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InfluxDB Integrated(via TTS)

InfluxDB is an open source time series database, focusing on high-performance reading, high-performance writing, efficient storage and real-time analysis of massive time series data. In addition to native protocols such as HTTP and UDP, it is also compatible with communication protocols of components such as CollectD, Graphite, OpenTSDB, and Prometheus. Widely used in DevOps monitoring, IoT monitoring, real-time analysis and other scenarios.

The content of this chapter will guide users how to connect the SenseCAP T1000 Tracker to InfluxDB through TTN.


Before starting the setup, please check Connect SenseCAP T1000 to TTS to connect your SenseCAP T1000 Tracker to TTS first.


Before ste up the InfluxDB, we need to in install the Telegraf agent (version 1.9.2 or higher) .

Telegraf Configuration

Setup InfluxDB Cloud

Log in to your InfluxDB Cloud.


Create Bucket

On the Buckets tab.


Click the Create Bucket button to create a new bucket.


Name your bucket, choose how long the data will remain in the database and then click Create.


Generate Tokens

Navigate to API TOKENS tab and click the GENERATE API TOKEN button to create a token.



Configure the Telegraf

MQTT Integration

This section shows you how to configure your Telegraf agent with MQTT Consumer plugin used for connecting to TTS MQTT Server.



Select your bucket we created before, and select system.


Name your configuration, select Create and Verify and then Finish.


Once you have downloaded the Telegraf configuration file as described in InfluxDB Cloud 2.0 Setup, update it by adding the following lines and modifying them according to your MQTT server info:

#MQTT broker URLs to be used. The format is scheme://host:port, schema can be tcp, ssl, or ws.
servers = ["tcp://localhost:1883"]
#Topics to subscribe to
topics = ["#"]
#Username and password
username = "example"
#Needed only if your payload type is string, since Telegraf does not forward data of this type by default
json_string_fields = ["uplink_message_frm_payload"]
#Define the message format
data_format = "json"

You can check the TTS info on the following tab.


Next, you need to copy the previously generated token from the Tokens tab and export it to an environmental variable to be used by the InfluxDB output plugin, or you can simply pass it directly as a token value in the configuration file. You can set the environmental variable by using the following command in your terminal:

INFLUX_TOKEN="paste your token here"

Run the Telegraf agent in your terminal with the following command:

telegraf --config /path/to/custom/telegraf.conf


HTTP Integration

This section shows you how to configure the Telegraf agent with HTTP Listener v2 plugin and how to create a belonging Webhook integration on The Things Stack.

Update the Telegraf configuration you previously downloaded as described in InfluxDB Cloud 2.0 Setup by adding the following lines and modifying them according to your setup:

# Address and port to host HTTP listener on
service_address = ":8080"
# Path to listen to
path = "/telegraf"
# HTTP methods to accept
methods = ["POST"]
# Needed only if your payload type is string, since Telegraf does not forward data of this type by default
json_string_fields = ["uplink_message_frm_payload"]
# Define the message format
data_format = "json"

Copy the generated token from the Tokens tab and use it as a token value for the output plugin in your Telegraf configuration file, or export it to an environmental variable with the following command in your terminal:

INFLUX_TOKEN="paste your token here"

Start the Telegraf agent by running the following command in the terminal:

telegraf --config /path/to/custom/telegraf.conf

Data Explorer

Select your explorer type, select _measurement on the drop-down menu in the Filter window and tick the mqtt_consumer box. Then you can choose the topic and parameter you wish to monitor.

Location Data

FROM: Your bucket
MEASUREMENT: matt_sonsumer
_field: uplink_message_decoded_payload
topic: v3/...


You can also click SAVE AS in the upper right corner to save this explorer as a Dashboard cell.



A dashboard is where you visualize and interact with data in real time. You can customize the dashboard according to your needs.

Navigate to Dashboard tab and click Create Dashbaord.



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