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TTN Mapper Configuration

TTN Mapper is a convenient tool used for mapping the network coverage of gateways connected to The Things Stack. Check the official TTN Mapper documentation site for more details.

This tutorial will guide users to add the SenseCAP T1000 Tracker to TTN Mapper.

In order to explore the next steps, please refer to Connect to The Things Network to register your device first.

Configure the Payload formatters

Create a Custom JavaScript formatter and copy the following code.


Decoder for TTN Mapper
function decodeUplink (input) {
const bytes = input['bytes']
const fport = parseInt(input['fPort'])
const bytesString = bytes2HexString(bytes)
const originMessage = bytesString.toLocaleUpperCase()
const decoded = {
valid: true,
err: 0,
payload: bytesString,
messages: []
if (fport === 199 || fport === 192) {
decoded.messages.push({fport: fport, payload: bytesString})
return { data: decoded }
if (fport !== 5) {
decoded.valid = false
return { data: decoded }
let measurement = messageAnalyzed(originMessage)
if (measurement.length === 0) {
decoded.valid = false
return { data: decoded }

for (let message of measurement) {
if (message.length === 0) {
let elements = []
for (let element of message) {
if (element.errorCode) {
decoded.err = element.errorCode
decoded.errMessage = element.error
} else {
if (element.measurementId === '4197') {
decoded.longitude = element.measurementValue
if (element.measurementId === '4198') {
decoded.latitude = element.measurementValue
if (elements.length > 0) {
// decoded.messages = measurement
return { data: decoded }

function messageAnalyzed (messageValue) {
try {
let frames = unpack(messageValue)
let measurementResultArray = []
for (let i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
let item = frames[i]
let dataId = item.dataId
let dataValue = item.dataValue
let measurementArray = deserialize(dataId, dataValue)
return measurementResultArray
} catch (e) {
return e.toString()

function unpack (messageValue) {
let frameArray = []

for (let i = 0; i < messageValue.length; i++) {
let remainMessage = messageValue
let dataId = remainMessage.substring(0, 2).toUpperCase()
let dataValue
let dataObj = {}
let packageLen
switch (dataId) {
case '01':
packageLen = 94
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '02':
packageLen = 32
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '03':
packageLen = 64
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '04':
packageLen = 20
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '05':
packageLen = 10
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '06':
packageLen = 44
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '07':
packageLen = 84
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '08':
packageLen = 70
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '09':
packageLen = 36
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '0A':
packageLen = 76
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '0B':
packageLen = 62
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '0C':
packageLen = 2
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
case '0D':
packageLen = 10
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '0E':
packageLen = getInt(remainMessage.substring(8, 10)) * 2 + 10
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, 8) + remainMessage.substring(10, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '0F':
packageLen = 34
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '10':
packageLen = 26
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
case '11':
packageLen = 28
if (remainMessage.length < packageLen) {
return frameArray
dataValue = remainMessage.substring(2, packageLen)
messageValue = remainMessage.substring(packageLen)
dataObj = {
'dataId': dataId, 'dataValue': dataValue
return frameArray
if (dataValue.length < 2) {
return frameArray

function deserialize (dataId, dataValue) {
let measurementArray = []
let eventList = []
let measurement = {}
let collectTime = 0
let groupId = 0
let shardFlag = {}
let payload = ''
let result = []
let dataArr = []
switch (dataId) {
case '01':
measurementArray = getUpShortInfo(dataValue)
measurementArray.push(...getMotionSetting(dataValue.substring(30, 40)))
measurementArray.push(...getStaticSetting(dataValue.substring(40, 46)))
measurementArray.push(...getShockSetting(dataValue.substring(46, 52)))
measurementArray.push(...getTempSetting(dataValue.substring(52, 72)))
measurementArray.push(...getLightSetting(dataValue.substring(72, 92)))
case '02':
measurementArray = getUpShortInfo(dataValue)
case '03':
measurementArray.push(...getMotionSetting(dataValue.substring(0, 10)))
measurementArray.push(...getStaticSetting(dataValue.substring(10, 16)))
measurementArray.push(...getShockSetting(dataValue.substring(16, 22)))
measurementArray.push(...getTempSetting(dataValue.substring(22, 42)))
measurementArray.push(...getLightSetting(dataValue.substring(42, 62)))
case '04':
let interval = 0
let workMode = getInt(dataValue.substring(0, 2))
let heartbeatInterval = getMinsByMin(dataValue.substring(4, 8))
let periodicInterval = getMinsByMin(dataValue.substring(8, 12))
let eventInterval = getMinsByMin(dataValue.substring(12, 16))
switch (workMode) {
case 0:
interval = heartbeatInterval
case 1:
interval = periodicInterval
case 2:
interval = eventInterval
measurementArray = [
{measurementId: '3940', type: 'Work Mode', measurementValue: workMode},
{measurementId: '3942', type: 'Heartbeat Interval', measurementValue: heartbeatInterval},
{measurementId: '3943', type: 'Periodic Interval', measurementValue: periodicInterval},
{measurementId: '3944', type: 'Event Interval', measurementValue: eventInterval},
{measurementId: '3941', type: 'SOS Mode', measurementValue: getSOSMode(dataValue.substring(16, 18))},
{measurementId: '3900', type: 'Uplink Interval', measurementValue: interval}
case '05':
measurementArray = [
{measurementId: '3000', type: 'Battery', measurementValue: getBattery(dataValue.substring(0, 2))},
{measurementId: '3940', type: 'Work Mode', measurementValue: getWorkingMode(dataValue.substring(2, 4))},
{measurementId: '3965', type: 'Positioning Strategy', measurementValue: getPositioningStrategy(dataValue.substring(4, 6))},
{measurementId: '3941', type: 'SOS Mode', measurementValue: getSOSMode(dataValue.substring(6, 8))}
case '06':
collectTime = getUTCTimestamp(dataValue.substring(8, 16))
measurementArray = [
{measurementId: '4200', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Event Status', measurementValue: getEventStatus(dataValue.substring(0, 6))},
{measurementId: '4197', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Longitude', measurementValue: parseFloat(getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(16, 24), 1000000))},
{measurementId: '4198', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Latitude', measurementValue: parseFloat(getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(24, 32), 1000000))},
{measurementId: '4097', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Air Temperature', measurementValue: getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(32, 36), 10)},
{measurementId: '4199', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Light', measurementValue: getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(36, 40))},
{measurementId: '3000', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Battery', measurementValue: getBattery(dataValue.substring(40, 42))}
case '07':
eventList = getEventStatus(dataValue.substring(0, 6))
collectTime = getUTCTimestamp(dataValue.substring(8, 16))
measurementArray = [
{measurementId: '4200', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Event Status', measurementValue: getEventStatus(dataValue.substring(0, 6))},
{measurementId: '5001', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Wi-Fi Scan', measurementValue: getMacAndRssiObj(dataValue.substring(16, 72))},
{measurementId: '4097', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Air Temperature', measurementValue: getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(72, 76), 10)},
{measurementId: '4199', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Light', measurementValue: getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(76, 80))},
{measurementId: '3000', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Battery', measurementValue: getBattery(dataValue.substring(80, 82))}
case '08':
collectTime = getUTCTimestamp(dataValue.substring(8, 16))
measurementArray = [
{measurementId: '4200', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Event Status', measurementValue: getEventStatus(dataValue.substring(0, 6))},
{measurementId: '5002', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'BLE Scan', measurementValue: getMacAndRssiObj(dataValue.substring(16, 58))},
{measurementId: '4097', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Air Temperature', measurementValue: getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(58, 62), 10)},
{measurementId: '4199', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Light', measurementValue: getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(62, 66))},
{measurementId: '3000', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Battery', measurementValue: getBattery(dataValue.substring(66, 68))}
case '09':
collectTime = getUTCTimestamp(dataValue.substring(8, 16))
measurementArray = [
{measurementId: '4200', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Event Status', measurementValue: getEventStatus(dataValue.substring(0, 6))},
{measurementId: '4197', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Longitude', measurementValue: parseFloat(getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(16, 24), 1000000))},
{measurementId: '4198', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Latitude', measurementValue: parseFloat(getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(24, 32), 1000000))},
{measurementId: '3000', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Battery', measurementValue: getBattery(dataValue.substring(32, 34))}
case '0A':
collectTime = getUTCTimestamp(dataValue.substring(8, 16))
measurementArray = [
{measurementId: '4200', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Event Status', measurementValue: getEventStatus(dataValue.substring(0, 6))},
{measurementId: '5001', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Wi-Fi Scan', measurementValue: getMacAndRssiObj(dataValue.substring(16, 72))},
{measurementId: '3000', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Battery', measurementValue: getBattery(dataValue.substring(72, 74))}
case '0B':
collectTime = getUTCTimestamp(dataValue.substring(8, 16))
measurementArray = [
{measurementId: '4200', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Event Status', measurementValue: getEventStatus(dataValue.substring(0, 6))},
{measurementId: '5002', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'BLE Scan', measurementValue: getMacAndRssiObj(dataValue.substring(16, 58))},
{measurementId: '3000', timestamp: collectTime, motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)), type: 'Battery', measurementValue: getBattery(dataValue.substring(58, 60))},
case '0D':
let errorCode = getInt(dataValue)
let error = ''
switch (errorCode) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
measurementArray.push({errorCode, error})
case '0E':
shardFlag = getShardFlag(dataValue.substring(0, 2))
groupId = getInt(dataValue.substring(2, 6))
payload = dataValue.substring(6)
measurement = {
measurementId: '6152',
groupId: groupId,
index: shardFlag.index,
count: shardFlag.count,
type: 'gnss-ng payload',
measurementValue: payload
case '0F':
collectTime = getUTCTimestamp(dataValue.substring(8, 16))
shardFlag = getShardFlag(dataValue.substring(26, 28))
groupId = getInt(dataValue.substring(28, 32))
measurementId: '4200',
timestamp: collectTime,
motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)),
groupId: groupId,
index: shardFlag.index,
count: shardFlag.count,
type: 'Event Status',
measurementValue: getEventStatus(dataValue.substring(0, 6))
measurementId: '4097',
timestamp: collectTime,
motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)),
groupId: groupId,
index: shardFlag.index,
count: shardFlag.count,
type: 'Air Temperature',
measurementValue: '' + getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(16, 20), 10)
measurementId: '4199',
timestamp: collectTime,
motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)),
groupId: groupId,
index: shardFlag.index,
count: shardFlag.count,
type: 'Light',
measurementValue: '' + getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(20, 24))
measurementId: '3000',
timestamp: collectTime,
motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)),
groupId: groupId,
index: shardFlag.index,
count: shardFlag.count,
type: 'Battery',
measurementValue: '' + getBattery(dataValue.substring(24, 26))
case '10':
collectTime = getUTCTimestamp(dataValue.substring(8, 16))
shardFlag = getShardFlag(dataValue.substring(18, 20))
groupId = getInt(dataValue.substring(20, 24))
measurementId: '4200',
timestamp: collectTime,
motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)),
groupId: groupId,
index: shardFlag.index,
count: shardFlag.count,
type: 'Event Status',
measurementValue: getEventStatus(dataValue.substring(0, 6))
measurementId: '3000',
timestamp: collectTime,
motionId: getMotionId(dataValue.substring(6, 8)),
groupId: groupId,
index: shardFlag.index,
count: shardFlag.count,
type: 'Battery',
measurementValue: '' + getBattery(dataValue.substring(16, 18))
case '11':
collectTime = getUTCTimestamp(dataValue.substring(8, 16))
measurementId: '3576',
timestamp: collectTime,
type: 'Positioning Status',
measurementValue: getPositingStatus(dataValue.substring(0, 2))
timestamp: collectTime,
measurementId: '4200',
type: 'Event Status',
measurementValue: getEventStatus(dataValue.substring(2, 8))
if (!isNaN(parseFloat(getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(16, 20), 10)))) {
timestamp: collectTime,
measurementId: '4097',
type: 'Air Temperature',
measurementValue: '' + getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(16, 20), 10)
if (!isNaN(parseFloat(getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(20, 24))))) {
timestamp: collectTime,
measurementId: '4199',
type: 'Light',
measurementValue: '' + getSensorValue(dataValue.substring(20, 24))
timestamp: collectTime,
measurementId: '3000',
type: 'Battery',
measurementValue: '' + getBattery(dataValue.substring(24, 26))
return measurementArray

function getMotionId (str) {
return getInt(str)

function getPositingStatus (str) {
let status = getInt(str)
switch (status) {
case 0:
return {id:status, statusName:"Positioning successful."}
case 1:
return {id:status, statusName:"The GNSS scan timed out and failed to obtain the location."}
case 2:
return {id:status, statusName:"The Wi-Fi scan timed out and failed to obtain the location."}
case 3:
return {id:status, statusName:"The Wi-Fi + GNSS scan timed out and failed to obtain the location."}
case 4:
return {id:status, statusName:"The GNSS + Wi-Fi scan timed out and failed to obtain the location."}
case 5:
return {id:status, statusName:"The Bluetooth scan timed out and failed to obtain the location."}
case 6:
return {id:status, statusName:"The Bluetooth + Wi-Fi scan timed out and failed to obtain the location."}
case 7:
return {id:status, statusName:"The Bluetooth + GNSS scan timed out and failed to obtain the location."}
case 8:
return {id:status, statusName:"The Bluetooth + Wi-Fi + GNSS scan timed out and failed to obtain the location."}
case 9:
return {id:status, statusName:"Location Server failed to parse the GNSS location."}
case 10:
return {id:status, statusName:"Location Server failed to parse the Wi-Fi location."}
case 11:
return {id:status, statusName:"Location Server failed to parse the Bluetooth location."}
case 12:
return {id:status, statusName:"Failed to parse the GNSS location due to the poor accuracy."}
case 13:
return {id:status, statusName:"Time synchronization failed."}
case 14:
return {id:status, statusName:"Failed to obtain location due to the old Almanac."}
return getInt(str)

function getUpShortInfo (messageValue) {
return [
measurementId: '3000', type: 'Battery', measurementValue: getBattery(messageValue.substring(0, 2))
}, {
measurementId: '3502', type: 'Firmware Version', measurementValue: getSoftVersion(messageValue.substring(2, 6))
}, {
measurementId: '3001', type: 'Hardware Version', measurementValue: getHardVersion(messageValue.substring(6, 10))
}, {
measurementId: '3940', type: 'Work Mode', measurementValue: getWorkingMode(messageValue.substring(10, 12))
}, {
measurementId: '3965', type: 'Positioning Strategy', measurementValue: getPositioningStrategy(messageValue.substring(12, 14))
}, {
measurementId: '3942', type: 'Heartbeat Interval', measurementValue: getMinsByMin(messageValue.substring(14, 18))
}, {
measurementId: '3943', type: 'Periodic Interval', measurementValue: getMinsByMin(messageValue.substring(18, 22))
}, {
measurementId: '3944', type: 'Event Interval', measurementValue: getMinsByMin(messageValue.substring(22, 26))
}, {
measurementId: '3945', type: 'Sensor Enable', measurementValue: getInt(messageValue.substring(26, 28))
}, {
measurementId: '3941', type: 'SOS Mode', measurementValue: getSOSMode(messageValue.substring(28, 30))

function getMotionSetting (str) {
return [
{measurementId: '3946', type: 'Motion Enable', measurementValue: getInt(str.substring(0, 2))},
{measurementId: '3947', type: 'Any Motion Threshold', measurementValue: getSensorValue(str.substring(2, 6), 1)},
{measurementId: '3948', type: 'Motion Start Interval', measurementValue: getMinsByMin(str.substring(6, 10))},

function getStaticSetting (str) {
return [
{measurementId: '3949', type: 'Static Enable', measurementValue: getInt(str.substring(0, 2))},
{measurementId: '3950', type: 'Device Static Timeout', measurementValue: getMinsByMin(str.substring(2, 6))}

function getShockSetting (str) {
return [
{measurementId: '3951', type: 'Shock Enable', measurementValue: getInt(str.substring(0, 2))},
{measurementId: '3952', type: 'Shock Threshold', measurementValue: getInt(str.substring(2, 6))}

function getTempSetting (str) {
return [
{measurementId: '3953', type: 'Temp Enable', measurementValue: getInt(str.substring(0, 2))},
{measurementId: '3954', type: 'Event Temp Interval', measurementValue: getMinsByMin(str.substring(2, 6))},
{measurementId: '3955', type: 'Event Temp Sample Interval', measurementValue: getSecondsByInt(str.substring(6, 10))},
{measurementId: '3956', type: 'Temp ThMax', measurementValue: getSensorValue(str.substring(10, 14), 10)},
{measurementId: '3957', type: 'Temp ThMin', measurementValue: getSensorValue(str.substring(14, 18), 10)},
{measurementId: '3958', type: 'Temp Warning Type', measurementValue: getInt(str.substring(18, 20))}

function getLightSetting (str) {
return [
{measurementId: '3959', type: 'Light Enable', measurementValue: getInt(str.substring(0, 2))},
{measurementId: '3960', type: 'Event Light Interval', measurementValue: getMinsByMin(str.substring(2, 6))},
{measurementId: '3961', type: 'Event Light Sample Interval', measurementValue: getSecondsByInt(str.substring(6, 10))},
{measurementId: '3962', type: 'Light ThMax', measurementValue: getSensorValue(str.substring(10, 14), 10)},
{measurementId: '3963', type: 'Light ThMin', measurementValue: getSensorValue(str.substring(14, 18), 10)},
{measurementId: '3964', type: 'Light Warning Type', measurementValue: getInt(str.substring(18, 20))}

function getShardFlag (str) {
let bitStr = getByteArray(str)
return {
count: parseInt(bitStr.substring(0, 4), 2),
index: parseInt(bitStr.substring(4), 2)

function getBattery (batteryStr) {
return loraWANV2DataFormat(batteryStr)
function getSoftVersion (softVersion) {
return `${loraWANV2DataFormat(softVersion.substring(0, 2))}.${loraWANV2DataFormat(softVersion.substring(2, 4))}`
function getHardVersion (hardVersion) {
return `${loraWANV2DataFormat(hardVersion.substring(0, 2))}.${loraWANV2DataFormat(hardVersion.substring(2, 4))}`

function getSecondsByInt (str) {
return getInt(str)

function getMinsByMin (str) {
return getInt(str)

function getSensorValue (str, dig) {
if (str === '8000') {
return null
} else {
return loraWANV2DataFormat(str, dig)

function bytes2HexString (arrBytes) {
var str = ''
for (var i = 0; i < arrBytes.length; i++) {
var tmp
var num = arrBytes[i]
if (num < 0) {
tmp = (255 + num + 1).toString(16)
} else {
tmp = num.toString(16)
if (tmp.length === 1) {
tmp = '0' + tmp
str += tmp
return str
function loraWANV2DataFormat (str, divisor = 1) {
let strReverse = bigEndianTransform(str)
let str2 = toBinary(strReverse)
if (str2.substring(0, 1) === '1') {
let arr = str2.split('')
let reverseArr = => {
if (parseInt(item) === 1) {
return 0
} else {
return 1
str2 = parseInt(reverseArr.join(''), 2) + 1
return '-' + str2 / divisor
return parseInt(str2, 2) / divisor

function bigEndianTransform (data) {
let dataArray = []
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i += 2) {
dataArray.push(data.substring(i, i + 2))
return dataArray

function toBinary (arr) {
let binaryData = => {
let data = parseInt(item, 16)
let dataLength = data.length
if (data.length !== 8) {
for (let i = 0; i < 8 - dataLength; i++) {
data = `0` + data
return data
return binaryData.toString().replace(/,/g, '')

function getSOSMode (str) {
return loraWANV2DataFormat(str)

function getMacAndRssiObj (pair) {
let pairs = []
if (pair.length % 14 === 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < pair.length; i += 14) {
let mac = getMacAddress(pair.substring(i, i + 12))
if (mac) {
let rssi = getInt8RSSI(pair.substring(i + 12, i + 14))
pairs.push({mac: mac, rssi: rssi})
} else {
return pairs

function getMacAddress (str) {
if (str.toLowerCase() === 'ffffffffffff') {
return null
let macArr = []
for (let i = 1; i < str.length; i++) {
if (i % 2 === 1) {
macArr.push(str.substring(i - 1, i + 1))
let mac = ''
for (let i = 0; i < macArr.length; i++) {
mac = mac + macArr[i]
if (i < macArr.length - 1) {
mac = mac + ':'
return mac

function getInt8RSSI (str) {
return loraWANV2DataFormat(str)

function getInt (str) {
return parseInt(str, 16)

function getEventStatus (str) {
// return getInt(str)
let bitStr = getByteArray(str)
let bitArr = []
for (let i = 0; i < bitStr.length; i++) {
bitArr[i] = bitStr.substring(i, i + 1)
bitArr = bitArr.reverse()
let event = []
for (let i = 0; i < bitArr.length; i++) {
if (bitArr[i] !== '1') {
switch (i){
case 0:
event.push({id:1, eventName:"Start moving event."})
case 1:
event.push({id:2, eventName:"End movement event."})
case 2:
event.push({id:3, eventName:"Motionless event."})
case 3:
event.push({id:4, eventName:"Shock event."})
case 4:
event.push({id:5, eventName:"Temperature event."})
case 5:
event.push({id:6, eventName:"Light event."})
case 6:
event.push({id:7, eventName:"SOS event."})
case 7:
event.push({id:8, eventName:"Press once event."})
return event

function getByteArray (str) {
let bytes = []
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i += 2) {
bytes.push(str.substring(i, i + 2))
return toBinary(bytes)

function getWorkingMode (workingMode) {
return getInt(workingMode)

function getPositioningStrategy (strategy) {
return getInt(strategy)

function getUTCTimestamp(str){
return parseInt(loraWANV2PositiveDataFormat(str)) * 1000

function loraWANV2PositiveDataFormat (str, divisor = 1) {
let strReverse = bigEndianTransform(str)
let str2 = toBinary(strReverse)
return parseInt(str2, 2) / divisor

Add Webhook template

Navigate to Integrations -> Webhooks, then select TTN Mapper.


Give a name to your integration by filling in the Webhook ID field.

Fill in the Email address field with a valid email, needed for your data to be accepted by TTN Mapper. All data sent by your end device will be associated to this email address and it will provide some guarantees of the data quality.

To read more about experiments, read the Experiments section here.

Finish by clicking the Create TTN Mapper webhook button.


Observe The Network Coverage

Navigate to TTN Mapper and select Advanced Maps in the top menu.

In the Device data section, fill in the Device ID field with the device ID from The Things Stack.
Choose today as the Start Date and the End Date.
Click the View Map button to see data points coming from your end device’s uplink data.



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