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reTerminal DM Flash Raspbian OS to eMMC


reTerminal DM is A 10.1" open-source industrial HMI - an Integrated Device Master to unify data flow and manage the onsite device.

Based on Raspberry Pi CM4, and as a Panel PC, HMI, PLC, IIoT Gateway all-in-one device, reTerminal DM is a new generation of interactive sensing hub with an IP65 industrial-grade large screen.

It is equipped with rich scalability and hybrid connectivity, supporting CAN bus, RS485, RS232, Gigabit Ethernet port, and other interfaces, as well as powerful wireless communication capabilities such as 4G, LoRa®, WiFi, and BLE.

*4G and LoRa® modules does not come with reTerminal DM by default, please purchase the relevant modules accordingly, for 4G bundle


The Sensecraft Edge OS can be download from Here, please note that this Sensecraft Edge OS is currently developed based on reTerminal DM and only works with Production version reTerminal DM

Hardware Requirements

You need to prepare the following hardware

  • reTerminal DM x 1
  • Host Computer (Windows/Mac/Linux) x 1
  • Ethernet cable x 1
  • Power adapter (12V-24V) BYO
  • USB Type-C cable x 1

Software Requirements

Steps for Flashing Raspbian OS

  • Step 1. Flip the boot mode switch located next to the USB Type-C port, make sure switch is set to disable eMMC boot mode according to the diagram below:


  • Step 2. Please use the USB Type-C data cable connect to the Type-C port on the reTerminal DM, as shown in the above image,

  • Step 3. Please connect the Power Cord from the power supply to the reTerminal DM power port.


Please make sure you have connected the power cord in the right polarity.


Now let's move on to software set up on your host computer. Please follow the steps according to your desired operating system

For Windows

  • Step 1. Download the rpiboot setup installer by click here to install the necessary drivers and the boot tool

  • Step 2. Connect reTerminal DM to the PC via USB Type-C cable

Windows will now find the hardware and install the necessary drivers

  • Step 3. Search for rpiboot tool that we installed before and open it

  • Step 4. Open file explorer and you will see the eMMC of the Computer Module 4 shown as a USB mass storage device

  • Step 5. Download Raspberry Pi Imager software from here

  • Step 6. Open Raspberry Pi Imager software


  • Step 7. Press CTRL + SHIFT + X on the keyboard to open Advanced options window


Here you can set a hostname, enable SSH, set a password, configure wiFi, set locale settings and more

  • Step 8. Click CHOOSE OS and select your preferred OS


NOTE: You can select other OS such as 64-bit Ubuntu by navigating into Other general purpose OS


  • Step 9. Click CHOOSE STORAGE and select the connected eMMC drive

  • Step 10. Finally, click WRITE


Please wait a few minutes until the flashing process is complete.

  • Step 11. Flip the Boot Mode switch back to the original position

Now you can skip to here


Once the above steps finished and you have reapply the power to the reTerminal DM, the Power LED should turn on yellow color and the ACT LED should flashing green color, but the screen is blank and no backlight. please do not panic, you just need to following the install drivers steps to revive the screen.



You need to install homebrew before proceed the following steps. Please open a terminal and type brew -V to check if you have setup the correct homebrew environment, you should see the version of the homebrew environment you have installed.

  • Step 1. Clone the usbboot repository
git clone --depth=1
cd usbboot
  • Step 2. Install libusb
brew install libusb
  • Step 3. Install pkg-config
brew install pkg-config
  • Step 4. Build using make
  • Step 5. Run the binary
sudo ./rpiboot
  • Step 6. Connect reTerminal to the your Mac computer via USB Type-C cable

  • Step 7. Download and Install Raspberry Pi Imager Application by visiting this link

  • Step 8. Open the Raspberry Pi Imager Application


  • Step 9. Press CTRL + SHIFT + X on the keyboard to open Advanced options window


Here you can set a hostname, enable SSH, set a password, configure wifi, set locale settings and more

  • Step 10. Click CHOOSE OS and select your preferred OS


NOTE: You can select OS such as 64-bit Ubuntu by navigating into Other general purpose OS


  • Step 11. Click CHOOSE STORAGE and select the connected eMMC drive

  • Step 12. Finally, click WRITE


Please wait a few minutes until the flashing process is complete.

  • Step 13. Flip the Boot Mode switch back to the original position

Now you can skip to here


Once the above steps finished and you have reapply the power to the reTerminal DM, you should experience that the Power LED should turn on yellow color and the ACT LED should flashing green color, but the screen is blank and no backlight. please do not panic, you just need to following the install drivers steps to revive the screen.

For Linux

We will use Git to obtain the rpiboot source code, so make sure Git is installed

  • Step 1. Open a Terminal window and type the following to update the packages list
sudo apt-get update
  • Step 2. Install Git by the following command
sudo apt install git libusb-1.0-0-dev pkg-config build-essential
  • Step 3. Git might produce an error if the date is not set properly. Type the following to correct this
sudo date MMDDhhmm

NOTE: Where MM is the month, DD is the date, and hh and mm are hours and minutes respectively.

  • Step 4. Clone the usbboot tool repository
git clone --depth=1
cd usbboot
  • Step 5. Build and install the usbboot tool
  • Step 6. Run the usbboot tool and it will wait for a connection
sudo ./rpiboot

The result is shown as below:


  • Step 7. Connect reTerminal to the PC via USB Type-C cable

  • Step 8. Download snap

sudo apt install snap
  • Step 9. Download rpi-imager
snap install rpi-imager
  • Step 10. Open Raspberry Pi Imager software

The result is shown as below:


  • Step 11. Press CTRL + SHIFT + X on the keyboard to open Advanced options window

Set a hostname, set a password, configure wifi, set locale settings


Enable SSH


Here you can set a hostname, enable SSH, set a password, configure wifi, set locale settings and more

  • Step 11. Click CHOOSE OS and select your preferred OS


NOTE: You can select OS such as 64-bit Ubuntu by navigating into Other general purpose OS


  • Step 12. Click CHOOSE STORAGE and select the connected eMMC drive

  • Step 13. Finally, click NEXT and YES


Please wait a few minutes until the flashing process is complete. The result is shown as below:


  • Step 14. Flip the Boot Mode Switch back to the original position

Once the above steps finished and you have reapply the power to the reTerminal DM, you should experience that the Power LED should turn on yellow color and the ACT LED should flashing green color, but the screen is blank and no backlight. please do not panic, you just need to following the install drivers steps to revive the screen.

Install Drivers

Access reTerminal DM via SSH


The following steps require some basic Linux command line knowledge, Please prepare yourself a cup of coffee and getting ready.

As following the above flashing OS steps, the reTerminal DM should have SSH enabled with the hostname of raspberrypi.local.

Now please connect the Ethernet cable to the reTerminal DM and a router which is on the same network as your host computer.


To test if your reTerminal DM is on the same network with host computer, you can use ping raspberrypi.local

if you see the following output after the ping command which means both devices are on the same network:


For Windows
  • Step 1. Open Command Prompt and type the following
# ssh username@hostname
ssh [email protected]
  • Step 2. Type yes for the prompt


  • Step 3. Enter the password as follows
  • Step 4. If you have sucessfully logged into the Raspberry Pi OS, you will see the following output


For Mac/Linux
  • Step 1. Open Terminal on the computer and type the following
  • Step 2. Type yes for the following message
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:XXXXXXX.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?
  • Step 3. When it asks for the password, type the following
  • Step 4. If you have sucessfully logged into the Raspberry Pi OS, you will see the following output


Install reTerminal drivers after flashing new Raspbian OS

reTerminal DM comes with the necessary drivers pre-installed out-of-the-box so you don't need to install any additional drivers. However, if you flash new OS by yourself, you need to install the necessary drivers separately.


For install 32-bit OS driver, Please carefully follow the steps below:

The Operating System that pre-installed on reTerminal DM is 64-bit, if you wish to install 32-bit OS please use the following method to install the DTS drivers.

Please follow the Access reTerminal DM via SSH step, and then enter the following command:

echo arm_64bit=0 | sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt

Then continue the Install drivers after flashing new Raspbian OS process

  • Step 1. Clone the following repo in the ssh shell you have connected to reTerminal DM from the above steps
sudo apt install git -y
git clone --depth 1
  • Step 2. Enter the repo
cd seeed-linux-dtoverlays
  • Step 3. Type the following to install the drivers
sudo ./scripts/ --device reTerminal-plus
  • Step 4. Reboot the reTerminal DM
sudo reboot

Now your screen should light up and run normally.


Touch Screen orientation

Q: The screen touch panel is orientate differently from the screen display?

A: Please carefully follow the steps below:

Please follow the access reTerminal DM via SSH step, and then enter the following command:

echo 'ATTRS{name}=="gt9271", ENV{LIBINPUT_CALIBRATION_MATRIX}="0  1.0  0 -1.0 0 1.0 0 0 1.0"' | sudo tee -a /etc/udev/rules.d/98-touchscreen-cal.rules

Then reboot:

sudo reboot

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