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RS-485 Shield for Raspberry Pi

RS-485 is a cost-effective solution in serial communication networks. It can be used up to data rates at 10 Mbit/s or distances up to 1200m at lower speeds. This RS-485 Shield is a standard add-on board for Raspberry Pi. It is integrated with simple screw terminal as well as DB9 interface.


Product VersionChangesReleased Date
RS-485 Shield for Raspberry PiInitialSep 2018


  • One driver and one receiver per part
  • EMI noise minimization
  • Transmission rate up to 2.5Mbps
  • No driver slew rate limitation
  • Short-circuit current limited
  • Fail-Safe Applications
  • Support Raspberry Pi 3B/3B+/4


Operating Supply Voltage3.3V
InterfaceRS-485 DB9 Interface X1
RS-485 Screw Interface X1
2×13 Female Header To Raspberry X1
2×13 Expansion Female Header X1
Grove I2C Interface X1
Data Rate2.5Mbps
Number of Receivers on32
Storage Temperature Range-65~160℃
Channel Number8
Power ConsumptionDifferent power consumption depending on the transmission rate
sizeL: 62mm W: 39.2mm H: 21.8mm
Package sizeL: 140mm W: 75mm H: 25mm
Gross Weight42g

Typical Applications

  • Low-Power RS-485 Transceivers
  • Level Translators
  • Transceivers for EMI-Sensitive Applications Industrial-Control Local Area Networks
  • Half-duplex applications

Hardware Overview

Pin Out



RS-485 DB9 Interface & RS-485 Screw Interface

The 485 interface uses differential signal transmission. Please make sure the port A connect to the port A of the 485 device, and port B connect to the port B of the 485 device.

485-A: The end A of RS485 data transmit wire, connect to the pin A of the MAX485 chip.
485-B: The end B of RS485 data transmit wire, connect to the pin B of the MAX485 chip.
GND: Connect to the Raspberry Pi GND.

You can click the picture to view the original file

As you can see, GPIO14 and GPIO15 are applied for data transmission, and we use GPIO18 as the enable signal.

For the definition of logic signals, please refer to the table below.

Female Headers to Raspberry

We use a 2X13 Female Header to plug this module into the Raspberry Pi, please make sure the pins are aligned.

Extension Female Headers

This RS-485 Shield occupies 26 Raspberry Pi pins, and only 5 GPIO pins are actually used. We take these 26 pins out in case you need those pins for other purposes.

GPIO Occupied List

GPIO NumberFunction
GPIO02SDA for Grove I2C Port
GPIO03SCL for Grove I2C Port
GPIO14Connect to the pin DI of Max485 chip, for data transmission.
GPIO15Connect to the pin RO of Max485 chip, for data transmission.
GPIO18Connect to the pin RE & DE of Max485 chip, work as the enable signal.

Grove I2C Port

We have reserved the I2C interface so that you can easily use it with I2C devices. It should be noted that the VCC of this port is 5V, you need to confirm that whether the module is compatible with 5V voltage.

SCL: I2C serial clock, connect to the GPIO03 of Raspberry Pi.
SDA: I2C serial data, connect to the GPIO02 of Raspberry Pi.
VCC: Connect to the Raspberry Pi 5V pin.
GND: Connect to the Raspberry Pi GND pin.

Max485 Chip

We use the MAX485ESA IC for this shield, for more detail about this IC, please check the MAX485 Datasheet

Platforms Supported

ArduinoRaspberry Pi

Getting Started


Materials required

Raspberry piRS-485 Shield for Raspberry Pi
enter image description hereenter image description here
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  • Step 1. Plug the RS-485 Shield for Raspberry Pi into the Raspberry Pi.

  • Step 2. Connect the 485-A to 485 wire A, connect the 485-B to 485 wire B.

If the wire is reversed, communication will not be possible.
  • Step 3. Power the Raspberry Pi with micro-usb cable.


Communication test code

You can create a new python file and copy the following code into the new file, or you can download the source file in the resource download area. Then run it in your terminal.

Sending Code.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import time
import serial
import os
from gpiozero import LED

send_str = "*******rs485888888--\n"

ser = serial.Serial(port='/dev/ttyS0',baudrate =115200)

Tx_Enable = LED(18)

while 1:

Receive Code

#!/usr/bin/env python

import time
import serial
import os
from gpiozero import LED

ser = serial.Serial(port='/dev/ttyS0',baudrate =115200,timeout=1)
data = ''

Rx_Disable = LED(18)

while True:
str = ser.readall()
if str:
print str

You need two shield and two raspberry to test the code above, or you can use the serial tool in the PC to communicate with your raspberry pi.

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