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Connect to TTN

The Things Stack(TTS) is a LoRaWAN® Network Server stack which is the critical component for any LoRaWAN solution. In this chapter we will guide users to connect the Wio Tracker 1110 Dev Board to the Things Network.

Configure the Dev Board

Before connecting to the TTS, you need to configure the basic parameters of your board on SenseCAP Mate APP, check Get Started for more details.

  • Set the platform to TTN, and then copy the Device EUI/APP EUI/APP Key.


Configure The Things Stack

Step 1: Create an application

Navigate to Applications page, click "+Create application".


Enter an Application ID, click Create Application to save your changes.


Step 2: Register the Device

Paste the Device EUI/APP EUI/APP Key, and select the frequency plan according to your device, and then click Register end device.



The JoinEUI formerly called AppEUI, they are the same.

Step 3: Configure the decoder

Navigate to Payload formatters, select Formatter type to Custom Javasript formatter, then copy the following code:

function decodeUplink (input) {
const bytes = input['bytes']
const fport = parseInt(input['fPort'])
const bytesString = bytes2HexString(bytes)
const originMessage = bytesString.toLocaleUpperCase()
const decoded = {
valid: true,
err: 0,
payload: bytesString,
messages: []
if (fport === 199 || fport === 192) {
decoded.messages.push({fport: fport, payload: bytesString})
return { data: decoded }
if (fport !== 5) {
decoded.valid = false
return { data: decoded }
let measurement = messageAnalyzed(originMessage)
if (measurement.length === 0) {
decoded.valid = false
return { data: decoded }

for (let message of measurement) {
if (message.length === 0) {
let elements = []
for (let element of message) {
if (element.errorCode) {
decoded.err = element.errorCode
decoded.errMessage = element.error
} else {
if (elements.length > 0) {
// decoded.messages = measurement
return { data: decoded }

function messageAnalyzed (messageValue) {
try {
let frames = unpack(messageValue)
let measurementResultArray = []
for (let i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
let item = frames[i]
let dataId = item.dataId
let dataValue = item.dataValue
let measurementArray = deserialize(dataId, dataValue)
return measurementResultArray
} catch (e) {
return e.toString()

function unpack (messageValue) {
let frameArray = []

for (let i = 0; i < messageValue.length; i++) {
let remainMessage = messageValue
let dataId = remainMessage.substring(0, 2).toUpperCase()
let dataValue
let dataObj = {}
let packageLen
switch (dataId) {
case '12':
packageLen = getInt(remainMessage.substring(8, 10)) * 2 + 10
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, 8) + remainMessage.substring(10, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '13':
packageLen = 24
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '14':
packageLen = 74
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '15':
packageLen = 60
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '16':
packageLen = 18
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '17':
let byteCount = parseInt(remainMessage.substring(2, 4), 16)
packageLen = getInt(remainMessage.substring(2, 4)) * 2
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(4, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
if (isNaN(byteCount) || byteCount < 13 || (byteCount - 9) % 4 !== 0 || byteCount > 49) {
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '18':
packageLen = 56
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
return frameArray
if (dataValue.length < 2) {
return frameArray

function deserialize (dataId, dataValue) {
let measurementArray = []
let eventList = []
let measurement = {}
let collectTime = parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000)
let groupId = 0
let shardFlag = {}
let payload = ''
let value
let result = []
let dataArr = []
switch (dataId) {
case '12':
shardFlag = getShardFlag(dataValue.substring(0, 2))
groupId = getInt(dataValue.substring(2, 6))
payload = dataValue.substring(6)
measurement = {
measurementId: '6152',
groupId: groupId,
index: shardFlag.index,
count: shardFlag.count,
type: 'gnss-ng payload',
measurementValue: payload
case '13':
collectTime = getUTCTimestamp(dataValue.substring(8, 16))
shardFlag = getShardFlag(dataValue.substring(16, 18))
groupId = getInt(dataValue.substring(18, 22))
measurementId: '4200',
timestamp: collectTime,
motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)),
groupId: groupId,
index: shardFlag.index,
count: shardFlag.count,
type: 'Event Status',
measurementValue: getEventStatus(dataValue.substring(0, 6))
case '14':
collectTime = getUTCTimestamp(dataValue.substring(8, 16))
measurementArray = [
{measurementId: '4200', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Event Status', measurementValue: getEventStatus(dataValue.substring(0, 6))},
{measurementId: '5001', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Wi-Fi Scan', measurementValue: getMacAndRssiObj(dataValue.substring(16, 72))}
case '15':
collectTime = getUTCTimestamp(dataValue.substring(8, 16))
measurementArray = [
{measurementId: '4200', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Event Status', measurementValue: getEventStatus(dataValue.substring(0, 6))},
{measurementId: '5002', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'BLE Scan', measurementValue: getMacAndRssiObj(dataValue.substring(16, 58))},
case '16':
collectTime = getUTCTimestamp(dataValue.substring(8, 16))
measurementId: '3576',
timestamp: collectTime,
type: 'Positioning Status',
measurementValue: getPositingStatus(dataValue.substring(0, 2))
timestamp: collectTime,
measurementId: '4200',
type: 'Event Status',
measurementValue: getEventStatus(dataValue.substring(2, 8))
case '17':
collectTime = getUTCTimestamp(dataValue.substring(6, 14))
value = getUnsignedSensorValue(dataValue.substring(0, 6))
if (value !== null) {
measurementId: '4208',
measureTime: collectTime,
type: 'Custom Event Status',
measurementValue: value
let initId = 4165
for (let i = 14; i < dataValue.length; i += 8) {
value = getUnsignedSensorValue(dataValue.substring(i, i + 8))
if (value !== null) {
timestamp: collectTime,
measurementId: initId++,
type: 'Custom Measurement Type',
measurementValue: value
case '18':
collectTime = getUTCTimestamp(dataValue.substring(6, 14))
measurementId: '4200',
timestamp: collectTime,
type: 'Event Status',
measurementValue: getEventStatus(dataValue.substring(0, 6))
value = getSignSensorValue(dataValue.substring(14, 18), 10)
if (value !== null) {
measurementId: '4097',
timestamp: collectTime,
type: 'Air Temperature',
measurementValue: value
value = getUnsignedSensorValue(dataValue.substring(18, 20), 1)
if (value !== null) {
measurementId: '4098',
timestamp: collectTime,
type: 'Air Humidity',
measurementValue: value
value = getUnsignedSensorValue(dataValue.substring(20, 26), 1)
if (value !== null) {
measurementId: '4101',
timestamp: collectTime,
type: 'Barometric Pressure',
measurementValue: value
value = getUnsignedSensorValue(dataValue.substring(26, 30), 1)
if (value !== null) {
measurementId: '4115',
timestamp: collectTime,
type: 'Distance',
measurementValue: value
value = getUnsignedSensorValue(dataValue.substring(30, 34), 100)
if (value !== null) {
measurementId: '4190',
timestamp: collectTime,
type: 'UV Index',
measurementValue: value
value = getUnsignedSensorValue(dataValue.substring(34, 38), 1)
if (value !== null) {
measurementId: '4206',
timestamp: collectTime,
type: 'VOC_INDEX',
measurementValue: value
value = getUnsignedSensorValue(dataValue.substring(38, 42), 1)
if (value !== null) {
measurementId: '4207',
timestamp: collectTime,
type: 'Noise',
measurementValue: value
value = getSignSensorValue(dataValue.substring(42, 46), 100)
if (value !== null) {
measurementId: '4150',
timestamp: collectTime,
type: ' AccelerometerX',
measurementValue: value
value = getSignSensorValue(dataValue.substring(46, 50), 100)
if (value !== null) {
measurementId: '4151',
timestamp: collectTime,
type: 'AccelerometerY',
measurementValue: value
value = getSignSensorValue(dataValue.substring(50, 54), 100)
if (value !== null) {
measurementId: '4152',
timestamp: collectTime,
type: 'AccelerometerZ',
measurementValue: value
return measurementArray

function getMotionId (str) {
return getInt(str)

function getPositingStatus (str) {
let status = getInt(str)
switch (status) {
case 0:
return {id:status, statusName:"Positioning successful."}
case 1:
return {id:status, statusName:"The GNSS scan timed out and failed to obtain the location."}
case 2:
return {id:status, statusName:"The Wi-Fi scan timed out and failed to obtain the location."}
case 3:
return {id:status, statusName:"The Wi-Fi + GNSS scan timed out and failed to obtain the location."}
case 4:
return {id:status, statusName:"The GNSS + Wi-Fi scan timed out and failed to obtain the location."}
case 5:
return {id:status, statusName:"The Bluetooth scan timed out and failed to obtain the location."}
case 6:
return {id:status, statusName:"The Bluetooth + Wi-Fi scan timed out and failed to obtain the location."}
case 7:
return {id:status, statusName:"The Bluetooth + GNSS scan timed out and failed to obtain the location."}
case 8:
return {id:status, statusName:"The Bluetooth + Wi-Fi + GNSS scan timed out and failed to obtain the location."}
case 9:
return {id:status, statusName:"Location Server failed to parse the GNSS location."}
case 10:
return {id:status, statusName:"Location Server failed to parse the Wi-Fi location."}
case 11:
return {id:status, statusName:"Location Server failed to parse the Bluetooth location."}
case 12:
return {id:status, statusName:"Failed to parse the GNSS location due to the poor accuracy."}
case 13:
return {id:status, statusName:"Time synchronization failed."}
case 14:
return {id:status, statusName:"Failed to obtain location due to the old Almanac."}
return getInt(str)

function getShardFlag (str) {
let bitStr = getByteArray(str)
return {
count: parseInt(bitStr.substring(0, 4), 2),
index: parseInt(bitStr.substring(4), 2)

function bytes2HexString (arrBytes) {
var str = ''
for (var i = 0; i < arrBytes.length; i++) {
var tmp
var num = arrBytes[i]
if (num < 0) {
tmp = (255 + num + 1).toString(16)
} else {
tmp = num.toString(16)
if (tmp.length === 1) {
tmp = '0' + tmp
str += tmp
return str
function loraWANV2DataFormat (str, divisor = 1) {
let strReverse = bigEndianTransform(str)
let str2 = toBinary(strReverse)
if (str2.substring(0, 1) === '1') {
let arr = str2.split('')
let reverseArr = => {
if (parseInt(item) === 1) {
return 0
} else {
return 1
str2 = parseInt(reverseArr.join(''), 2) + 1
return '-' + str2 / divisor
return parseInt(str2, 2) / divisor

function bigEndianTransform (data) {
let dataArray = []
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i += 2) {
dataArray.push(data.substring(i, i + 2))
return dataArray

function toBinary (arr) {
let binaryData = => {
let data = parseInt(item, 16)
let dataLength = data.length
if (data.length !== 8) {
for (let i = 0; i < 8 - dataLength; i++) {
data = `0` + data
return data
return binaryData.toString().replace(/,/g, '')

function getMacAndRssiObj (pair) {
let pairs = []
if (pair.length % 14 === 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < pair.length; i += 14) {
let mac = getMacAddress(pair.substring(i, i + 12))
if (mac) {
let rssi = getInt8RSSI(pair.substring(i + 12, i + 14))
pairs.push({mac: mac, rssi: rssi})
} else {
return pairs

function getMacAddress (str) {
if (str.toLowerCase() === 'ffffffffffff') {
return null
let macArr = []
for (let i = 1; i < str.length; i++) {
if (i % 2 === 1) {
macArr.push(str.substring(i - 1, i + 1))
let mac = ''
for (let i = 0; i < macArr.length; i++) {
mac = mac + macArr[i]
if (i < macArr.length - 1) {
mac = mac + ':'
return mac

function getInt8RSSI (str) {
return loraWANV2DataFormat(str)

function getInt (str) {
return parseInt(str, 16)

function getEventStatus (str) {
// return getInt(str)
let bitStr = getByteArray(str)
let bitArr = []
for (let i = 0; i < bitStr.length; i++) {
bitArr[i] = bitStr.substring(i, i + 1)
bitArr = bitArr.reverse()
let event = []
for (let i = 0; i < bitArr.length; i++) {
if (bitArr[i] !== '1') {
switch (i){
case 0:
event.push({id:1, eventName:"Start moving event."})
case 1:
event.push({id:2, eventName:"End movement event."})
case 2:
event.push({id:3, eventName:"Motionless event."})
case 3:
event.push({id:4, eventName:"Shock event."})
case 4:
event.push({id:5, eventName:"Temperature event."})
case 5:
event.push({id:6, eventName:"Light event."})
case 6:
event.push({id:7, eventName:"SOS event."})
case 7:
event.push({id:8, eventName:"Press once event."})
return event

function getByteArray (str) {
let bytes = []
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i += 2) {
bytes.push(str.substring(i, i + 2))
return toBinary(bytes)

function getUTCTimestamp(str){
return parseInt(loraWANV2PositiveDataFormat(str)) * 1000
function getUnsignedSensorValue (str, dig = 1) {
if (isNull(str)) {
return null
return parseInt(str, 16) / dig
function isNull (str) {
if (str.substring(0, 1) !== '8') {
return false
for (let i = 1; i < str.length; i++) {
if (str.substring(i, i + 1) !== '0') {
return false
return true
function getSignSensorValue (str, dig = 1) {
if (isNull(str)) {
return null
return loraWANV2DataFormat(str, dig)
function loraWANV2PositiveDataFormat (str, divisor = 1) {
let strReverse = bigEndianTransform(str)
let str2 = toBinary(strReverse)
return parseInt(str2, 2) / divisor


Step 4: Check the data

When the device tries to connect to the network, the breathing light will flash. If the device joins the network successfully, the breathing light will flash quickly, and there will be a light and cheerful melody.

Then you can check the data on the TTS console.



TTN decoder for Wio Tracker 1110 Dev Board

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