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Microsoft Azure IoT Data visualisation with Power BI

SenseCAP K1100 - The Sensor Prototype Kit represents Seeed Studio concentrating the essence of LoRa® communication on technology and edge intelligence products, for the easiest deploying and mastering of LoRa® and IoT applications.


Upgradable to Industrial Sensors

With the SenseCAP S2110 controller and S2100 data logger, you can easily turn the Grove into a LoRaWAN® sensor. Seeed not only helps you with prototyping but also offers you the possibility to expand your project with the SenseCAP series of robust industrial sensors.

The IP66 housing, Bluetooth configuration, compatibility with the global LoRaWAN® network, built-in 19 Ah battery, and powerful support from APP make the SenseCAP S210x the best choice for industrial applications. The series includes sensors for soil moisture, air temperature and humidity, light intensity, CO2, EC, and an 8-in-1 weather station. Try the latest SenseCAP S210x for your next successful industrial project.

SenseCAP Industrial Sensor
Data Logger
Air Temp & Humidity
Air Temp & Humidity & CO2
Soil Moisture & Temp
Soil Moisture & Temp & EC
LoRaWAN® Controller
8-in-1 Weather Station

Microsoft Azure IoT

Microsoft Azure IoT is a collection of Microsoft-managed cloud services that connect, monitor, and control billions of IoT assets. It includes security and operating systems for devices and equipment, along with data and analytics that help businesses to build, deploy and manage IoT applications.


Power BI

Connect and analyze your entire data estate by combining Power BI with Azure analytics services—including Azure Synapse Analytics and Azure Data Lake Storage. Analyze petabytes of data, use advanced AI capabilities, apply additional data protection, and more easily share insights across your organization.

Turn your data into a competitive advantage by using Power BI and Azure together to connect, combine, and analyze your entire data estate.

In this tutorial, you configure your IoT Central application to export telemetry collected from the devices. You then use Power BI to create a custom dashboard for the store manager to visualize the insights derived from the telemetry.

In this tutorial, you learn how to:

  • Configure an IoT Central application to export telemetry to an event hub.
  • Use Logic Apps to send data from an event hub to a Power BI streaming dataset.
  • Create a Power BI dashboard to visualize data in the streaming dataset.

Preliminary preparation

To complete this tutorial, you need:

Create a Resource Group

Before you create your event hub and logic app, you need to create a resource group to manage them. The resource group should be in the same location as your In-store analytics - checkout IoT Central application. To create a resource group:

Step 1. Sign in to the Azure portal.

Step 2. In the left navigation, select Resource groups. Then select Create.

  • For Subscription, select the name of the Azure subscription you used to create your IoT Central application.
  • For the Resource group name, enter retail-store-analysis.
  • For the Region, select the same region you chose for the IoT Central application.

Step 3. Select Review + Create.

On the Review + Create page, select Create.

You now have a resource group called retail-store-analysis in your subscription.

Configure an Event Hub

Before you can configure the retail monitoring application to export telemetry, you need to create an event hub to receive the exported data. The following steps show you how to create your event hub:

Step 4. In the Azure portal, select Create a resource at the top left of the screen.

Step 5. In Search the Marketplace, enter Event Hubs, and then press Enter.

Step 6. Create an event hub

On the Event Hubs page, select Create. On the Create Namespace page, take the following steps:

  • Select the same Subscription you used to create your IoT Central application.
  • Select the retail-store-analysis resource group.
  • Enter a unique name for the namespace such as k1100-retail-store-analysis.
  • Select the same location you used for your IoT Central application.
  • Choose the Basic pricing tier.

Select Review + create. You may have to wait a few minutes for the system to provision the resources.

Step 7. Get an Event Hubs share key.

In the Azure portal, navigate to the retail-store-analysis resource group.

Wait for the deployment to complete. You may need to select Refresh to update the deployment status. You can also check the status of the event hub namespace creation in the Notifications.

In the retail-store-analysis resource group, select the Event Hubs Namespace.

You see the home page for your Event Hubs Namespace in the portal.

You need a connection string with send permissions to connect from IoT Central. To create a connection string:

  • In your Event Hubs namespace in the Azure portal, select Shared access policies. Select + Add.
  • Enter SendPolicy as the policy name, select Send, and then select Create.
  • Select SendPolicy in the list of policies. Make a note of the Connection string-primary key value. You use it when you configure the export destination in IoT Central.

Step 8. Get an Event Hubs manage and listen key.

You need a connection string with manage and listen permissions to connect to the event hub from your logic app. To retrieve a connection string:

  • In your Event Hubs namespace in the Azure portal, select Shared access policies.

  • Select RootManageSharedAccessKey in the list of policies. Make a note of the Connection string-primary key value. You use it when you configure the logic app to fetch telemetry from your event hub.

Step 8. Create an event hub to use.

Now you have an Event Hubs Namespace, you can create an event hub to use with your IoT Central application:

  • On the home page for your Event Hubs Namespace in the portal, select + Event Hub.
  • On the Create Event Hub page, enter store-telemetry as the name, and then select Create.

You now have an event hub you can use when you configure data export from your IoT Central application.

Configure data export

Now you have an event hub, you can configure your IoT Central Application to export telemetry from the connected devices. The following steps show you how to configure the export.

Step 1. Sign in to your IoT Central Application.

Step 2. Data export

Select Data export in the left pane. Select + New export.

  • Enter Telemetry export as the export name.
  • Select Telemetry as type of data to export.
  • In the Destinations section, select create a new one.
  • New destination
    • Enter Store data event hub as the Destination name.
    • Select Azure Event Hubs as the Destination type.
    • Select Connection string as the Authorization.
    • Paste in the connection string for the SendPolicy you saved when you create the event hub.
    • Enter store-telemetry as the Event Hub.

Select Create and then Save.

On the Telemetry export page, wait for the export status to change to Healthy.

The data export may take a few minutes to start sending telemetry to your event hub. You can see the status of the export on the Data exports page.

Create the Power BI datasets

Your Power BI dashboard will display data from your retail monitoring application. In this solution, you use Power BI streaming datasets as the data source for the Power BI dashboard. In this section, you define the schema of the streaming datasets so that the logic app can forward data from the event hub. The following steps show you how to create two streaming datasets for the environmental sensors and one streaming dataset for the occupancy sensor:

Step 1. Sign in to your Power BI account.

Step 2. Create a workspace.

Select Workspaces, and then select Create a workspace.

On the Create a workspace page, enter In-store analytics - checkout as the Workspace name. Select Save.

Step 3. Create a streaming dataset.

On the workspace page, select + New > Streaming dataset.

On the New streaming dataset page, choose API, and then select Next.

Enter Sensor as the Dataset name.

Enter the three Values from stream in following table:

Value nameValue type
Acceleration XNumber
Acceleration YNumber
Acceleration ZNumber

You now have a streaming datasets. The logic app will route telemetry from the Wio Terminal connected to your In-store analytics - checkout application to the dataset.

Create a logic app

In this solution, the logic app reads telemetry from the event hub, parses the data, and then sends it to the Power BI streaming datasets you created.

Before you create the logic app, you need the device ID of the Wio Terminal you connected to your IoT Central application.

Step 1. Note the Device ID.

Make a note of the Device ID. In the following screenshot, the ID is k1100:

Step 2. Create the logic app

  • Sign in to the Azure portal and select Create a resource at the top left of the screen.
  • In Search the Marketplace, enter Logic App, and then press Enter.

On the Logic App create page:

  • Select the same Subscription you used to create your IoT Central application.
  • Select the retail-store-analysis resource group.
  • Enter a unique name for your logic app such as yourname-retail-store-analysis.
  • Select the same location you used for your IoT Central application.
  • Select the Type as Consumption.

Select Create. You may have to wait a few minutes for the system to provision the resources.

Step 2. Configure Logic Apps Designer

In the Azure portal, navigate to your new logic app. On the Logic Apps Designer page, scroll down and select Blank Logic App.

  • In Search connectors and triggers, enter Event Hubs.
  • In Triggers, select When events are available in Event Hub.
  • Enter Store telemetry as the Connection name.
  • Select Access key as the Authentication Type.
  • Paste in the event hub connection string for the RootManageSharedAccessKey policy you made a note of previously, and select Create.

In the When events are available in Event Hub action:

  • In Event Hub name, select store-telemetry.
  • In Content type, select application/json.
  • Set the Interval to three and the Frequency to seconds
  • Select Save to save your logic app.

To add the logic to your logic app design, select Code view:

Replace "actions: {}," with the following JSON. Then replace the placeholder [YOUR RUUVITAG DEVICE ID] with the ID of your Wio Terminal.

"actions": {
"Initialize_Device_ID_variable": {
"inputs": {
"variables": [
"name": "DeviceID",
"type": "String"
"runAfter": {},
"type": "InitializeVariable"
"Parse_Telemetry": {
"inputs": {
"content": "@triggerBody()?['ContentData']",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"deviceId": {
"type": "string"
"enqueuedTime": {
"type": "string"
"telemetry": {
"properties": {
"accelX": {
"type": "number"
"accelY": {
"type": "number"
"accelZ": {
"type": "number"
"type": "object"
"templateId": {
"type": "string"
"type": "object"
"runAfter": {
"Initialize_Device_ID_variable": [
"type": "ParseJson"
"Set_Device_ID_variable": {
"inputs": {
"name": "DeviceID",
"value": "@body('Parse_Telemetry')?['deviceId']"
"runAfter": {
"Parse_Telemetry": [
"type": "SetVariable"
"Switch_by_DeviceID": {
"cases": {
"Occupancy": {
"actions": {},
"case": "Occupancy"
"Sensor_environment": {
"actions": {},
"case": "k1100"
"default": {
"actions": {}
"expression": "@variables('DeviceID')",
"runAfter": {
"Set_Device_ID_variable": [
"type": "Switch"

Select Save and then select Designer to see the visual version of the logic you added.

Select Switch by DeviceID to expand the action. Then select Sensor environment, and select Add an action.

In Search connectors and actions, enter Add rows to a dataset. Select the Power BI Add rows to a dataset action.

Select Sign in and follow the prompts to sign in to your Power BI account. After the sign-in process is complete, in the Add rows to a dataset action:

  • Select In-store analytics - checkout as the Workspace.
  • Select Sensor as the Dataset.
  • Select RealTimeData as the Table.
  • Select Add new parameter and then select the Timestamp, Light, Acceleration X, Acceleration Y, Acceleration Z and Sound fields.
  • Select the Timestamp field, and then select enqueuedTime from the Dynamic content list.
  • Select the Light field, and then select See more next to Parse Telemetry. Then select Light.
  • Select the Acceleration X field, and then select See more next to Parse Telemetry. Then select accelX.
  • Select the Acceleration Y field, and then select See more next to Parse Telemetry. Then select accelY.
  • Select the Acceleration Z field, and then select See more next to Parse Telemetry. Then select accelZ.
  • Select the Sound field, and then select See more next to Parse Telemetry. Then select Sound.

Select Save to save your changes. The Sensor environment action looks like the following screenshot.

Select the Zone 2 environment action, and select Add an action.

In Search connectors and actions, enter Add rows to a dataset.

The logic app runs automatically. To see the status of each run, navigate to the Overview page for the logic app in the Azure portal and select Runs history. Select Refresh to update the list of runs.

Create a Power BI dashboard

Now you have telemetry flowing from your IoT Central application through your event hub. Then your logic app parses the event hub messages and adds them to a Power BI streaming dataset. Now, you can create a Power BI dashboard to visualize the telemetry:

Step 1. Sign in to your Power BI account.

Step 2. Select Workspaces > In-store analytics - checkout.

Step 3. Select + New > Dashboard.

Enter Store analytics as the dashboard name, and select Create.

Add line charts

Add a line chart tiles to show the Tri-axis from the Wio Terminal buit-in sensors. Use the information in the following table to create the tiles. To add each tile, start by selecting Edit > Add a tile.

Select Custom Streaming Data, and then select Next.

Configure the horizontal coordinate to display the timestamp and the vertical coordinate to display the data values on the X, Y and Z axes.

When the data stream starts to transfer, you will be able to see the dashboard as a line graph.

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