Shield MaTrix V0.9
Shield MaTrix is a stackable Shield for Arduino, which makes it possible to learn programming using the most simple sensors on board.
Version Tracker
Revision | Descriptions | Release |
0.9 | Prototype | 11th-April-2013 |
0.9b | Public version | 27th-October-2013 |
Arduino Mega compatible (recommended Freaduino Mega V1.4 (ATMega 2560 ) )
Support for Arduino Shield
Support for wireless devices based on the nRF24L01+, xBee
Support Matrix LED 60mm 8X8 ( bright red , bright green , yellow)
IR control ( remote control )
RGB LED ( to indicate the various parameters)
Clock button ( on / off various settings )
Buzzer ( Alarm or pressing the remote control buttons )
Light sensor (automatic illumination matrices )
RTC ( real time clock )
I2C- interface (optional I / O)
Voltage 9-24 V or USB controller (recommended 12V 2A)
Application Ideas
- Digital clock (synchronization NTP) with alarm
- Weather station (temperature-house street-cellar, pressure, humidity)
- Marquee (reading e-mail, social networks, etc.)
- Data transfer (on a similar device)
The principle of data display
To display different information on the LED matrix display uses dynamic . At the same time information is displayed only one line ( corresponding LED lights (red and (or ) green ) ) , all other lines - repaid. The next step - the previous line is extinguished and ignited the next line ( for her current LEDs). Switching rows is very fast and eyes perceive this switch as a single image .
To minimize the number of pins involved are two different types of chips: the shift registers (used for control columns) and a demultiplexer ( control lines).
Shift registers included chain and connected via SPI ( pins involved are described below).
Demultiplexer has three address inputs (DA0, DA1, DA2) - a combination of "0" and "1" at the entrances clearly points to one of the 8 outputs, which will be active level . Additionally the demultiplexer has control inputs (E1, E2, E3) - with the first two (E1 and E2, they are connected in our scheme ) organized a complete quenching of the matrix , and with the input E3 - organized brightness adjustment (using PWM) .
Interface for 4 bicolor LED matrix
Set shift registers (74HC595 - 8 pcs.) To control the columns of LEDs
Demultiplexer 74HC138 to control the rows of LEDs and their brightness (via PWM)
Built-in clock (RTC) - based on the DS1307 with battery backup battery (CR1220 or CR1226)
Interface for RF- module nRF24L01 +
Clock button (for example, to turn off the alarm sound )
IR receiver at 38kHz ( for remote control )
Wiring for connecting RGB- LED with common cathode or anode (selected by jumper )
Light sensor ( for example, to automatically adjust the brightness)
Piezo transducer " beeper "
I2C- interface
xBee- interface
Interface for Arduino- Shield
Pins on the board, involved on Arduino Mega
D5 - IR receiver
D24 - clock button
D16 - DIN
D17 - DOUT
I2C (DS1307)
D20 - SDA
D21 - SCL
RGB-LED (check)
D34 - red
D35 - Green
D36 - Blue
nRF24L01 +
D19 - RF_IRQ
D37 - RF_SCK
D40 - RF_NSS
D41 - RF_CE
D45 - squeaker
A7 - light sensor
Shift Registers
D42 - SS
D51 - MOSI
D52 - SCK
D49 - DA0
D48 - DA1
D47 - DA2
D44 - E3 (brightness)
D43 - E1, E2 (quenching)
Necessary libraries
To use the various components Shield MaTrix requires the following libraries:
Displays information on the matrix - MaTrix - MaTrix (including a simple display test and two real time display sketches.)
Real-time clock (RTC) - RTClib - RTClib
IR-receiver - IRremote IRremote (With this library, you can control the display using an IR remoter)
nRF24L01 + - iBoardRF24 - iBoardRF24 (DevDuino Sensor Node 2.4G nRF24L01+ remote control library)
Additionally required libraries that are used during operation of libraries:
Features using libraries
Only two libraries require little comment on their use:
IR receiver
Since the IR receiver connected to digital pin of 5 must file / IRremote / IRremoteInt.h correct code as follows:
// Arduino Mega
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
//#define IR_USE_TIMER1 // tx = pin 11
//#define IR_USE_TIMER2 // tx = pin 9
#define IR_USE_TIMER3 // tx = pin 5
//#define IR_USE_TIMER4 // tx = pin 6
//#define IR_USE_TIMER5 // tx = pin 46
Initialize the module as follows:
//iBoardRF24 radio(CE,CSN,MOSI,MISO,SCK,IRQ);
iBoardRF24 radio(41,40,39,38,37,19);
Library functions MaTrix
To use the library in your sketch MaTrix need to declare a function void setup () to enter the following line of code:
#include <MaTrix.h> //connection library MaTrix
MaTrix mymatrix; //object creation mymatrix
byte array[8][8] - main array. The data from this array is determined that the currently displayed on the LED matrix
byte array[8][8] = { // An array of 64 bytes
{B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000}, // строка 7
{B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000}, // строка 6
{B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000}, // строка 5
{B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000}, // строка 4
{B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000}, // строка 3
{B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000}, // строка 2
{B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000}, // строка 1
{B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000} // строка 0
// red3 green3 red2 green2 red1 green1 red0 green0
Each bit corresponds to the corresponding LED in the matrix. 0 - LED "extinguished", 1 - LED "lit"
byte shadow[8][8] - additional ("shadow") array.
Library functions used for organizing various effects and scrolling text (data from the shadow of the array for a particular effect rewritten the rule of the "shadow" of the array in the main).
byte shadow[8][8] = { //An array of 64 bytes
{B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000}, // строка 7
{B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000}, // строка 6
{B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000}, // строка 5
{B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000}, // строка 4
{B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000}, // строка 3
{B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000}, // строка 2
{B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000}, // строка 1
{B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000} // строка 0
// red3 green3 red2 green2 red1 green1 red0 green0
// Color
#define RED 0
#define GREEN 1
#define YELLOW 2
// delay iteration in "drawing" effects (ms)
#define VSLOW 500
#define SLOW 150
#define MID 100
#define FAST 50
#define VFAST 25
// effects
#define FADE 4
#define LEFT 3
#define UP 1
#define DOWN 2
#define NONE 0
// hardware data
#define BRIGHT 44 // brightness (pin 44 - PWM)
#define LightSENS A7 // light sensor
Main function
**mymatrix.init();**- _Description_: nitialization module.
- _Description_:cleaning the display.
- _Description_: sets the display brightness.
- _brightLevel_:brightness level (byte), a value of 255 - set to maximum brightness.
Example of use:
- _Description_: returns the current display brightness.
Example of use:
- _Description_: displays the specified string.
- _pos_: starting position of the first character (byte). Counting from the right edge of the matrix, starting with 0.
- _color_: color (byte). Three predefined values - RED, GREEN, YELLOW
- _*Font_: a pointer to the font (unsigned char). Fonts available at the library: character - font5x8 (Latin), font6x8 (Latin and Cyrillic); digital - digit6x8bold, digit6x8future. Details about fonts, see the file fonts.c of the library archive MaTrix.
- _effect_: the effect of the inscription (char). Available predefined values: LEFT, UP, DOWN (shift in the corresponding direction), FADE (manifestation), NONE (No effect - instantly). Default value - NONE.
- _speed_: playback speed effect (int). Available predefined values: VSLOW, SLOW, MID, FAST, VFAST (from "very slow" to "very quickly"), default value - MID.
Example of use:
mymatrix.printString("123", 3, GREEN, font6x8, UP, SLOW);
- _Description_: displays the defined "running" line.
- _color_: color (byte). Three predefined values - RED, GREEN, YELLOW
- _*Font_: a pointer to the font (unsigned char). Fonts available at the library: character - font5x8 (Latin), font6x8 (Latin and Cyrillic); digital - digit6x8bold, digit6x8future. Details about fonts, see the file fonts.c of the library archive MaTrix.
- _speed_: playback speed effect (int). Available predefined values: VSLOW, SLOW, MID, FAST, VFAST (from "very slow" to "very quickly"), default value - MID.
Example of use:
mymatrix.printRunningString("MaTrix test!", RED, font6x8, FAST);
Auxiliary functions
**printArray();**- _Description_: displays the serial port the current state of the main array (array).
- _Description_: displays the serial port the current state of the "shadow" of the array (shadow).
- _Description_: function changes the bulk (array)so that when displayed in the matrix in a predetermined position of the desired output color desired symbol.
- _pos_:starting character position (byte). Counting from the right edge of the matrix, starting with 0.
- _color_: color (byte). Three predefined values - RED, GREEN, YELLOW
Attention! Font that is used when calling the function must be defined using the setFont.
**printCharShadow(unsigned char sym, byte pos, byte color);**- _Description_: function similar printChar, but is subject to modification "shadow" array (shadow).
- _Description_: function changes the bulk (array) so that when displayed on a matrix with a predetermined desired position of the array of characters displayed the color desired.
- _*s_: a pointer to an array of characters (unsigned char).
- _pos_: starting position of the first character (byte). Counting from the right edge of the matrix, starting with 0.
- _color_: color (byte). Three predefined values - RED, GREEN, YELLOW
Attention! Font that is used when calling the function must be defined using the setFont.
**printStrShadow(unsigned char *s, byte pos, byte color);**- _Description_: function similar printChar, but is subject to modification "shadow" array (shadow).
[ ZIP ] Current version of the library MaTrix.
The right side of the board (when viewed from the matrix) are:
Clock button
Interface for nRF24l01 +
Place mounting RGB-LED
Select jumper type LEDs (common anode or common cathode)
IR receiver
I2C - Interface
On the left side of the board are:
Light sensor
Piezo buzzer (beeper)
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