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There are two Grove interfaces in the SenseCAP Indicator for connecting Grove modules, one is the default I2C Port and other one is configurable Digital/Analog Pin, it can also be used for PWM outputs. Both Grove ports can be used as Digital.Providing more possibilities for developers.

This repo will introduce how to use the Grove IOs on the SenseCAP Indicator. This allows you to enjoy the plug and play functionality of the Grove Ecosystem as well as using the RP2040 compatible GPIO!


To use the Grove configurable A/D Port as Analog port, simply define it as follow:

#define ADC1  27

Example Code:

This example code introduces how to connect the Light sensor in the grove ADC interface. The output signal is analog value, the brighter the light is, the larger the value.

#include <Arduino.h>

#define ADC1 27

void setup() {

void loop() {
int adc0_data = analogRead(ADC1);
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