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Weekly Wiki


This is Frank in Seeed Studio and welcome to the Seeed Studio weekly wiki! Each Monday, I will introduce you our latest wiki, including the ones related to our new products, the interesting projects published by Seeed Studio, and the tutorials, introductions, etc... You name it.

✨ For each week, when a collaborator contributes a project or fixes something important, we put the stars at the end of title of "Weekly Wiki" for more people be able to see their efforts👍.

Today is July 22th and a brand new week has begun! Check out what Seeed Studio did last week!

Latest Wiki Launched

Watcher To IFTTT Quick Start

MongoDB is a powerful, cross-platform document database that excels in handling both structured and unstructured data. Its flexible, schema-less data model is based on JSON-like documents, making it an excellent choice for dynamic applications requiring ad hoc queries and indexing.

Using MongoDB provides a straightforward method to store and utilize data from the Watcher for further processing or other project applications.

This tutorial will guide you through using the Watcher API and Node-RED to seamlessly send data to MongoDB, a setup perfect for projects that demand real-time data handling and persistence.

reComputer R1000 with FIN to create a Top Level Graphic

IFTTT (If This Then That) is a web-based service that allows developers to create automations and integrations between various apps, devices, and services without complex programming. It enables users to define simple conditional statements called "applets" that trigger actions based on specific events. It provides a user-friendly interface and a vast library of pre-built applets, making it accessible for developers to create powerful automations and integrations efficiently.

This article will show you how to use the of FIN Framwork, and to create a using the .Graphics BuilderTop Level GraphicGraphics Builder.

reComputer R1000 with FIN to create a Floor Graphic

This article will show you how to use the Graphics Builder of FIN Framwork, and to create a Floor Graphic using the Graphics Builder.

reComputer R1000 with FIN to create a Site Graphic

This article will show you how to use the Graphics Builder of FIN Framwork, and to create a Site Graphic using the Graphics Builder.

Existed Wiki Updated

Voice Assistant System for Home Assitant

We've added examples of Adding smart devices.

Flash the Sidewalk version to LoRaWAN version

We've added instructions for Configuring the IP address for the POE interface.

The Efforts of Contributor

Past Weekly wiki

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