Raspberry Pi Breakout Board v1.0
Raspberry Pi Breakout Board for Raspberry Pi is a prototype board that you can combine your raspberry pi with other components, modules. As a prototype board, it also provides power, state indicator light, button and universal transistor,such as NPN, PNP, N-MOS, P-MOS.
- Support Raspberry Pi 2/3B/3B+/4/Zero
- Micro USB power supply
- Basic Circuit : state indicator light, button and universal transistor(NPN,PNP,N-MOS,P-MOS)
- 3.3 volts, 5 volts and ground power rails are easily available anywhere on the board
Hardware Overview
- You can design circuit on the Raspberry Pi Breakout Board, then connect to raspberry pi as shown below.
Schematic Online Viewer
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