XIAO ESP32C6 with PlatformIO
PlatformIO Introduce
PlatformIO is a development platform that integrates many types of development boards and has good scalability. If the platform does not have the type you need, you can manually add the type of development board yourself. The code you write on Arduino can use it, just add the corresponding library
In this wiki , we wiil introduce how to install and run the sample code in PlatformIO
Use PlatformIO For XIAO ESP32C6
Setup 1 . Install PlatformIO in official website
if you have not install software of PlatformIO , you can click on the link above.
Setup 2 . Creat any project in PlatformIO
Because the platform already has our XIAO ESP32S3 and XIAO ESP32C3 development board options, we can choose one of them to create our files. Of course, other files are also fine, it doesn't matter. The project name can also be chosen arbitrarily.
Operation one | Operation two |
Before this, I had already installed the XIAO ESP32C6 installation package, so you can see that the image in operation two has the option for XIAO ESP32C6, but you don't have it when you perform the operation
Setup 3 . Modify platformio.ini file
When you successfully create the PlatformIO file, there will be many files appearing in the left column. We can see a file named platform.ini. Next, we need to replace the contents inside it
Operation three |
You need to copy the following code and replace the content in platform.ini file
platform = https://github.com/mnowak32/platform-espressif32.git#boards/seeed_xiao_esp32c6
platform_packages =
framework-arduinoespressif32 @ https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32.git#3.0.2
framework-arduinoespressif32-libs @ https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/releases/download/3.0.2/esp32-arduino-libs-3.0.2.zip
framework = arduino
board = seeed_xiao_esp32c6
Remember save the file , ctrl+s , it will loading
Setup 4 . Compile and Burn
Operation four |
In the end of , if you have the same result following picture , that mean you add it XIAO ESP32C6 Development Board successfuly.when you creat project again , the XIAO ESP32C6 operations
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