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SenseCAP M2 Light Gateway FAQ


Is a SenseCAP License necessary for the normal function of SenseCAP M2?

Yes. SenseCAP M2 license is necessary for the functionality of the light hotspot. If your SenseCAP M2 license has expired, your hotspot will not be able to transfer the package and update to the latest firmware. Please do make sure that you check the license period regularly.

When the SenseCAP M2 light hotspot expires, do I need to buy the redeem card entity again?

No, you can purchase the SenseCAP M2 Software License on SenseCAP Dashboard and apply the license to your device online.

What is the difference between Helium Onboarding Fee and SenseCAP License?

A Helium Onboarding fee is imposed by Helium to onboard the hotspot onto the Helium server. This fee has been included in the SenseCAP Hotspot package. Additionally, a SenseCAP Software License is required to activate the SenseCAP software and cloud services.

Why does my hotspot flash white light after onboarding to the Helium?

Slow white light means that your SenseCAP M2 does not have a valid license. Please go to the dashboard to redeem the license you purchased with SenseCAP M2. For future license renewals, you can directly purchase and apply them through the SenseCAP Dashboard.

Is the license on the redeem card reusable for multiple SenseCAP M2 light hotspots?

No, one redeem card only redeems and applies to one SenseCAP M2 light hotspot license

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