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mmWave for XIAO to Home Assistant via Bluetooth


24GHz mmWave Sensor for XIAO - Human Static Presence is a expansion board for Seeed Studio XIAO series. It is an antenna-integrated, high-sensitivity mmwave sensor that is based on the FMCW principle. Combined with sensor signal processing and accurate human body sensing algorithms, it can identify human bodies in motion and stationary states.

This chapter primarily introduces how the 24GHz mmWave Sensor for XIAO connects to the HA via Bluetooth. For detailed functional features of the 24GHz mmWave Sensor for XIAO, you can refer to here.


All contents of this Wiki apply only to 24GHz mmWave for XIAO and may not be used on other millimetre wave sensors.

Getting Started

Hardware Preparations

In this article, we will use mmWave for XIAO in conjunction with the XIAO ESP32C3 to plug it into Home Assistant for the sake of aesthetics and ease of wiring. if you want to follow this tutorial to the letter, then you will need to prepare the following modules.

Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C324GHz mmWave for XIAO

The sensor is designed for XIAO compatibility, so in general, if you want to use this sensor, you need to prepare an XIAO and install the female header row pin for the sensor. When connecting to the XIAO, please pay special attention to the installation direction of the sensor, please do not plug it in backwards, otherwise it is likely to burn the sensor or the XIAO.


The correct direction to follow is that the antenna of the sensor should face outwards.

After confirming that the connection direction is correct, you can connect the USB-C type cable to the computer or 3.3V power supply, and the sensor will start to work.


If you don't have an XIAO on hand at the moment, then you have the option of powering the mmwave for XIAO separately by connecting TTL to its 3.3V pin and GND pin, which can also be done using the content of this tutorial. For this tutorial, there is no need to use the RX and TX pins.

Software Preparations

If you haven't installed HomeAssistant yet, you can refer to the official HomeAssistant tutorial by clicking here.


Step 1. Discovery Device

In Home Assistant, click the setting in the lower left corner, select Devices&Services in the center.

In the Discovered zone, there will be a sensor icon, click configure.

A popup window will appear, click submit.

You will see a successful configuration popup, click finish.

Step 2. Configurate Device

In the configured zone, click ld2410_ble.

Once you are in the sensor settings page, click 1 device.

Add the sensor's return value to the dashboard.

Select ADD TO DASHBOARD in the popup window.

Finally, click overview in the upper left corner, you will see the mmwave-for-xiao sensor data successfully displayed on the dashboard. So far the mmwave for xiao sensor has been successfully connected to the Home Assistant.

Next, you can get creative with your automation!

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