GPIO2
model: 7.50inv2
update_interval: 30s
lambda: |-
it.image(0, 0, id(myImage));

When you see the feedback like the following image, it means the code is running successfully.

Step 4.Comperhensive example

This example will show how to get weather information and calendar information from HA and display them on the display. What's more, it will use deep sleep mode to save power. Update info per hour, 2000mAh battery can last 30 days.

First, you need to check if you have weather component in HA. Normally, you will have one when you install HA.

Also you can go to Developer Tools -> STATES to check if you have weather information in HA. Here is the infomation you will get later.

Second, you need to install calendar component in HA.

Go to Settings -> Devices & Services -> Integrations -> Add Integration

Select Local Calendar and click SUBMIT button.

After that, you will see the Local Calendar in Configured part and in your sidebar.

Click Calendar in your sidebar and create 3 new calendars name calender, epaper_event and new_calendar. You can also use other name but please keep the same name in your code later.

Click here to copy the code.

name: dashboard
friendly_name: dashboard

board: esp32-c3-devkitm-1
type: arduino

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API
key: "jBgx0v+Y9eKiQmYTk0SCnHgtDowNDZqgFU26Z2VTYzM="

- platform: esphome
password: "9f78b53ef216c5d689f7408bb1ebe728"

# -------------------------------------- Keep your code above, change your code below --------------------------------------

- id: wifi_status
type: int
restore_value: no
initial_value: "0"
- id: first_update_done
type: bool
restore_value: no
initial_value: "false"

ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
- lambda: |-
id(wifi_status) = 1;
- lambda: |-
id(wifi_status) = 0;


# Here is deep sleep part
id: deep_sleep_1
run_duration: 1min # Device wake up and run 60s (enough to pull data and update)
sleep_duration: 60min # deep sleep for 1h

- id: update_display
- component.update: my_display

# Condition: wifi connected && data retrieved && first time
- interval: 10s # Check every second
- if:
- wifi.connected:
- lambda: "return !id(ha_calendar_event_1).state.empty();"
- lambda: "return !id(first_update_done);"
- lambda: |-
ESP_LOGD("Display", "Updating Display...");
- script.execute: update_display # Refresh immediately
- lambda: "id(first_update_done) = true;"
- interval: 59s # run this command before 1s of run_duration end
- logger.log: "Entering deep sleep now..."

- file: image/wifi.jpg
type: BINARY
id: esphome_logo
resize: 400x240
invert_alpha: true

# Connect to Home Assistant to get time
- platform: homeassistant
id: homeassistant_time

- platform: homeassistant
id: ha_calendar_event_1
entity_id: calendar.calender
attribute: "message"
- platform: homeassistant
id: ha_calendar_start_time_1
entity_id: calendar.calender
attribute: "start_time"
- platform: homeassistant
id: ha_calendar_end_time_1
entity_id: calendar.calender
attribute: "end_time"

- platform: homeassistant
id: ha_calendar_event_2
entity_id: calendar.epaper_event
attribute: "message"
- platform: homeassistant
id: ha_calendar_start_time_2
entity_id: calendar.epaper_event
attribute: "start_time"
- platform: homeassistant
id: ha_calendar_end_time_2
entity_id: calendar.epaper_event
attribute: "end_time"

- platform: homeassistant
id: ha_calendar_event_3
entity_id: calendar.new_calender
attribute: "message"
- platform: homeassistant
id: ha_calendar_start_time_3
entity_id: calendar.new_calender
attribute: "start_time"
- platform: homeassistant
id: ha_calendar_end_time_3
entity_id: calendar.new_calender
attribute: "end_time"

- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: weather.forecast_home
id: myWeather
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: weather.forecast_home
id: temp
attribute: "temperature"
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: weather.forecast_home
id: humi
attribute: "humidity"
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: weather.forecast_home
id: press
attribute: "pressure"
- platform: homeassistant
entity_id: weather.forecast_home
id: wind
attribute: "wind_speed"

- file: "fonts/Montserrat-Black.ttf"
id: web_font
size: 20
- file: "fonts/Montserrat-Black.ttf"
id: data_font
size: 30
- file: "fonts/Montserrat-Black.ttf"
id: sensor_font
size: 22

- file: "gfonts://Inter@700" #
id: font1
size: 24

- file: 'fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf' # Directory to save ttf file
id: font_mdi_large
size: 200
glyphs: &mdi-weather-glyphs #
- "\U000F050F" # Thermometer
- "\U000F058E" # Humidity
- "\U000F059D" # Wind speed
- "\U000F0D60" # Atmospheric pressure
- "\U000F0590" # Cloudy weather
- "\U000F0596" # Rainy weather
- "\U000F0598" # Snowy weather
- "\U000F0599" # Sunny weather
- file: 'fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf'
id: font_weather # Copy the above icon and change the size to 40
size: 200
glyphs: *mdi-weather-glyphs
- file: 'fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf'
id: img_font_sensor # Copy the above icon and change the size to 40
size: 70
glyphs: *mdi-weather-glyphs

clk_pin: GPIO8
mosi_pin: GPIO10

- platform: waveshare_epaper
id: my_display
cs_pin: GPIO3
dc_pin: GPIO5
busy_pin: GPIO4
reset_pin: GPIO2
model: 7.50inv2
update_interval: 50s
lambda: |-
if(id(wifi_status) == 0){
it.image(180, 0, id(esphome_logo));
it.print(230, 300, id(data_font), "WI-FI CONNECTING");
// Draw weather images here
std::string weather_string = id(myWeather).state.c_str();
if(weather_string == "rainy" || weather_string == "lightning" || weather_string == "pouring"){
// Draw rainy weather image
it.printf(120, 85, id(font_weather), TextAlign::CENTER, "\U000F0596");
}else if(weather_string == "snowy"){
// Draw snowy weather image
it.printf(120, 85, id(font_weather), TextAlign::CENTER, "\U000F0598");
}else if(weather_string == "sunny" || weather_string == "windy"){
// Draw sunny weather image
it.printf(120, 85, id(font_weather), TextAlign::CENTER, "\U000F0599");
// Draw cloudy weather image
it.printf(120, 85, id(font_weather), TextAlign::CENTER, "\U000F0590");

auto time_now = id(homeassistant_time).now();
// Month conversion
const char* months[] = {
"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
const char* month_str = months[time_now.month - 1]; // Month index starts from 0
// Get the day
int day = time_now.day_of_month;
// Draw the date
it.printf(250, 110, id(data_font), "%s %d", month_str, day);
// Get the day of the week
const char* days[] = {"Saturday", "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday"};
const char* day_of_week = days[time_now.day_of_week];
it.printf(250, 70, id(data_font), "%s", day_of_week);

int x = 20, y = 180, w = 180, h = 120, r = 10, thickness = 4;
// Draw four borders
it.filled_rectangle(x + r, y, w - 2 * r, thickness); // Top border
it.filled_rectangle(x + r, y + h - thickness, w - 2 * r, thickness); // Bottom border
it.filled_rectangle(x, y + r, thickness, h - 2 * r); // Left border
it.filled_rectangle(x + w - thickness, y + r, thickness, h - 2 * r); // Right border
// Draw four rounded corners
it.filled_circle(x + r, y + r, r); // Top-left corner
it.filled_circle(x + w - r, y + r, r); // Top-right corner
it.filled_circle(x + r, y + h - r, r); // Bottom-left corner
it.filled_circle(x + w - r, y + h - r, r); // Bottom-right corner
// Fill the inside with black to form a border
it.filled_rectangle(x + thickness, y + thickness, w - 2 * thickness, h - 2 * thickness, COLOR_OFF);
// Temperature
it.printf(x+10, y+10, id(sensor_font), "Temperature");
it.printf(x+45, y+75, id(img_font_sensor), TextAlign::CENTER, "\U000F050F");
// Get temperature data
it.printf(x+75,y+65, id(data_font), "%s°F", id(temp).state.c_str());

x = 220;
y = 180;
// Draw four borders
it.filled_rectangle(x + r, y, w - 2 * r, thickness); // Top border
it.filled_rectangle(x + r, y + h - thickness, w - 2 * r, thickness); // Bottom border
it.filled_rectangle(x, y + r, thickness, h - 2 * r); // Left border
it.filled_rectangle(x + w - thickness, y + r, thickness, h - 2 * r); // Right border
// Draw four rounded corners
it.filled_circle(x + r, y + r, r); // Top-left corner
it.filled_circle(x + w - r, y + r, r); // Top-right corner
it.filled_circle(x + r, y + h - r, r); // Bottom-left corner
it.filled_circle(x + w - r, y + h - r, r); // Bottom-right corner
// Fill the inside with black to form a border
it.filled_rectangle(x + thickness, y + thickness, w - 2 * thickness, h - 2 * thickness, COLOR_OFF);
// Humidity
it.printf(x+10, y+10, id(sensor_font), "Humidity");
it.printf(x+45, y+75, id(img_font_sensor), TextAlign::CENTER, "\U000F058E");
// Get humidity data
it.printf(x+75,y+65, id(data_font), "%s%%", id(humi).state.c_str());

x = 20;
y = 320;
// Draw four borders
it.filled_rectangle(x + r, y, w - 2 * r, thickness); // Top border
it.filled_rectangle(x + r, y + h - thickness, w - 2 * r, thickness); // Bottom border
it.filled_rectangle(x, y + r, thickness, h - 2 * r); // Left border
it.filled_rectangle(x + w - thickness, y + r, thickness, h - 2 * r); // Right border
// Draw four rounded corners
it.filled_circle(x + r, y + r, r); // Top-left corner
it.filled_circle(x + w - r, y + r, r); // Top-right corner
it.filled_circle(x + r, y + h - r, r); // Bottom-left corner
it.filled_circle(x + w - r, y + h - r, r); // Bottom-right corner
// Fill the inside with black to form a border
it.filled_rectangle(x + thickness, y + thickness, w - 2 * thickness, h - 2 * thickness, COLOR_OFF);
// Air Pressure
it.printf(x+10, y+10, id(sensor_font), "Air Pressure");
it.printf(x+45, y+75, id(img_font_sensor), TextAlign::CENTER, "\U000F0D60");
// Get atmospheric pressure data
it.printf(x+85,y+50, id(data_font), "%s", id(press).state.c_str());
it.printf(x+85,y+78, id(sensor_font), "inHg");

x = 220;
y = 320;
// Draw four borders
it.filled_rectangle(x + r, y, w - 2 * r, thickness); // Top border
it.filled_rectangle(x + r, y + h - thickness, w - 2 * r, thickness); // Bottom border
it.filled_rectangle(x, y + r, thickness, h - 2 * r); // Left border
it.filled_rectangle(x + w - thickness, y + r, thickness, h - 2 * r); // Right border
// Draw four rounded corners
it.filled_circle(x + r, y + r, r); // Top-left corner
it.filled_circle(x + w - r, y + r, r); // Top-right corner
it.filled_circle(x + r, y + h - r, r); // Bottom-left corner
it.filled_circle(x + w - r, y + h - r, r); // Bottom-right corner
// Fill the inside with black to form a border
it.filled_rectangle(x + thickness, y + thickness, w - 2 * thickness, h - 2 * thickness, COLOR_OFF);
// Wind Speed
it.printf(x+10, y+10, id(sensor_font), "Wind Speed");
it.printf(x+45, y+75, id(img_font_sensor), TextAlign::CENTER, "\U000F059D");
// Get wind speed data
it.printf(x+85,y+50, id(data_font), "%s", id(wind).state.c_str());
it.printf(x+85,y+78, id(sensor_font), "mph");

// Draw a vertical line
it.filled_rectangle(430, 30, 5, 430);
// Right section
it.printf(540, 40, id(data_font), "Calendar");

// Define event structure
struct Event {
std::string message;
std::string start_time;
std::string end_time;
time_t start_timestamp;

// Parse time string to time_t (UNIX timestamp)
auto parse_time = [](const std::string &time_str) -> time_t {
struct tm timeinfo = {};
if (strptime(time_str.c_str(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &timeinfo) == nullptr) {
return 0; // Invalid time
return mktime(&timeinfo);

// Create event list
std::vector<Event> events = {
{id(ha_calendar_event_1).state, id(ha_calendar_start_time_1).state, id(ha_calendar_end_time_1).state, parse_time(id(ha_calendar_start_time_1).state)},
{id(ha_calendar_event_2).state, id(ha_calendar_start_time_2).state, id(ha_calendar_end_time_2).state, parse_time(id(ha_calendar_start_time_2).state)},
{id(ha_calendar_event_3).state, id(ha_calendar_start_time_3).state, id(ha_calendar_end_time_3).state, parse_time(id(ha_calendar_start_time_3).state)}
ESP_LOGD("myCalendar", "Start Time: %s -> %ld", id(ha_calendar_start_time_1).state.c_str(), parse_time(id(ha_calendar_start_time_1).state));
ESP_LOGD("myCalendar", "Start Time: %s -> %ld", id(ha_calendar_start_time_2).state.c_str(), parse_time(id(ha_calendar_start_time_2).state));
ESP_LOGD("myCalendar", "Start Time: %s -> %ld", id(ha_calendar_start_time_3).state.c_str(), parse_time(id(ha_calendar_start_time_3).state));

// Filter invalid events (start_timestamp == 0)
events.erase(std::remove_if(events.begin(), events.end(), [](const Event &e) { return e.start_timestamp == 0; }), events.end());

// Sort by `start_timestamp` (earliest to latest)
std::sort(events.begin(), events.end(), [](const Event &a, const Event &b) {
return a.start_timestamp < b.start_timestamp;

// Define a function to format time
auto format_time = [](std::string time_str) -> std::string {
struct tm timeinfo;
if (strptime(time_str.c_str(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &timeinfo) == nullptr) {
return "Invalid";
char buffer[10];
strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%I:%M%p", &timeinfo); // Convert to 12-hour format
return std::string(buffer);
// Parse date
auto format_date = [](const std::string &time_str) -> std::string {
struct tm timeinfo = {};
if (strptime(time_str.c_str(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &timeinfo) == nullptr) {
return "Invalid";
char buffer[6]; // Need to store "MM-DD\0"
strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%m-%d", &timeinfo);
return std::string(buffer);

// Draw events
int even_x_start_offset = 460;
int even_y_start_offset = 80;
for (const auto &event : events) {
if(even_y_start_offset >= 420){

// Format time
std::string formatted_date = format_date(event.start_time);
std::string formatted_start_time = format_time(event.start_time);
std::string formatted_end_time = format_time(event.end_time);

// Combine time range string
std::string time_range = formatted_start_time + " - " + formatted_end_time;
time_range = formatted_date + " " + time_range;
if(formatted_start_time == "Invalid" || formatted_end_time == "Invalid"){
// Display time range, e.g., "10:00AM - 11:00AM"
it.printf(even_x_start_offset, even_y_start_offset, id(sensor_font), "%s", time_range.c_str());
even_y_start_offset += 30;
// Display event name
it.printf(even_x_start_offset, even_y_start_offset, id(sensor_font), "%s", event.message.c_str());
even_y_start_offset += 40;

When you see the feedback like the following image, it means the code is running successfully.


Q1: Why is there no data?

In this case, you should go to Settings -> Devices & Services -> Integrations to RECONGFIGURE device.

Q2: Why can't I get those data in Home Assistant?

In this case, you should go to Settings -> Devices & Services -> Integrations to ADD your device to HA.

Q3: How can I upload a new program when device in deep sleep mode?

When device in deep sleep mode, you can't upload a new program derectly.

  1. First, make sure that device is turned on, and then press the Boot button on the back of the board.

  2. Click one time Reset button and release Boot button.

  3. After that, turn off the battery switch and unplug the power cable.

  4. Last, connect the device to Raspberry Pi, and upload a new program.

Q4: How long does the battery last?

During deep sleep mode, refresh screen per 6 hours and the battery will last 3 months.

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